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A little too gullible around here perhaps?

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posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 02:02 AM

I signed up to reply to a particular thread on a topic I was researching.

I came across another topic where this 18 year old individual claimed to be "enlightened"... I was amazed at how many people were like great for you, congrats, so nice to see younger kids being enlightened. etc. Now I heard of being open minded, but seriously now 'yall. You can use your mind and be a little discerning. Thats my observation about this place. (not just because this one thread, this was an example, I've read alot on this site before signing up and a good deal of people seem to blindly believe anything).

Another is that theres alot of banning and with that, people coming to the conclusion that they must be right or closer to the truth. I read one such topic. A bunch of nonsense about Marilyn Manson Eminem Mickey Mouse and Cambells soups making MMMMMMM sounds.

Now I wanna say: I love open minded people and I try to be open minded, but if my mind were a pair of legs, metephorically speaking they wouldn't be open to the whole troop. I hope this new crew can use some of our own common sense before swallowing everything up here whole or becoming paranoid, so to speak since thats what I see alot too.

Just my opinion.

[edit on 8-6-2009 by awdbawl]

[edit on 8-6-2009 by awdbawl]

[edit on 8-6-2009 by awdbawl]

[edit on 8-6-2009 by awdbawl]

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 02:32 AM
Nah, I would say that ATS is one of the least gullible places on Earth. By far.

You can not say anything around here without facing some form of debate, as that is encouraged and healthy for progress.

Although there may be many people who view things similarly, there are also many who disagree strongly from various angles.

ATS is , on average, a mix of all genres and themes, blended to perfection.

At this place, everyone has an opinion that counts and gets heard. Just be honest with yourself and others and you will fit in perfectly here. Any view or opinion is accepted and cherished as we all collaborate to seek the truth about what is really going on at Earth.

Deny Ignorance

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 02:49 AM
Pretty much what muzzle said. There are some very, very gullible people here but there are also some very solid rationalists who will believe in nothing out of the ordinary. You'll find many poles around these parts, and many people on the far ends of them as well.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 03:06 AM
[edit on 8-6-2009 by Darkblade71]

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 03:06 AM
Call it as you see it! Welcome to ATS! I just kind of lurk in the background, but your post got a reaction!

Yeah, there is a lot of opinions here, and some are harder to take than others, but really, thats entertaining.maybe bad of me to say, but the drama keeps me reading.

I have a heavy interest in a lot of subjects covered here so I try to keep an open mind, and avoid the trolls who belittle posters who want to understand or work out thier own ideas and theories. This place rocks! Even with the few who wanna try to knock down the free thinkers of the future! ROCK ON ATS!!

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 03:10 AM

Originally posted by awdbawl

I signed up to reply to a particular thread on a topic I was researching.

I came across another topic where this 18 year old individual claimed to be "enlightened"... I was amazed at how many people were like great for you, congrats, so nice to see younger kids being enlightened. etc. Now I heard of being open minded, but seriously now 'yall. You can use your mind and be a little discerning. Thats my observation about this place. (not just because this one thread, this was an example, I've read alot on this site before signing up and a good deal of people seem to blindly believe anything).

Another is that theres alot of banning and with that, people coming to the conclusion that they must be right or closer to the truth. I read one such topic. A bunch of nonsense about Marilyn Manson Eminem Mickey Mouse and Cambells soups making MMMMMMM sounds.

Now I wanna say: I love open minded people and I try to be open minded, but if my mind were a pair of legs, metephorically speaking they wouldn't be open to the whole troop. I hope this new crew can use some of our own common sense before swallowing everything up here whole or becoming paranoid, so to speak since thats what I see alot too.

Just my opinion.

[edit on 8-6-2009 by awdbawl]

[edit on 8-6-2009 by awdbawl]

[edit on 8-6-2009 by awdbawl]

[edit on 8-6-2009 by awdbawl]

Good post but ending with "Therefore I believe disclosure is imminent" would have got you more stars & flags

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 03:11 AM
Welcome to ATS The majority of people here are totally insane and need a mental evaluation. you can aether do too things 1. Stick around for personal amusement. or 2 leave. the choice is yours. Dont forget its summer time to and the kiddos will be coming out with the most whacked and ridiculous ideas etc you will ever see.

btw i completely agree with you.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 04:09 AM

Originally posted by awdbawl

I signed up to reply to a particular thread on a topic I was researching.

I came across another topic where this 18 year old individual claimed to be "enlightened"... I was amazed at how many people were like great for you, congrats, so nice to see younger kids being enlightened. etc. Now I heard of being open minded, but seriously now 'yall. You can use your mind and be a little discerning. Thats my observation about this place. (not just because this one thread, this was an example, I've read alot on this site before signing up and a good deal of people seem to blindly believe anything).

Another is that theres alot of banning and with that, people coming to the conclusion that they must be right or closer to the truth. I read one such topic. A bunch of nonsense about Marilyn Manson Eminem Mickey Mouse and Cambells soups making MMMMMMM sounds.

Now I wanna say: I love open minded people and I try to be open minded, but if my mind were a pair of legs, metephorically speaking they wouldn't be open to the whole troop. I hope this new crew can use some of our own common sense before swallowing everything up here whole or becoming paranoid, so to speak since thats what I see alot too.

