posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 01:56 PM
**If a mod feels this should be moved elsewhere please do so**
What do you guys think about starting a truth petition online?
A petition stating we want the truth about aliens, free energy, cover ups, and so on.
Just to make a point. To say we know there is more going on and we are fed up with being kept in the dark. I'm not saying we will change the world, i
just want to get the point across that not all of us are sheeple. Again just to make a statement.
We can make a list of the most important "hidden truths".
I'll spring for the website, anyone who wants to help out?
Feel free to u2u me.
What do you think? If you like the idea, please S&F so this thread doesn't get burried and i can get some people to help me get this thing off the