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Newsweek editor claims Obama is 'sort of God.'

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posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 10:17 AM

I think it was likened to a lowercase god, aka, a superman of sorts when he was being greeted by other nations populations. its actually a accurate representation of a historic the beetles coming to America were treated as gods, or Jim Morrison was like a god when he was on top of the charts in the 60s...not a divine God, but, for lack of a better word...godlike...a idol worship of a man.

I don't think so........

He said he was up above, looking down, a great teacher.

The Beatles were considered gods because people liked/loved them and their music. Musicians being called gods is completely different. Like saying Rock Gods!. It is all about and related to the music. Akin to fanaticism.

Obama........ Like a God, looking down from above, great teacher.

He is expected to change the world, bring peace to the world, make amends with the enemy and bridge religions.

Jesus....... was God. Came down from above and was a great teacher.

Jesus changed the world, he preached peace and love, he taught us to love and forgive our enemies.

Clearly he was speaking to a real "G"od not an iconic pop "g"od.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 10:20 AM
I don't know who is worse, Obama or Pelosi. I cannot believe nobody in congress is making a stink about these Czars, they are accountable to no one, no hearings, no votes, no nothing.

[edit on 10-6-2009 by Steve73]

[edit on 10-6-2009 by Steve73]

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 10:29 AM
I am going to post this response I sent to someone else about 2012 and what is going on kind of relevant to this obama god brainwashing comment.

I thought I would comment on your vid. This is kind of long but I hope you can stay with me because i kind of had a little ephinpy while writing this. And i just noticed you made your video in 2008 I bet you're really freaking out now.

If you think you're going to save your fortune you're in the wrong mindset. It's good to buy gold and get out of stocks; continue to prepare your finances as any other financial disaster. In 1930's the government went door to door confiscating gold from EVERYONE. Buy Solid Objects, land, houses, ect. maybe even a farm. but if # really hits the fan or some weird thing happens money and all forms of money are going to mean nothing. But if you do go that route buy gold and silver coins. Do not rely on a bank statement that says you own this amount. You physically need it in hand if its going to be used to buy necessities like bread, water or safety.

Think about your most basic needs, shelter, food, water, fire, protection. (Buy a bunch of cool camping stuff) There is really nothing else you can do. Personally I am just gathering supplies and if December 22, 2012 comes and it is just another day then I have a cool little barbecue, a lot of water, a sweet personal protection hand gun and a ton of camping supplies lol

You know what, people think I am nuts too and some even called me evangelical for just trying to get them to look at the information. And that totally offends me because I far from some religious bible beater. I have taken time to research this stuff, there is a shadow government with a greater agenda that is not good, I don't know about the whole nibiru thing or alien wars But I can assure you that something is going on, something is being planned and you can feel it in your gut. We are living in a false reality, false history ect. I think the elite are planning a MAJOR war and the universe is trying to wake the people up drive them to a safer reality. I think thats the separation we are getting between people, you're seeing it right now as speak. Peoples realities are falling apart. Some people are pulling out of the matrix and the other are coming more deeply embedded.

You have Group One - These people are like, dude, #ing aliens, evil, propoganda, NWO, government responsible for financial collapse, false flag terror, the fed reserve, the devil, obama, rothschild, spirituality, psych powers, science, annunaki and the gods, kissinger, government black ops, nasa black ops, ect ect. Group One has been 'compelled' to research and find new information, new science, alt history, kind of like a little alarm clock going off. It's all about educating, confirming, reading and watching. If you notice group one has been pulling out or evolving from about 2004 on...Nothing is by accident.

Then you have Group Two these people are like something like that would NEVER happen. Never ever. And you're crazy to think so. These people have no or very little connection spiritually to anything that is not human. They just aren't in 'touch.' Aliens, out of the question, shadow government, no no no. News stations using propaganda, Absurd and you should be jailed! That is how group two responds.

