So essentially when people speak of the holographic universe, it is simply our perception of the vibrations and fields around us.
Also bear in mind that quantum physics speak of electrons somehow respond to every other electron in the universe and how one can affect another.
Maybe (and i take a leap here into disputed territory here) this is how our connection with the stars can affect us. Some call it astrology, haven't
scientist proved that the earth is bombarded with rays from outer space.
As i mentioned i am fascinated at how reactions (be them emotional or chemical) can be made when exposed to various musical frequencies.
How even sounds beyond our range of hearing (or more precisely frequencies as a sound has to be heard ) , how frequencies can affect us.
How sound waves have a pattern.
(please watch the video to see the patterns emerge on water, this is i believe an unchartered territory, although it could add strength to the sacred
chanting rituals of witch doctors and monks etc, and also sound healing therapies).
Also then look at the startling similaities between the patterns that emerge in cymatics and the patterns that form in water when exposed to certain
sounds and thoughts. Masuro Emoto has charted some of his discoveries.
If therefore sound frequencies can affect things at a cellular level, then what about waves of the light spectrum.
What about the combination of both sound and light?
Also: On a limb here. What about the effects of symbols.
A symbol is essentially a visual thought. Subliminal messaging can make you thirsty, hungry for example... They say the great rulers of Egypt ruled
over their slaves with symbols and ritual. Keeping them pacified, so therefore a symbol (despite not physically being 'anything') actually affects
us as a result of our own thoughts. Association of symbols with thoughts and then it becomes ingrained in the mass consciousness.
A collective reaction, essentially we are programming ourselves to react to something.
It's hard for me to try and find the point here, but i assure you i mean well with my post and for the last few years i've been trying to figure out
this jigsaw.
Sorry for going off track.
[edit on 9-6-2009 by mr-lizard]