Just my opinion.

[edit on 8-6-2009 by awdbawl]

[edit on 8-6-2009 by awdbawl]

[edit on 8-6-2009 by awdbawl]

[edit on 8-6-2009 by awdbawl]

You absolutely right - this place has gone to the dogs - basically it is being rung dry for all the cash it can get and is being ruined - destroyed and that's sad.

I read this site for years before I joined - was good for a while - but now find myself absolutely amazed at the utter tripe served up. Still it is worth skimming over for the odd tid bit - but nothing like democratic underground or other such real sites with credibility and still breaking news.

Shame - MODS could fix this by simply preventing ridiculous threads and holding thread starters accountable - but NOOOOOO

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 06:45 AM
reply to post by awdbawl

Metaphorically speaking, I generally regard ATS as a gold rich seam of rock and I am the miner trying to get out all those little veins of gold.

It's hard work and I have to a lot of digging, sorting and processing of tons of worthless rock until, finally, I get my tiny ounce of gold.

That ounce of gold is worth every moment spent.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 06:51 AM
I think alot here, are not gullible at all. The new ones are interested in everything, but you learn after time that things like alien stuff, there is only so much you can learn from the net, and most of it is bull.

Its a learning process. But just because something sounds weird does not make it not true, we all know that truth can be stranger than fiction.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by Bringer

So you think mental illness is funny and use it for your entertainment?


Anyway, OP.
I agree with a few things that you say, I wasn't buying into that one topic at all.
Honestly you'll come across many types of people here you just need to take what is of use to you, express your opinion and leave the rest behind.

Sure there may be people here that are young and naive, or possibly even mentally ill but use patience and tolerance with them.
It's really no fault of their own, but don't get me wrong there are some people who are simply just ignorant.
On here we all have a certain "type" of person who can hit a few nerves and so on, but how you handle it shows your true character.
There are quite a few people on here who will reduce to bantering tantrum throwing infants, or right away call someone who disagrees with them a troll or the oh so glorious dis info agent haha.
Honestly, like I said before take what you feel you can use, of course always back up the info you are given, making sure to check many credible sources and make up your own mind on the subject.
Many people will say they have "facts" when it is simply just their perspective manipulating information to mean what they want, but this happens every where in life.
I've found for the few that may get on my nerves or I disagree with there are others who compensate for it and I enjoy, also I've learned it is useless and a waste to over worry myself about others beliefs and opinions when it comes down to it, it's not my business and I can express my opinion/show them the facts on it but that's as far as that can go anything beyond is un productive and a waste.
You'll find some people simply care TOO much what other people believe(again this happens everywhere there is human life), if it's not hurting anyone or effect your life personally there's really no reason to worry yourself about it.

If it gets to be too much for you, lucky for you this is just a website that you can choose to just not come to again, and if you decide to stay hopefully you'll have something to offer to ATS and ATS will have something to offer to you.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 07:49 AM
There definitely is a ton of gullibility around here. Sure someone might come along and correct the 'offender,' but there's always ten more people lined up defending that person's right to be gullible.

And from that springs a dozen more people, and so on and so forth.

"What does this spec of dust look like to you?"

*two months later, same exact picture*

"100% proof orbs are people-bots from the zoon"

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 08:06 AM
How would it sound to you if i was to say "i have an alien growing inside me", i guess that is way out there, but then again i could say "im an alien and have a human growing inside me"

Indeed there are some topics which are just from some scifi movie picture which hold no value what so ever. I, well, several of us from the office have a blast reading through several topics, although there are about a handful of people who know there stuff, but they are just a minority and pose no threat as its always buried under the rest of the " i have an alien growing inside me"

Peace until otherwise directed.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 08:39 AM
I joined to find answers to certain topics I have always been interested in. So far I have found more on here than anywhere. There are many people on here with amazing information and proof to back it up. As for the other "out there" threads I take those with a grain of salt. You NEVER know what is true and what isnt. I dont go believing everything I read that's for sure. I do however keep it in mind that maybe just maybe this person is telling the truth. Many people come here to discuss their own experiences and many dont have proof just their word. I know I have had some strange things happen to me and I have no proof just my word.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 08:47 AM
Just try to imagine an entire world filled with people who think exactly like you. That would be the most boring, unproductive world I could imagine. If everyone shared or agreed with everything I say, I would go nuts. Its nice to have a few people who can think along the same lines as me, but everyone? No way. Besides, if everyone were going along with "acceptable" thought processes there would be no ATS for you and others to complain about.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 09:06 AM
I don't believe a word of your post.

Totally debunked your gullible claim.

See, thats how we roll here.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 09:24 AM
You walk in the front door of our home and start criticizing us. Not good.

I will welcome you and hope you will learn many things while you are here.

Those that were banned needed to be banned.

I am very much looking forward to seeing your first thread. Might we expect it soon? I hope so.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 01:14 AM
reply to post by dizziedame

I understand what your saying and If I saw this post right at the top I probably would say the same. I didn't expect this post to be flagged. I was just sorta thinking I'll throw a general observation in. But Thanks for the welcome. I need to get more aquanted with the features up here and what not.. this place is huge.

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