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Do any Christians believe in life after death, ghosts or reincarnation?

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posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by GuiltyByDesign

I don't see your point in an attack on Christians here? Your part of a religion that is supposed to save the wicked, or put you on the right path of salvation......I'm guessing you'd not jump off a bridge, should someone tell you too. You'd investigate it first, and see whether you'd survive a short jump with a bungee cord, or would it be a messy splat on concrete.

In that same thought process a christian should know the bible. If you know your bible, then there is no attack, but in fact I'd think it your duty not to feel attacked. Possibly your duty would be to inform.

There is no attack in this thread, but a reasonable search for knowledge.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by GuiltyByDesign

I don't see your point in an attack on Christians here? Your part of a religion that is supposed to save the wicked, or put you on the right path of salvation......I'm guessing you'd not jump off a bridge, should someone tell you too. You'd investigate it first, and see whether you'd survive a short jump with a bungee cord, or would it be a messy splat on concrete.

In that same thought process a christian should know the bible. If you know your bible, then there is no attack, but in fact I'd think it your duty not to feel attacked. Possibly your duty would be to inform.

There is no attack in this thread, but a reasonable search for knowledge.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:37 AM
reply to post by Jakes51

So true. I've been hanging around a lot of drug dealers (there's a lotof it in construction, espcially after the "crash") and thieves over the last two years. I try to live by example, and i can see it in their eyes sometimes what i say gets to them. They don't admit it, nor is it required for them, but seeds have been planted.
A part of me also is cautious in that respect so as not to be presumptuous, but i believe i do good things in those circles.
they're attracted, i believe, in my confidence via the holy spirit-not that they know the source-, and are surprised at how it's not accompanied with a need to impress them, or a state of being impressed by them. Pure equality, every man gets it from me.

Also, i feel the need to say that "works" in the minds eye can also be classified in the accepted, physical "works" categories. What you think, matters, and is manifest somehow physically.

I hope the op doesn't mind us talking like this; i think it's not quite off topic, just extremely focused on one particular aspect of it.
can i buy you off with a flag?
what about a star?

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by Sundancer

In answering your question, I have a believe in karma; because when you do wrong to others it comes back to you. I've seen with my own eyes. I'm a Christian too. Positive energy is reciprocal as well as negative energy. In terms of reincarnation I believe in it to a certain degree. I believe we carry bits and pieces of our ancestors souls with in our selves and in that sense it kind of meets the reincarnation criteria. It has a bearing on who we are spiritually.

However, I don't believe in bad people coming back as cockroaches or belly button lint if that is what you are implying by reincarnation. I believe in a heaven and a hell, however, my opinion of the earth; is that it is a proving ground for the righteous and wicked. Their performance on this plain will determine their reward in the afterlife.

[edit on 7-6-2009 by Jakes51]

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by sanchoearlyjones

You see, i don't disbelieve his having some sort of sixth sense, I just am against his thinking that he is the only one with such gifts. My instinct tells me that bragging about our gifts makes us prideful, and that the gifts we have are a mere pittance of what is out there.
In a third world country, if everyone cried about death like 1st world countries did, they would never get anything done. Maybe the answer is just that practical.
Also, being ignorant in dealing with death is not something to be ashamed of, it's something to be thankful for, imho.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:44 AM
reply to post by Jakes51

Ah, Yep, I don't know what your point was, in "well said heyo. I'm not a Christian. In fact I'd only consider myself spiritual at best. I guess I'd consider myself more about the Earth, and animals. My dealings with people are vast, and with different cultures. The Earth, and Animals are somewhat static as far as their predictable nature, but people on the other hand?........Just like the bible tells, they are full of perceived sins. I am reading all about what a good christian is, but for my own experience, I've noticed they tend to forget the words of Jesus..........something about thou shalt not judge, least ye be judged.................or something. Why is that forgotten so much by the very people who pray in his name? I'm not being cynical, but really looking to understand that.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by heyo

what you're saying, essentially, or what i'm hearing, is that you don't understand why christians don't deal with death perfectly

Not at all! In fact I said that I understand why Christians cry over the death of a loved one, for the same reason anyone crys - Because they'll miss them and their heart is hurting. I don't expect anyone to be perfect, especially myself.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by sanchoearlyjones

Hello Sancho,

Perhaps I got a bit too... overcritical... of a few of the posts in this thread. It's a rarity for me, but it does happen, and tonight at work has been rather grueling. But excuses are never for the best, so let me extend an apology to all if my last post came off as combative. Sundancer asked a though-provocing question and stated it succinctly, and as such deserves a good response from those of us willing to put ourselves out there.


I absolutely believe in life after death, in the spiritual realm, in accordance with the Bible.

Ghosts, I am a bit unsure of. I believe in them 100%, and have witnessed some extremely odd things. When I say I am unsure of ghosts, I mean that I am unsure as to their intentions or origins... IE, divine or demonic in nature.

I do not believe in reincarnation however, I know of many people who do and swear by it, and the concept is fascinating. I have no personal experience with reincarnation and very little knowledge of the particulars.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:51 AM
reply to post by heyo

Buddy it appears like you have it all figured out. I salute you for what you are doing for your co-workers. This is a very tough time indeed and I think the only way to make it through is to try and be human again or humane to others around us. We need to escape our cages and shed the chains of racism, misunderstanding, religious warfare, political divisions, and the list goes on.

If we can do that and I know it is very lofty to expect that of any human, but the more work towards bridging the gap we can make a little heaven for each and everyone one of us here on earth.

In context to the thread, by doing good by others; people will talk of us highly and with great esteem at our funerals and we'll be the subjects of conversation for generations to come and in that sense we are still a part of the lives of our surviving friends and relatives.

