posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 04:24 PM
Trust me, you don't want chick advice.
Remember, any guy no matter what he looks like can get with any girl!
Just follow simple rules, If a girl is way smoking hot, look briefly for all her faults, this will in your mind bring her down to your level, and then
smile and say something complimenting a physical feature, that most likely no other guy has commented on, but you can tell she's self concious about
it. Dimples, Highlighted hair etc... not a$$ t8Ts or anything like that, not even smile!
Beer goggles are not a myth, BBC did a study and found them very true, strict research on it.
You may not be able to do a handstand on a edge of a cliff, but don't make it that that is what you need to do, although stay in shape, and before
s7x drink alot of water and poweraid, really helps performance!
Remember girls are self concious beings, as uptight and self righteous as they seem, they just want that compliment desperately.
U2U me if you want pick up lines, can't have girls finding them out ya know..... and there not the cheesy ones, more or less conversation breakers,
and get her thinking about you all day.