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5 year old boys Alien Abduction Dream

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posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 11:57 PM
I have been a member for a little while i joined because i heard a funny podcast about someones kind of abduction time story and he give the name of ATS as haveing the most people and the most jerks online which made me laugh. The dudes story way way out there even compared with Alien Abduction lol

I was slightly disappointed when i found there was no individual part on alien abduction just ufos and aliens. If i have missed it please let me know im still getting used to the odd but good system on ATS and i am a "noob" as thay say on internet forums.
But what im not a noob in is Alien Abduction i have had so many experiences or dreams all my life i dont even want to get into all of them to be honest i woulnt know how to convey them to the internet so i will just post one early experience with a pic of a memorable site that what was burned into my mind.

I hate long posts so i will keep that as short as possible:

I was about 5 years old in my bed, awoke with a strange sound in my head and was surrounded with many people, i tryed screaming for my mother and father but no sound would come out i could move but it was like i was in slow motion. A voice said in my head dont open your eyes or you will be scared, blaa blaaa blaa the standard story you all have heard before.

This is the standerd way thay got me, another was i would wake and i would know thay where comeing so i would jump out of my bed and run down to my mother and father who i always thought they were down stairs for some reason i would run pass there corridor in there bedroom wing and run down the stairs in the dark and as soon as i got to the ground floor i was taken. I remenber standing on the ground floor in the dark looking up and something saying it was my mum holding my hand walking towards the back of the house. I remember saying no way no your not i new it wasnt even a person but went anyway.

I would just like to say there is no way in hell i would run passed my mum and dads room or go down the stairs at night in the pitch dark (no frekn way)i was obviously manipulated to think i needed help down stairs and my mum and dad was there, it was as if i could see them sitting watching tv and almost feel something behind me coming after me and i had to go down there to get away, and be shocked when i open the tv rooms door with eveything in darkness in my bare feet on a ice cold floor realizing i was tricked or trying to jump the last few steps and almost freeze in the air i even tryed to run back up stairs afew times but would always get grabbed.

So pretty standard stuff the pic is from around the same time, I remember standing in a room with 4 or 5 ugly big eyed things asking me where do you think you are what do you think we are. I remember saying no your not know im not , after them telling me all sorts of stuff. I remember one said i was in space but i new i was not i thought i was underneath my house underground

I thought i was underground with goddam cave Monster things lol and i was # scared of them all except one that got me i would say it was a Girl but i new it wasnt a person. i remember saying i was scared of the little grays but you dont look half as bad and it saying NO and not letting me look up at it as i said it or thought it.

I blacked out and i was in a large dark room with pickish purple light low to the ground and two little grays comeing towards me, with some type of mirror window to the right, i was being told let them aproch but i was going nuts saying i will kill them or hurt them in a rage. I was told if i didnt do as thay said another one i really wouldnt like would come in. I told them i would kill them if thay go anywhere near me, i think i was just shouting and screaming as loud as i could because i new thay didnt like it and the two little dumdass grays didnt know what to do with themselfs. Then the door opened to the right of me and i could feel this thing get closer and closer with a sick bad vibe comeing off it , i droped to the ground and as it got closer and closer i felt sicker and sicker and was shivering like i was getting electrocuted without anypain. i remember thinking as i was curled up in a little ball at this things feet shivering, this frekn thing likes doing this and i would kill it if i could even move. than i blacked out.

Next i was in the room in the pick, i remember seeing what i would describe as a very high definition image of space it was mostly orange with few stars, i remember saying this isnt space its a cloud or clouds, thay where inpressed in some way, it was a very big contrast with everything being so dark it was allmost like looking at a new picture for hubble in hi def i will never forget it ,my idea of space back then was buckrogers black sky white stars cartoon space. i tryed looking to the right and left and being told NO NO. I tryed to look down and there was a small box low to the ground black and dark like the rest of the room but it had orange letters on it as i focused on the letters i was told NO. I tryed looking around again but was told No like i was partially paralyzed but could tell there was alot of things in the room with a bit squareish seat right behind me with other dudes in the backround. Thay told me i was a killer and would kill and i told them no i was a good boy ,thay said i killed one of
them and showed me as if i was there back in the other room surrounded by them saying go show us how you would kill him and the little gray was right in front of me my hands and was shaking his little neck as hard as i could trying to twist his head off his little body, then in a flash i was back in the other room again and thay said you killed him, he wasnt going to hurt you. i remember feeling so bad as if i just committed murder feeling regret and that i was sorry and as soom as i felt that thay said NO you didnt and showed me a gray in my mind with its makeup it wasnt a person. Thay than said we are doing something very important and would i help them and would i agree to help, i said Yes i was that relieved i didnt murder or kill anyone i was happy to.
It was Pure manipulation all the way. I was a very young kid and this was about 1980.

