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NASA Study Acknowledges Solar Cycle, Not Man, Responsible for Past Warming

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posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 05:33 AM
You know what's really messed up? That we consider ourselves a "threat" to the planet.

Srsly, it's been about for over 4 billion years and we've been here for what? 40,000/50,000 years?

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 05:35 AM
does it really matter if WE did it, or the universe,galaxy, etc. did...the point is WE have to deal with it, and WE need to figure something out.
Problem with humans...we like to be "RIGHT" and not forget/let go. Really whomever did is not the problem, its how we FIX it, that is

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 05:48 AM

Originally posted by mikerussellus
I'm confused. This basically debunks the whole global warming/polar bears are dying/al gore save us myth.

Yes, you are confused.

And no, it does not debunk global warming - since it is happening, and Polar Bears are losing their habitat. It is real.

Nobody is denying that solar activity is affecting the Earth, and therefore also its atmosphere and climatic cycles. It does tie in with climatic changes taking place at present, but it does not stand out as the sole or even main reason for them.

excerpt from article. Read it through:

"Thomas Woods, solar scientist at the University of Colorado in Boulder concludes, "The fluctuations in the solar cycle impacts Earth's global temperature by about 0.1 degree Celsius, slightly hotter during solar maximum and cooler during solar minimum...

According to the study, during periods of solar quiet, 1,361 watts per square meter of solar energy reaches Earth's outermost atmosphere. Periods of more intense activity brought 1.4 watts per square meter (0.1 percent) more energy.

While the NASA study acknowledged the sun's influence on warming and cooling patterns, it then went badly off the tracks. Ignoring its own evidence, it returned to an argument that man had replaced the sun as the cause current warming patterns. Like many studies, this conclusion was based less on hard data and more on questionable correlations and inaccurate modeling techniques."

Global surface temperature increased 0.74 ± 0.18 °C (1.33 ± 0.32 °F) during the last century, climate model projections summarized in the latest IPCC report indicate that global surface temperature will probably rise a further 1.1 to 6.4 °C (2.0 to 11.5 °F) during the twenty-first century. Although, climate model projections so far have continuously been too moderate, and worst-case scenarios often inadequate.

What does that tell you?

Originally posted by MacDonagh
You know what's really messed up? That we consider ourselves a "threat" to the planet.

Srsly, it's been about for over 4 billion years and we've been here for what? 40,000/50,000 years?

Human beings are currently causing the greatest mass extinction of species since the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. If present trends continue one half of all species of life on earth will be extinct in less than 100 years, as a result of habitat destruction, pollution, invasive species, and climate change. Therefore, we are a threat not only to the planet and its biosphere, but also to ourselves, since we are apart of it and cannot survive without it.

Sorry, no stars to you. You haven't earned any.

[edit on 7-6-2009 by Heliocentric]

[edit on 7-6-2009 by Heliocentric]

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 05:53 AM
Anyone who has read this thread and concluded the article was refuting global warming is a moron. Pure and simple - this was the biggest idiot test of the century -wow.

Read the article - it is clearly saying that scientist concluded that global warming is true - just goes to show the level of intelligence of people who can not get their heads around this concept......

Unbelievable stupidity like I have never even seen on the internet - and there are some seiously stupid people on the internet.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by MacDonagh

Frankly we are a threat to the planet. If you destroy what the Earth uses to regulate itself it will sustain damage.

Not that it won't heal itself, but it will sustain damage that in turn will make it more difficult for life to live on this planet. If you dump oil in the water, marine life suffers, if you cut down trees by the thousands, carbon dioxide increases in the atmosphere, if you pollute, that affects nature.

Not saying it's permanent by any stretch, just saying it does do damage.

Global warming is real, it is caused both by the natural forces in effect and our own pollution.

No need to decide anything, it's just what is.

If you put enough greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere eventually it will reflect heat back onto the Earth, combine that with the natural warming trends that do occur and you got a problem.

Not saying we won't evolve to survive it, it's just what happens.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 12:47 PM
This thread is a wonderful example of the mentality of human-caused-global-warming deniers.

1. Find a headline that quotes a lie supporting your cause.

2. Do not read the article you quote from, so you can ignore the fact that it contradicts its own headline.

3. Do not read the study the article is based on, so you don't see that it contradicts your claims instead of supporting them.

4. Use an ad hominem argument against a figurehead in order to inflame passions and decrease rational thought.

5. If someone else has already done this, do it all over again, or post ingenuously in their thread parroting the lies and ad hominems.

