posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 08:50 AM
I have this very vivid memory of being very young... at what age I cant remember but I would have to guess it was before I was 6. I remember having
gotten in trouble for misbehaving and I got sent to bed with no dinner. I believe we were living in Salinas, California at the time. It was not a
dreadfully late hour, but probably around 9-11 PM. My stepdad at the time had come in to wake me up, talking about something outside. I followed him
and the rest of my family outside where we met up with the neighbors who were all staring at the sky in awe. When I looked up I saw a hugely bright
top-shaped object, orangish red in color with a saturn-like ring around it. It was FAR FAR FAR larger than the north star, so I dont believe it was a
star... or planet for that matter. It stayed stationary in the sky for at LEAST a few minutes. I remember the night so well also because my mom was
getting ready for the night shift at her job, was doing her hair and I grabbed her curling iron, not even 10-15 minutes after we went inside and
burned the snot out of myself. I ask my mom to this day if she remembers me burning my hand on the curling iron and she does... so i;m SURE its not a
dream, but it just seems all too unreal. Was this my first encounter with a UFO? Why of the very few memories I have of this age does this one stick
out so vividly to me? I remember after I burned my hand I sat down to watch E.T. because I thought it was him in the sky. Weird? Any input? Is this a
childs dream or imagination... or something else?
You decide as I dont know what to believe anymore.
EDIT: For informational purposes... I dont remember seeing the UFO go away. I dont remember if it flew off, blinked out or what... but I do remember
going inside directly after.
[edit on 6/9/2009 by ZyPHeR]