A small kid dreaming of killing a gray WTF

seeing a high definition orange nabua WTF ( was there any pics of space like this in the late 70's early 80's anyways)

Dreaming of being emotionaly manipulated by telepathic creatures and dumb small grays, tall whites and creepy sick vibe aliens long long b4 the internet, xfiles, and all the other stuff. i ant going to post anymore accounts but i would like to see if this looks like anyone else's childhood dreams of aliens
and please no posts sujesting lucid dreams sleep walking or repressed memories of my mum or dad playing with my peepee. I have served in the military, experienced combat situations and now work in the emergency services and have been psycologicly tested many times by professionals throughout my career all giveing a clean bill of health, apart from a slight problem with authority lol i dont need a anonymous armchair expert telling me what it might be. I have had this stuff all my life i know what it is.
is this slimer to any other abductees story ???

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 12:40 AM
That is one heck of a story, I believe you. I've never even seen a ufo let alone a grey, but I know thousands of people can't all be "seeing things". Funny, I was fascinated with ufos and aliens since I was a kid but have never had any personal experiences, other than a few star like objects moving across the sky and vanishing in thin air. I am starting to believe these creatures are inter-dimensional rather than from other planets, and as such these being are all around us. I think they are the "watchers" from ancient times, and have limited power these days. Back then they could manifest as human and mingle with us, but it seems they are not as strong as they once were.

They seem to feed off human fear and 'sin', what seems to be going on here on earth is a sort of 'sin war' in my eyes anyway. Maybe the greys don't mess with me because they know I'll bust that ass lol.
All jokes aside, I consider myself lucky to not have to experience such things, and my heart goes out to you. I do remember though when I was around 3-5 years old constantly waking up around 3-3:30am terrified out of my wits.
However, I could not recall having a nightmare or anything else out of the ordinary, just...scared. Hmm maybe they have gotten to me, just on a more subtle level? I remember one incident clearly, I woke up terrified and looking up at a small hole in the wall near the ceiling. For some reason this hole freaked me the hell out, perhaps because it was like an eye WATCHING me haha! I remember running into my parents room saying "they've found me they've found me". When they asked me who found me I could not answer them, in fact I have no idea why i said such a thing.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 12:52 AM
Interesting story but I would say you would have to be atleast 7 or 8. I have a 5yr old that is very bright yet no where near the sophistication of the 5yr old in your story.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 12:55 AM
When I was around that age I would watch Unsolved Mysteries and my favorite segments where the UFO ones.

The next day I would draw UFO's and tell anyone who would listen a great story about how I saw this UFO last night and the little Aliens who came to my bedroom window.

Moral of the story- Kids tell tall tales for attention.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by contemplator
Interesting story but I would say you would have to be atleast 7 or 8. I have a 5yr old that is very bright yet no where near the sophistication of the 5yr old in your story.

dude i got my first bike for my 7th birthday i was living in our 2nd house.
I was liveing in my first house the time in my story I was about 5years old as i said. No way was i 7 , 8 , 9, or 10. i have years of memorys liveing in that first house and going to pre school lol who would know best about my childhood dude ? me or you lol

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by contemplator
Interesting story but I would say you would have to be atleast 7 or 8. I have a 5yr old that is very bright yet no where near the sophistication of the 5yr old in your story.

What exactly is nowhere near thou? Seems normal to me from what I've read.

I remember being 5 and from what I remember my way of thinking really wasn't that different to when I was 7-8 really.

