Most folks consider that tooth decay was just a cover story for a much more sinister plan to make use of the US by those interested in world conquest.
You can see this in writing from UK's Bertrand Russell. Lord Bertrand Russell is a UK Nobel Prize winner, he kicked off the Manhattan Project using
Einstein, and he came up with the idea for the Conspiracy Industry to hide the Foreign Elements in the JFK assassination. Look at their games
The Controller’s tool of Fluoridation used against Americans
The British Connections to the use of Fluoridation to Mind Control the US Citizens so their economic power can be exploited for their gain.
Fluorides were found to suppress presence of mind in the early 30’s by the IG Farben Company, and this would become an issue for British to exploit
not only the US, but their own countrymen. The US and Britain were the first do fluoridation and it follows the high usage of sugar footprint on
food production. The need for Fluoride came from three principle issues and the first was that the British dominated the sugar trade via the
Atlantic Triangle causing increased tooth decay. The Second was fluorides were highly used in the strategic metals business for Aluminum, Uranium,
Steel, and other needs and this place a health impact footprint in the work force and surrounding residents. The Third was the Fluoride caused loss
of higher brain functions and could be used as a Mind Control effect on populations if administered in the water supply.
In 1945, the US began to look at using fluoride to lower cavities. This came to start a study in Grand Rapids, Michigan that then promoted the use of
fluoride in the public water to stem the rise of tooth decay from the high levels of sugar use in food and drinks. This method was right out of the
IG Farben methods, but the fact that fluoride in very low levels is cumulative in the body and impairs brain function was never mentioned. The
biggest spoils of war captured from Germany by the Allies was the IG Farben corporate systems success and this method of using fluoride to achieve
political control over the masses.
It is well known that the principle reason cavities affect the teeth stems from sugar on the teeth and this causes bacterial growth and the production
of a mild acid that eats holes in the tooth enamel. This happens primarily in countries addicted to sugar use in the food and drinks of the
countries. Fluoride was found to be able to affect the metabolism availability of trace metals used by bacteria and kill the production of the tooth
damaging acid. While fluoride adds protection to teeth, this is not all that it does. The very same mechanism that damages the bacterial DNA also
damages the cellular DNA process and those that produce the essential enzyme systems needed for cellular health. Fluoride also highly affects the
Pineal Gland that regulates the endocrine system that affects the health of the brain. Fluorides impact the Pineal Gland more seriously that any
other part of the body. This mind numbing effect of fluoride is essential for the exploitation of America’s Economic Power for their design for
world Fascism.
As the fluoride in the water supplies progressed, it was used against the Irish Catholic state, which was highly fluoride involved. This happened
also with the high rates of alcohol addiction used against the Irish Catholics for wealth gain of Britain. This also progressed to fluoride being
applied heavily in Australia, and was used to exploit this areas gains for Britain. Fluoride made a system much like the issue of the Movie
“Thunderdome”, where there was a Master and a Blaster. Where the little guy, meaning Britain, could control the much larger beasts, meaning the
US and areas like Australia, to do their biddings for the new form of British Colonization using Corporatism and big banking to control these regions
for their economic gains. In the case for inclusion of JFK into the Thunderdome theme, JFK would be Mad Max character acting for the greater good of
Auntie’s Common Good.
We can also see the British Lord Bertrand Russell giving much thought toward this system designed to indoctrinate the masses toward the goals of the
British Empire’s exploitation directions:
“Education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives,
of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished. . . . Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early
age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be
will become psychologically impossible.”
Bertrand Russell The Impact of Science on Society, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1953, p. 50.
The best model for understanding the effects of sugar on cavities is that of India, which doesn’t support the uses of sugar in their food chain.
India has virtually no cavities in their population became they stick to eating the simple foods and avoid the sugar use that promotes the growth of
bacteria in teeth that form the acids that eat holes in the teeth. Cavities are only a problem in the more developed countries that became hooked on
sugar by the British system. Sugar is mildly addictive because it affects the serotonin levels in the brain and people develop cravings for sugar.
This often drives obesity in the populations, as many can’t avoid these addictive properties of sugar. There is little doubt that sugar and
cavities have a one to one correspondence. This leads to the issues of fluoridation being used to support the sugar industry, which was highly
British derived. The British used sugar to develop the alcohol business that they used to addict their problem countries like Catholic Ireland next
door. The Roman Catholics have historically been opposed to the Protestant British that adopted the theme of the Pharisee. This causes the conflicts
between the British Northern Ireland and the state of Ireland, with a Civil War problem that continues today.
Thus, we discover that fluoridation was perhaps valued by Communist Countries, but when it comes to the US the real value is for those that seek to
exploit the US to their own World Corporatist goals. This associates to the British Royals and their Bilderberg World Corporatists that use fluoride
to set up their Master and Blaster methods to use the US to gain bigger world footprint by their endless designs for wars.
edit on 6-1-2012 by MagnumOpus because: add content