posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 03:54 AM
there are hoarders(evil) and there are sharers(good). the hoarders hoard everything they can, especially knowledge, wisdom, and information. the
sharers share everything with everybody equally, especially knowledge, wisdom, and information. control is necessary with both hoarders and sharers.
but hoarders use control to place the power in the hands of a few using compartmentalization and the pyramidal power structure(which is our past,
present, and most likely future models since its been used for so long). sharers use control to teach love, empathy, caring, equality, and all that
is good.
the roman catholic church happens to be the source of the hoarding nature of our world. the names and faces change over time, but the knowledge,
wisdom of the ages, who we are as humans, where we came from always remains the same and is passed on generation after generation among the chosen
ones(preisthoods and brotherhoods). most of this info is how to control people and societies. the same tried and true methods have been used
effectively for 1000's and 1000's of years. today those same methods of control are greatly enhanced due to technology like television.
what you are talking about has alot to do with how the elite think. what you are saying relates alot to lucifarian belfefs and satanism. but thats
ok. because they are the ones who rightfully own and operate this planet anyway. so your on the right track of thought. read a book or two written
by aliester crowley. he will explain "free choice" to you very well. and that is basically what you wrote about. you on step away from killing
and raping babies and being o.k. with it. learn about freemasons too. and the jesuit order. albert pike wrote a wonderful book called,"morals and
dogma". some introductory books on our real controllers and how they control the world are ,"vatican assassins" and "50 years in the church of
rome". you can expand from there to talhard de chardain and others of both jesuits and freemasons.
getting a full grasp on who controls you, how they do it, why they are doing it(new world order), you will not see the world the same ever again. but
its very freeing and maybe you will want to join em, cuz you can't beat em.