[edit on 7-6-2009 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:14 AM

Originally posted by jd140
When I was around that age I would watch Unsolved Mysteries and my favorite segments where the UFO ones.

The next day I would draw UFO's and tell anyone who would listen a great story about how I saw this UFO last night and the little Aliens who came to my bedroom window.

Moral of the story- Kids tell tall tales for attention.

I dont think we had Unsolved Mysteries back then + i never seen a ufo or said i seen one lol + i even said in the story i didn't think they were aliens back then. This post isnt for x-files fans or the "i seen a light in the sky club"

Moral of the story- read a post b4 you make a comment on something you know nothing about.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:17 AM
reply to post by Insubordinate Soul

Chill hombre.

Why are you being so defensive about this? Those who are overly defensive are the ones that generally have something to hide.

No Unsolved mysteries when you were that age? How old are you?

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:23 AM
It's a good story. Seems like you are looking for someone with a similar experience. I have never been abducted so I have no way of knowing if this is like other stories.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:29 AM

Originally posted by jd140
reply to post by Insubordinate Soul

Chill hombre.

Why are you being so defensive about this? Those who are overly defensive are the ones that generally have something to hide.

No Unsolved mysteries when you were that age? How old are you?

I said in the post this is for other people who had similar experiences not patronizing stupid questions or statements telling me what age i was or was not. "Im defensive about this i must have something to hide" lol very good Sigmund Froyd you got me lol
you see im not trying or want to convince you of anything, im makeing it all up, now off you go to another thread. your psycoanalisis is need elsewhere doctor bye bye lol

i aint anyone fools and you should be frekn honored i even posted a gooddam 100% real experence. This is usually beneath me lol

but jokeing aside i have no problem answering sensible questions and hearing others opinions. just dont tell me what age i was or some other bs psycoanalisis lol

[edit on 7-6-2009 by Insubordinate Soul]

[edit on 7-6-2009 by Insubordinate Soul]

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 02:24 AM

thanks for sharing.

could you tell us about the "sick alien" .. like what they looked like.. color of skin etc..

also when you say "they told me a bunch of stuff" .. can you remember anything they said.. i'd like to hear as much as you can recall.


posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 02:31 AM
Hi I.S/

When people say that they have been abducted, they should also tell us a bit more about the family history.
eg///There was a case here(Australia) more then 15-20 years ago..If I remember correctly about a young guy who took a gun(rifle)and started shooting people in the streets in a small town in Tasmania.
This guy was put to trial and he showed no remorse(he smiled right through his trial) for what he had done.
In order to understand why someone would do this, family history needed to be shown.
(DONT QUOTE ME)I just remember bits and pieces of this story, so sorry if I unintentionally leave stuff out.
This young guys history was abusive,murder happenings and he kept to himself...his room was filled with rock bands(?) and black magic satanical stuff,occult practices, although I dont clearly remember if he was into such things himself or he just plain liked the look(?)
He was convicted and sent to jail....he tried to kill himself but didn't succeed.
Short story... his history was that brought him to this situation.
Now, Im not suggesting that you have a similar history here, but in order to fully understand why you think you would have been abducted,you need to look at what factors may have prompted this to happen?
And, before anyone here starts telling me that this isn't so,don't, because in many cases of abductions(similar to alien abductions)there is always something not right that has happened, that the media don't tell.
Also If I may add,cases like this have happened from the beginning of time,yes,there have been cases where people have been known to be taken by demons and only brought back with prayers and fasting.(Desert fathers,early century)
The demon abductions are similar,if not identical in nature, the only thing that has changed is how they(Aliens) look in todays century!
I guess people are sick of the fairies,leprechauns,mermaids etc....that visitation from other planets is the way to go....And Hollywood has made sure that this is the way to go.
Although, children still want to see a cute fairy or mermaid, and then you have Walt Disney to make sure all is in place.
I guess people want to believe that there are aliens visiting from another planet for whatever purpose they have in mind.
C,mon,if aliens are visiting, why are they so stupid to always CRASH their space craft.
Only always,been seen by a minority or a few people.
Only to have a few words to say and up and away, into galaxies unknown.
Or,could it be that it is a clever demonic deception?