Nasa's study says the sun is responsible for 0.1 degrees of the current temperature increase.
Nasa's study says that humans are responsible for the bulk of the temperature increase.
The current temperature increase is said to be 0.6 degrees.

[edit on 7/6/09 by Kailassa]

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 12:51 PM
Yeah, no kidding, called it.

Do we really think we can create more heat than the sun?

Anyway, it's not like we're helping, we still should try to exist "green." Oil has to go soon too, we're going to run out eventually anyway, we need something renewable.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:08 PM
For years the greenies have been cramming solar and wind energy down our throats, and guess what, it doesn't work, it's too expensive, and nobody wants it. Cap and Trade is basically going to force 'green' energy into the market by making regular energy expensive. Spend $15,000 on solar panels? Well when your electricity bill shoots up several thousand dollars, it'll look much better.
I think Global Warming is a conspiracy by the elite to control the masses through government regulation...if Al Gore really believed in what he preaches, he wouldn't live in a big mansion and fly around in a big dirty jet...he would be leading by example...
Eventually the elite will be the only ones able to afford energy, and the luxuries we currently have today.
The dirt worshiping greenies are their mindless zombie minions...they won't be happy until we are back in the stone age with rocks and spears, and even then they'll protest our fires in our caves

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by michaelhernsin

Putting our limited resources into agendas that will do diddly squat to change the global climate is wrong. These agendas are only designed to line the pockets of those who say they care about the planet while spewing false information of how humans are the primary cause of global warming (umm climate change is what they're calling it now, right
). We need to start concentrating on surviving this change instead of thinking we can change it.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:51 PM
For years I have been saying global warming is a natural phenomena. It's nice to see NASA agree with me but sad to see them ignore their own evidence. The earth heats up then the earth cools down...

Does anyone have an Idea about HOW that happens? I would bet the Mayans knew. Which is why I think their calender ends when it does... because after a cooling cycle one can not be sure about the exact amount of time involved in a rotation of the earth.

Basically, we are heating up. It's a natural thing, but as the earth gets hotter the magma fluids underneath are gonna gain more ground upwards into the crust. Finally at one point all the volcanoes go off at the same time blanketing the earth in ash thus cooling us off into a true ice age (as opposed to the mini ice age).

There is nothing we can do about it. No green initiatives that will delay it. No amount of recycling to can stop it. The earth is gonna get hotter. Then when it reaches its limit good ole mother earth is gonna do what it does to cool down. A dog would pant , a human would sweat, SHE is gonna spew an ash cloud over herself to blot out the sun and she could care less what happens to us when she does this.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by yellowcard

Originally posted by InfaRedMan
It's ludicrous to think the sun doesn't play a part in climate.... ummm hellooooo! However, it's also silly to believe it's out of the question that we aren't exasperating the problem with greenhouse gases and general pollution. The roots of climate change are multi-faceted. We still need to change our habits and work towards a sustainable future.


That maybe so, but cap and trade and other climate legislation are not the solution.


So what IS the solution then???

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by SkepticPerhaps
Yeah, no kidding, called it.

Do we really think we can create more heat than the sun?

Anyway, it's not like we're helping, we still should try to exist "green." Oil has to go soon too, we're going to run out eventually anyway, we need something renewable.

It's not a question of who creates the most heat, it's a question of whose heat has the greatest effect on the temperature of Earth's atmosphere.

According to Nasa's own study humans are responsible for 6 times as much of recent global warming as the sun is.

The headline is a lie created to appease "sceptics" who never read the small print.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by AnonymousMoose
For years the greenies have been cramming solar and wind energy down our throats, and guess what, it doesn't work, it's too expensive, and nobody wants it. Cap and Trade is basically going to force 'green' energy into the market by making regular energy expensive. Spend $15,000 on solar panels? Well when your electricity bill shoots up several thousand dollars, it'll look much better.
I think Global Warming is a conspiracy by the elite to control the masses through government regulation...if Al Gore really believed in what he preaches, he wouldn't live in a big mansion and fly around in a big dirty jet...he would be leading by example...
Eventually the elite will be the only ones able to afford energy, and the luxuries we currently have today.
The dirt worshiping greenies are their mindless zombie minions...they won't be happy until we are back in the stone age with rocks and spears, and even then they'll protest our fires in our caves

you don't know what you're saying.

solar/wind energy-generating technologies have come on in leaps and bounds over hte past 15 years, and we're making inroads into the problem of storing that energy for later use with advanced fuel-cell technologies.