And this is where it gets interesting....Group One provides the information/facts good creditable information to Group Two. Group One provides evidence that can be researched, creditable whistleblowers, government officials and news reports and Group Two still can not even look at the information provided, they hammer down the crazy word with no other response. They will not even LOOK at the information or read about it. Their is closed.

I think this is what the myans are talking about, Group One will be pulled up to the next reality while group 2 is going to be stuck in the false matrix. Group 2 will die off somehow, I just don't know how.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by Tentickles

Does it really matter? In four more years the people of america will elect a Democrat or Republican again like the sheep they are while people like Ron Paul go unnoticed.People on ATS during the election were praising Obama for the "Change We Can Believe In" crap and when they figuried out that Obama was just another pawn in the NWOs goal they started saying america needs to wake up.

Ironic isn't it.

Alien Mind

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by Tentickles

This does not surprise me at all.

Look around to what is happening here.

Everyone is being distracted by this (insert what you think here)'s actions, words and the whole time nobody is realising why this is happening. NWO, illiminati, elites, governments, terror, war, Obama and so on. Its all the same thing, a big fat distraction by the biggest liar in existence.

Even when he says he is god people will still be in agreement and disagreement. Fences never got anyone anywhere nor did shooting the messenger with ignorance.

No point in me saying anymore, its not for me to say, especially on this site these days.

I had been distracted long enough and wont be wasting my time on his actions or words anymore.

[edit on 10-6-2009 by XXXN3O]

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by Ikimasu

I saw this as it aired. It was really creepy.

There was a definitely an awkwardness to the characterization that the other panelists seemed to experience. The guy tried to qualify his statements but the segment was finished not long after.

[edit on 10/6/2009 by kosmicjack]

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 10:51 AM

No, he has a more dangerous power. He can make Truth from lies!

I don't want to go here, I really don't, but that fits the figure of the anti christ,

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:06 AM
Yeah god is real, and hes the president
BULL#, that guy should be slapped for that.

Originally posted by 5thElement
So God is real after all ...

Wow, lol.

Would not that make Glenn Beck an Antichrist ?

Sheeple you say ? How about Kool-Aid drinkers ? Obamatrons ? Sorry, IMO you just lost all your credibility there ...

Allahu Akbar

[edit on 9-6-2009 by 5thElement]

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by Amagnon

The numbers are about 35% support obama but the Media is misleading people and a large percent are not educated on the issues.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by Alien Mind
reply to post by Tentickles

Does it really matter? In four more years the people of america will elect a Democrat or Republican again like the sheep they are while people like Ron Paul go unnoticed.People on ATS during the election were praising Obama for the "Change We Can Believe In" crap and when they figuried out that Obama was just another pawn in the NWOs goal they started saying america needs to wake up.

Ironic isn't it.

Alien Mind

You should actually do your research about the rise of the independent party. It's at about 39% and steadily growing while dems and repubs numbers are shrinking. Demns 37% and repubs around 34% and going down.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by epete22

And how about you show us your sources..

Being as anyone can come on here and throw numbers around

Alien mind

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:17 AM
To me it's amazing that one person's opinions are assumed to represent a vast swath of the American people. Talk about stereotyping. The idea that Obama is a "God" is just as ridiculous as the idea that he is "The Anti Christ".

If you believe that there can be a God or an Anti Christ you are no better then those who "worship" Obama.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:20 AM
omg this is just sickening,I feel so angry and shocked I cant even reply right
whats wrong with people?WHY is it so EASY to brainwash them?
Uhhh this is disgusting
HES JUST A F*CKIN human no GOD ,wake up!!!!!!!

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:45 AM
I think it's just baiting. Sort of a "throw the idea out there, and let the religious wackos make it into an Antichrist" thing. Then they can talk about how crazy the right wing is with it's religious fanatics running around calling Obama the Antichrist.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by rightuos
I think it's just baiting. Sort of a "throw the idea out there, and let the religious wackos make it into an Antichrist" thing. Then they can talk about how crazy the right wing is with it's religious fanatics running around calling Obama the Antichrist.