O.P, although I have read your story, it doesn't make me an expert of what you had experienced, but all I can say is that there are many very similar 'abduction stories' like yours out there...all similar in content.
I'm not discounting of what you say is true,as a matter of fact I believe you, but one needs to look all around to only know that this kind of thing is happening more and more,whether it be a dream like state or a vision or some out of body experience....all Similar in nature.
Just my thoughts on the matter.(and Im not saying your story is the same as what I believe)

Take care,

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by Insubordinate Soul

Calm down big boy. I only asked how old you are because Unsolved Mystereries has been around for along time.

You are making me wonder why you are being so defensive though. I will wait for your next rant.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 02:52 AM
I for one believe you. even though I do not have any memories
of being taken, nor has anyone confided in me of their abduction.

However, one morning, my Son at age 10 told me he had "Visitors" the night before. He said they were very peaceful and sort of loving toward him.
He said they told him tales of Home and that they are here to help put the Earth back to the way it was before they left.

He ask them where Home is and they showed him a star system map
(so to speak).
Later that day he came running, pulling his sister along, pointing at her face and hollering "It's The Map"!!!.
I said ask what was ? He puts his finger mext to a group of freckles on her
jaw line and said "That's the Star Map they showed me"!!

I looked at the area, and was quite surprised because I had never seen those freckles on her before.
We had her look in a mirror to so she could see what he was talking about
and she said "I never had those before"

They are still there, but I sure don't recognize them from any star maps that I've seen.
Although I have only seen a few and they get to be a bit confusing to me.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 02:56 AM

Originally posted by azureskys
I for one believe you. even though I do not have any memories
of being taken, nor has anyone confided in me of their abduction.

However, one morning, my Son at age 10 told me he had "Visitors" the night before. He said they were very peaceful and sort of loving toward him.
He said they told him tales of Home and that they are here to help put the Earth back to the way it was before they left.

He ask them where Home is and they showed him a star system map
(so to speak).
Later that day he came running, pulling his sister along, pointing at her face and hollering "It's The Map"!!!.
I said ask what was ? He puts his finger mext to a group of freckles on her
jaw line and said "That's the Star Map they showed me"!!

I looked at the area, and was quite surprised because I had never seen those freckles on her before.
We had her look in a mirror to so she could see what he was talking about
and she said "I never had those before"

They are still there, but I sure don't recognize them from any star maps that I've seen.
Although I have only seen a few and they get to be a bit confusing to me.

Post some pics. That guy mikesingh will probably find a spaceship on your kids face.

Only jokes Mike.

[edit on 7-6-2009 by bloodline]

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 03:05 AM
Cool abput the map... yeah I have a 45mmx45mmx45mm triangle on my left forarm that wasn't allways there.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 03:05 AM

Originally posted by jd140
reply to post by Insubordinate Soul

Calm down big boy. I only asked how old you are because Unsolved Mystereries has been around for along time.

You are making me wonder why you are being so defensive though. I will wait for your next rant.

ok man hows this for a rant -----Didnt i tell you why i was being so defensive in my last post WTF dude.
You are making me wonder if you even read the post I made it very clear i was about 5 years old OK.
I stated it was around 1980. So why dont you use your powers of deductive reasoning and work it out. lol
why would i be so Defensive lol
First post was telling me i wasnt 5 years old. lol
Than your amazing post giveing me a moral of the story. when if you had read the post you would have known i didnt think they were aliens and i didn't ever see a ufo or tell anyone i seen a ufo. Now if you cant tell why im being Defensive from my last post and this post, you have learning difficulties or your just being a prick. go away dude

"You are making me wonder why you are being so defensive though" lol what a ahole

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 03:09 AM
Thanks for posting you experience. I'll hit up on a couple things about myself first. I have been reading this site for a long time. I to am currently serving in the military. I'm not crazy and work in a field that requires a lot of trust of me. I'm sure you'll understand what I mean.

I have memories of interactions and conversations back to pre-school. Some people do and some people don't. I've noticed that people that don't seem to feel like they are missing something or envious. They are all key events that I seem to remember very well. I can also remember conversations I've had years ago word for word.