sustainable energy sourcing empowers YOU, the individual, to power your own home... as well as loosening the grip of power of those who control fossil fuel stocks (ie the Arabs) over your country. It is a primary way that you can wean yourself off the control grid.

you can't assert that the ability to generate your own power is a step backwards in terms of governmental control. that's plain ridicuous.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by AnonymousMoose
For years the greenies have been cramming solar and wind energy down our throats, and guess what, it doesn't work, it's too expensive, and nobody wants it. Cap and Trade is basically going to force 'green' energy into the market by making regular energy expensive. Spend $15,000 on solar panels? Well when your electricity bill shoots up several thousand dollars, it'll look much better.
I think Global Warming is a conspiracy by the elite to control the masses through government regulation...if Al Gore really believed in what he preaches, he wouldn't live in a big mansion and fly around in a big dirty jet...he would be leading by example...
Eventually the elite will be the only ones able to afford energy, and the luxuries we currently have today.
The dirt worshiping greenies are their mindless zombie minions...they won't be happy until we are back in the stone age with rocks and spears, and even then they'll protest our fires in our caves

What a piss-poor excuse to ignore what you don't want to know.
What's the best way to avoid understanding that you're (all of us) responsible for the destruction of the planet's biosphere?
Answer: contradict the vast majority of experts and research studies with uncertainty arguments (the way Philip Morris kept cancer research at bay for decades), cry conspiracy against those who like to take away your fuel-guzzling, polluting SUV and turn yourself into a victim... instead of the planet.

It might work in Hillbilly-land, but not among people with an IQ above 50...

[edit on 7-6-2009 by Heliocentric]

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by MacDonagh
You know what's really messed up? That we consider ourselves a "threat" to the planet.

Srsly, it's been about for over 4 billion years and we've been here for what? 40,000/50,000 years?

Human beings are currently causing the greatest mass extinction of species since the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. If present trends continue one half of all species of life on earth will be extinct in less than 100 years, as a result of habitat destruction, pollution, invasive species, and climate change. Therefore, we are a threat not only to the planet and its biosphere, but also to ourselves, since we are apart of it and cannot survive without it.

I agree completely, what is REALLY messed up is people like you, MacDonagh, because for some reason you pick an answer and cling to it no matter what. I would venture to guess you haven't recently posted a new article saying that global warming is caused by man.

I think you are simply picking and choosing which science to believe based on whether or not it fits your agenda. That is bad science my friend.

You should open your heart and mind because we need everyone on this damn rock to solve these problems and allow me please to reiterate, something the previous guy who I quoted said, which is that when they release these figures, they are VERY moderate, they do not report the TRUE numbers, so when they report an 11 degree increase over a century, consider that a low ball estimate for a worst case senario, it could be 20 degrees. Life will never be the same if we do not solve this.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 04:18 PM
The linked article in OP is biased... It makes its assumptions based on another article which seems more objective:

"Right now, we are in between major ice ages, in a period that has been called the Holocene,” said Cahalan. “Over recent decades, however, we have moved into a human-dominated climate that some have termed the Anthropocene. The major change in Earth's climate is now really dominated by human activity, which has never happened before."...snip....said Doug Rabin, a solar physicist at Goddard.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 04:29 PM
Thank you for posting. I have been saying all along that this is a natural earth cycle. The geological evidence has been shown as well. There is no way that we could cause such an extreme change, of course humans would think this, very egocentric we are. I love that the truth is finally coming out.
The money scamming bandwagon is pulling out fellas, better had jump off while there is still time to save yourselves, that includes you Al Gore!!!

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by sickofitall2012
Thank you for posting. I have been saying all along that this is a natural earth cycle.

Perhaps you should read the article.

Nasa stated in it that humans are responsible of the bulk of the rise in temperature.

The temperature has risen approximately 0.6 degrees.

Nasa says the sun is only responsible for 1/6th of that rise.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 05:38 PM
I still blame ManBearPig. And next thing you'll know is that volcanoes might play a role in global warming too. Go figure.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 08:37 PM
I read a scientific report a while ago from Russia that basically said the same thing. I think it's a definite very real possibility. What boggles my mind though is that it is obvious that HUMANS are polluting this world. The air, the soil, the rivers, ocean, etc. So, what's the difference. If global warming doesn't get us we will still make the planet so polluted that we'll kill ourselves anyway.
"Global Warming" has just become a political slogan. Either way, we still need to get our # together.
And, by the way "An Inconvenient Truth" was a crappy documentary. Even if it were true, why don't you save the biographic details of your life for another time Al Gore. If the planet is going down the tubes for people the last thing I care about is your life story.

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