posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by GuiltyByDesign
An apocalypse is nothing more than an unveiling. The so called tribulation, coming again, or the end of the thousand years will be when We have our
apocalypse. The unveiling of the sheet from in front of our senses.....not just eyes.
The PTB/Evil/NWO/satan/or even in the bible lord god.........which is different than Yahweh, or other names......placed more, or less a veil of
control on the man in this realm after we fell.
This does go back to the original thread. At the very best for man in this realm would be reincarnation. It would either be that, or sleep in the
grave. We are here being judged for our original sin, or fall from grace..
Need not look any further than the mirror to see who screwed up. Each, and everyone of us. The apocalypse, or unveiling is giving each, and every
one of us the opportunity not to screw up again.
To the DNA aspect I do believe there are....let's say 144,000 Elemental Souls amongst us, right now. They in their souls are pure, and when they
awake at the 'sound' will be 'god's' vengence/hand of god.