Now on to my experience. This will sound a bit mixed up so hang with me..

I'm about 4 years old. I'm sitting in the living room watching TV with my older brother. Suddenly a large ship like thing moves right into our living room. We had tall roofs and only a small corner of this thing or ship was filling the entire house. I went into an absolute panick and my brother couldn't figure out what was going on. I was just pointing and screaming. Then it was gone. At that point he convinced me it was nothing and I was seeing things. Well I was all confused at that point, not sure where I was. I had to go pee and walked into the kitchin that I thought was the bathroom and to my brothers shock I was peeing in the trash can. When he startled me I spun around and peed on him and everything else. Pure shock on his part.

My next experience was with flying. We had a balcony on the second floor. I would wake up in the middle of the night and just felt a need to fly. I jumped off it many times. At least 5 that I can remember, the landings never hurt because I fell slow. I would just go back to sleep after and felt better. My parents witnessed it once and tried to stop me. I jumped, softly landed and walked right back to bed. I remember the look of shock on their faces but I felt no empathy for what they must have been feeling.

Another event envolved me running through a sliding glass window and not noticing. They may still have the pictures of that event. It seems that at times, the only way I could describe my actions was that I had not learned the rules of our existance and I kept breaking them not knowing.

Another experience was a being taking on the form of my mother. I awoke with a sense of someone watching me. There was what was my mother at the foot of my bed. I quickly realized this thing had no emotion and I had no connection at all to it. I screamed to it that you are not my mother, when I reached for it it vanished.

My mother has since passed away. We have always been able to communicate over vast distances. Not words but feelings of comfort and love. I attempted to do this with my wife when I was gone for a long time. I was focusing and was in her room. Soon after she called me terrified that a dark figure was watching her. I couldn't tell her the truth so I said dont worry its nothing. I found it better to contact her in her dreams. She still doesn't know it's me but I help her fight her battles. She is not ready to know the full extent of everything.

I recently spent two days attempting to contact the ones directly above us. It wasn't pleasent. I will give a long form of what happen if you are interested. For now I will sum it up. People where working with them, they where collecting people. I was playing both sides to find out the plan. A grey was at the door. He had control of my wife. My dog 3/4 wolve scared it off. They seem to fear dogs. They had humans collecting dogs for some reason. I even questioned the humans collecting dogs, most where brainwashed, one could answer me. All he could say was, not good and run. Now I see why, the dogs don't like them. I can give you more detail if you like. Under stand that some are good and some bad. I think some understand emotion and some don't. Be carefull. Let me know if you want ever detail and I will break it down. I rememer all my experiences.

[edit on 7-6-2009 by OnceUponAnAbduction]

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 03:34 AM

Originally posted by prevenge

thanks for sharing.

could you tell us about the "sick alien" .. like what they looked like.. color of skin etc..

also when you say "they told me a bunch of stuff" .. can you remember anything they said.. i'd like to hear as much as you can recall.


I couldnt look at him at the time, i was in a ball at his feet i could tell it was tall and dark. It was standing behind me in that room with the screen to. That was my very first time in seeing them .A later time the tall white told and showed me if i continued not to play ball during my abductions it would be them dudes that would be sent, and i wouldnt want that. You get a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach the closer thay get to you. Thay have like a protective body suit during an abduction. I awoke one night as a adult and grabbed an arm that was at my right leg trying to put something on my feet. It was one of them. You can fight the paralysis sometimes i tryed twisting its arm but i could only move one arm, but then thought i didnt want to hurt it( or mayb it was him doing that) i jabded its claw or finger into my leg thinking the pain would snapp me out of it so i could fight. but than it jabbed its fingers into my leg until it really started to hurt i remenber thinking ok ,ok you win but i wasnt going to let go of its frekn arm It moved its face right into my face i tryed closeing my eyes an than i blacked out.

[edit on 7-6-2009 by Insubordinate Soul]

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 03:34 AM
I also forgot to mention when I woke. My dog was standing over me looking right into my eyes. I am native and I do believe we have guides and guards. That night my dog/wolve was protecting me. I'm considering reaching out again when I have the strenth. Crazy stuff I know, thats nothing knew here?

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