[edit on 7-6-2009 by Jakes51]

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:51 AM
reply to post by heyo

Your right, He was jaded, or could be considered as non the fact of ASSUMING he was the only one that has a sixth sense. I do believe as said in the bible we all have "gifts". I'd have to wonder why the ptb doesn't want us to know that?

Sure, the 3rd world doesn't have the time grieve...possibly, but at the same time not just the latin world, but other parts continually celebrate, and embrace the spirit of their dead ones.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by GuiltyByDesign

No apologies necessary. No harm done. Now if we can only get the child like tyrants of govt. to resolve 'issues' in the same manner.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:57 AM
Yep, co workers, and drugs. I am not giving any opinions here, but stating a fact of life regarding people hooked on drugs. If they are using, then their only god is the drug. From there you are only lucky to see a shadow of the possible person; that is until for whatever reason they decide to go another route.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:59 AM
reply to post by sanchoearlyjones

I think me and you have both been on quite the journey. You seem to be at the same 'types' of questions. It's all so amazing, how all the different aspects of this site seem to be interrelated, if that's a word, even.
I think the knowledge that is attempted to be hidden from us can come from the inside.

In my head, I loosely define it a s afearless search for the truth, for what father, if his son asked him for bread, would give him a stone?
....those ptb's i tell ya...just thinking about them makes me stare coldly at my wall...grrrr...

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by sanchoearlyjones
reply to post by Jakes51

Ah, Yep, I don't know what your point was, in "well said heyo. I'm not a Christian. In fact I'd only consider myself spiritual at best. I guess I'd consider myself more about the Earth, and animals. My dealings with people are vast, and with different cultures. The Earth, and Animals are somewhat static as far as their predictable nature, but people on the other hand?........Just like the bible tells, they are full of perceived sins. I am reading all about what a good christian is, but for my own experience, I've noticed they tend to forget the words of Jesus..........something about thou shalt not judge, least ye be judged.................or something. Why is that forgotten so much by the very people who pray in his name? I'm not being cynical, but really looking to understand that.

I was agreeing with heyo's response to a previous post of mine on the thread. I agree with you that Christians don't live by the precepts in which they preach to others about. There are hypocrites everywhere and Christ made sure to point that out. I try not to pose judgement on anyone if I can help it, however, I have my misgivings in that regard sometimes. My view is we all put our pants on one leg at a time.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 02:04 AM
Amazing Grace in Cherokee

Just a good song, and well sorda kinda to the thread. Now if we can get the group thought of the world to concentrate on this instead of differences. Maybe a group effort at peace, and lack of judgement would create something better. Just, Maybe then we'd all know what lies beyond; have an idea about just lying in the grave, or reincarnation

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 02:07 AM
I am not a nasty person. A skeptic and cynic at times and I feel can't really get anywhere with my discussions re: heyo without coming off as being nasty. I'll try to disembark after this post because it's not worth the fallout. It sounds like heyo had some addiction issues and got through them, so a big well done on that front. At the same time he's traded one crutch for another which is highly common among addicts. There is even a church here that preys on addicts to morph them into the religious crutch instead. They have a high success rate to say the least. Personally I believe in relying on myself and being a good person to get through life. Once you latch onto a spirituality you sacrifice your individuality, no one could convince me otherwise. God helped heyo find a 'new normal' and now it is imperative that he holds on to it and defends it at all costs for obvious reasons. Hey, if he is happy GREAT. My view still stands.. the pope chooses armor over faith, and like another person said previous christians pray for someone sick and dying not to die, and there is grief I have witnessed personally such as christians in a state of endless shrieking over a loved one. It doesn't ad up because those people have no answers and it's all about living the lie and coping with reality the best they can.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 02:08 AM
reply to post by Jakes51

have it all figured out? the only thing i've figured out is how little i know!! Sounds goofy, but it's a mindset i stick to...allows me to grow and learn without the ego getting in the way....
There are reasons we do what we do that we can't even comprehend, imho. The results we view are a fraction of the sum of the results of the entire known universe.
If you haven't, i'd start checking out threads pertaining to the states of atoms when they're not being observed. Quite the interesting road that is, bro.

To all: feeling really peaceful talking to all in this thread. Don't even answer this, just sit back and feel it too.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 02:13 AM
reply to post by contemplator

No one's hating on you here bud, but again, you're using the common and oft recycled "crutch" phenomenon. I do not require a crutch, nor should any spiritual person. My proof to myself lies in the fact that the only time i heard God's voice (not in my minds eye, either, it was a voice as clear as day, and external) was while debating with myself which way he saw himself served best. I was ready to leave christianity due to the contradictions of the bible, for islam, or even buddhism;point is, i didn't care.
The addiction was approximately 7 years ago, and like i said, i haven't been to church in about the same amount of time. How can you call my viewpoint a crutch that i have "invested" in , if, as i said in my posts, i'm ever changing in my views due to inherent humility?

edit: to be clear, the views don't bounce around. I have one view, learn something, then the view changes. You are able to sense your words do not lower my vibration one iota, if ya know what i mean?

[edit on 7-6-2009 by heyo]

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by Jakes51

In terms of reincarnation I believe in it to a certain degree. I believe we carry bits and pieces of our ancestors souls with in our selves and in that sense it kind of meets the reincarnation criteria.

Kind of like a genetic imprint? I full on believe in this and it's an important thing to keep in mind.

However, I don't believe in bad people coming back as cockroaches or belly button lint


posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by contemplator

WOW! I cannot argue with your arguement at all. Re: addicts switching their addictions I've noticed that first hand. We all have vices; sometimes we 'upgrade' to a better one.

Sick people, and death? Yep, don't agree with the average Christian stand there. My wife, and I both have agreed that on 'helping' each other out; should the need arise.

The both of us do not want the burden on the other to care for a vegetable.

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