Nope, Newsweek backs up their beliefs with their liberal propaganda magazine. Just do a google search it's widely documented and their are more examples than you will want to read.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:58 AM
I saw this picture and thought it to be somewhat appropriate to the thread. Enjoy!

Hopefully that can generate a little humor. Anyhow, this is pretty maddening. The Executive Branch playing the "I'm above the Law" game has gone on WAY too long and we are definitely paying the price for their recklessness.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by Tentickles

I think you have a few problems going on here.

1) you recieve glenn becks email..nuff said.

2) you are giving credence to Newsweek?

Is this a promo thread?

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by open_eyeballs
reply to post by Tentickles

I think you have a few problems going on here.

1) you recieve glenn becks email..nuff said.

2) you are giving credence to Newsweek?

Is this a promo thread?

It's ok guys he's just a obama supporter.

Alien Mind

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 12:31 PM
WEll, this is what the left does to their leaders. The same thing happened, and is still happening with Chavez. Chavistas have been videotaped claiming that chavez is God, and he came to save them.

Sometime ago some other members and I were talking about the so called Maitreya figure. According to Benjamin Creme, Maitreya can change his appearance. He can appear as a black man, as an Arab, or a white man, etc.

However, one of the few pictures that exist in which Maitreya supposedly appeared as a man is this.

It doens't look like Obama, but then again even Creme claims Maitreya can change appearance, and we know that today with cosmetics anyone can almost look like anyone else.

I started researching about Maitreya, and his first appearance and it coincides exactly on the same day, and the same year, at the same place, and about the same time when Obama went to Africa for the first time to "visit his family".

BTW, December last year there was an article by a section of the Wall Street Journal which claimed "the Maitreya" was soon to be revealed, and that a star would appear in the skies, and this would be a sign for all to see that Maitreya is among us.

The article is a reference from "Share International" which is Benjamin Creme's organization about "preparing the world for the appeareance" of this false figure.

Back then, and still now I found it extremely strange that this would appear in what normally is a very grounded newspaper. It appeared again on a U.K. newspaper early this year making the same claims.

Obama might not be this Maitreya figure, however, I am certain he will be among the 8 figures that supposedly will rule with Maitreya the world.

I find it more, and more appaling that Liberals, who normally are atheists although not all of them are, are claiming Obama is a "messiah", or almost a God. Some don't say it exaclty but act, and imply that he can do no wrong, and is some sort of saint that will save the U.S. and mankind.

I tried searching for the posts i made which has the dates when both Maitreya, and Obama appeared in the same area of africa at the same time. For some reason ATS search engine many times does not work well, and does not give all the posts/threads that you are trying to search for, and I can't even find it on my profile section because I exceeded the 250 posts/threads.

Anyway, interesting that the Liberals/left are finally declaring that Obama is their God/saviour, and is above the U.S., the world, and of course, above all laws...
No wonder the Republic is being destroyed so quickly.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 12:42 PM
Not that I agree with the assertion that Obama is God IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM, but the flip side of this coin is the same as people asserting that Obama is the Antichrist.

Both are equally ridiculous but one side or the other supports such notions while pointing fingers at the other side saying, "How dare you say such things about him!"

It gets more ludicrous when a pundit from one side or the other says, "Look at the brainwashed [insert party affiliation here]. Their media is so biased. Something should be done about this!"

But then, both sides see through rose colored glasses that their party or leader can do no wrong. But what both sides fail to see is that both of the leaders are failing this country miserably.

I've said this in many posts and I will say it again and probably continue to say it....Once you guys realize that the gov't and the media are purposely pitting the sides against each other in order to prevent them from seeing WHAT'S REALLY GOING ON, nothing in this country will ever change.


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