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[Exposed] The Anti-Indigo Agenda: human insurgency in progress! what do we do

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posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 11:34 PM
**Warning: if you don't leave now, you might smile.


This thread is a volunteer written virtual book compilation. Indigo's post advice to help others identify human insurgents and how to thwart their ignorance.


They can be found almost anywhere, and you'll definately know what they are because they leave Indigo's irked in their wake. Good samples here.


Are you an Indigo? Check here first before reading this thread. If you aren't then you are likely to not understand anything.


Reach out and touch somebody! Post your human insurgent survival tips!

so without further ado:

Understanding Humans: The Indigo Survival Guide

ps. this should be fun

[edit on 5-6-2009 by warrenb]

Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 7 Jun 09 by Gools]

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 11:52 PM
This is a great thread.

We need to develop thick skin, even in this place where we assemble. we ARE hated and even feared by some. Remember that we are supportive of eachother but don't think that the support of an indigo can be matched by a non indigo. No one can fully understand our dreams, energy surges and strange occurences the way that the ones who have also had them happen can.

Cheers and we are on the path, lets not stray!


posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 12:51 AM
As a human, I must say I am offended. I'm just sittin' here, havin' a coffee, and you're gonna invade my planet. I'm all like, hey, stop it. And you're all like, gonna use mind tricks on me. And I'm like, what can i do to stop that? And you're like, pitiful human, prepare for invasion. And then I'm like Oh yeah? and then i give the speech off braveheart, except i replace the words "lives", with "women's womb's", and you're like, touche.

"And the meek shall inherit the earth"

From my perspective, there is not one way in which i've seen the superiority of so-called indigo children practised. Anytime now. Talk-time's over. No more speaky. Action. So, whatchya got?
discuss amongst yourselves and then reassemble at your leisure, enemy of jacob.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 12:57 AM

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 12:58 AM
I've never seen anything that can prove Indigo children isn't anything more than pseudo-spiritual nonsense, and i like to believe i'm an open minded.

It always seems to be a certain type of people who talk about their own children being 'indigo children'.

Maybe it's not a case of the children being intelligent, more a case of the grown ups being repeatedly dumbed down.

Sorry peopl, call me what you like, call me 'anti-Indigo' but i don't swallow any of this for a second.

And YES very intelligent children exist, they have always existed and will continue to exist (so long as we don't expose them to too much rubbish).

Oh and then they grow up.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 12:59 AM
The minute you identify with a label you are part of the problem.
We need more people who are part of the solution.
How can you put a label on infinite consciousness anyway?
Isn't that what we ALL are, or is your consciousness more infinite than mine?

FYI, I meet all, and I do mean all of the requirements to be labeled an "Indigo".(yes, I've taken the tests)

What I want to know is this:
Where do you go to get the most esteemed and noble title of "Indigo".
Is this something that was bestowed upon you by the queen mother?
Were there college classes that you took? Did you get a Diploma/degree?
Perhaps you had to be elected.

Why is it that I meet all of the critera but still don't identify with the label?
How am I able to do this?

He who calls himself a master is still the student.
He who claims he has found the way is surely lost
He who says he has the answers is asking the wrong questions.
He who claims to be a wise man is surely a fool.

"A truely wise man has long ears and a short tounge".
Whenever I listen to people who identify with the label "Indigo" there tounges seem to always be a tad longer than there ears.
They appear to have more answers than questions which is a sure sign of a fool.

You see, there is something to be said about having humility.

There was once a man who was awared the "badge of humility" but he was stripped of it because he accepted it.

Labels feed the ego and serve only to separate us.
Label your soup, label your car, but don't put a label on infinite cosciousness please. It will not serve you in the long run.

[edit on 6-6-2009 by Jesus H Christ]

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 01:04 AM


posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 01:14 AM
I see the conflict between the sons of The Law of One and The Sons of Belial is getting more heated. The reincarnated Atlantians are waging battle once again in their penchant for extremism. Cayce had it spot-on as usual.

The other thread over there is just one of those Discordian fundamentalists making terror and havoc-- "Hail Eris!" and all that. They're far more pernicious than those Islamic fundamentalists but strap them head low onto an inclined bench and force hotdog buns down their nostrils and they'll squeal like a pig every time.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by EnlightenUp
Disclaimer: I'm a theist but not of the Abrahamic faiths. I have minor biblical scholar and scriptural skills. Also I am not a scientific/legal or medical expert in any field. Beware of my Contagious Memes! & watch out that you don't get cut on my Occams razor.All of this is my personal conjecture and should not be considered the absolute or most definitive state of things as they really are. Use this information at your own risk! I accept no liability if your ideology comes crashing down around you with accompanying consequences!

Explanation: No need to force them down or restrain me in anyway [see how ETs really want to treat us humans!] as I have willingly eaten their taboo bunness before and do you know what....They were delicious!

Personal Disclosure: Starred and Flagged OP! Well Done!

Insurgent Survival tips from a 100% Human Don't divulge info to the enemy! And....Be very careful. Feeling blue is just one fateful step away from becoming Indigo.


Just Say NO! to Indigo!

P.S. I release all rights to the above picture I created, except the right that when you copy it for use that you indemnify me from any future legal issues regarding how,when,where etc that it is used, to any who wish to possess it to do with as they see fit.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by OmegaLogos
reply to post by EnlightenUp
Disclaimer: (reclaimed)

[qutoe]Explanation: No need to force them down or restrain me in anyway [see how ETs really want to treat us humans!] as I have willingly eaten their taboo bunness before and do you know what....They were delicious!

Make no mistake. Breadboarding is torture and I shall derive great pleasure from performing it.

Insurgent Survival tips from a 100% Human Don't divulge info to the enemy! And....Be very careful. Feeling blue is just one fateful step away from becoming Indigo.

You cannot hide anything! We can feel all your information. We sense no useful intelligence however.

My advanced spiritual attainment prohibits me from believing anything you write, for do to so is a danger to you all. My thoughts are so powerful that to allow your thoughts to be entangled in mine would result in the instantaneous outward manifestation of pure chaos, ending your speck of a world forever.

No, no. I cannot let that happen as I find your pitiful, microscopic simian existences far too amusing. I delight in watching you wallow in your own crapulence. I giggle like a school girl at your insipidness. My contempt for your kind is your only salvation! Your feebleness is our worship.

Never try to please us, just be the same weasely things you always were. Your fate depends on it!

[edit on 6/6/2009 by EnlightenUp]

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 03:29 AM
The anti-indigo agenda? I didn't even realize there was one, but if there is I'll be happy to participate. You Indigos are going down!

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by EnlightenUp
Coolio with the breadboarding. and thanks for garanteeing an unlimited future foodsource. Hey can I get beerboarded at the same time? See my insurgent friends how easy it is to bend their ADHD addled minds into babysitting us for a change instead of us moddlecoddling them! I just can't wait to see the circus and games they try and distract us with...I swear it will be better than any episode of Lost!

Notice that they fear entanglement. Prepare your webs and nets my insurgent cohorts and go for the Fatality move when they try anything remotely shifty.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 08:07 AM
You guys are proving my point. Immediate dismissal, pointing fingers and calling names, coupled with idol threats. I really don't get why people feel the need to bash other people. I really don't When in the hell did any indigo say that they were going to take over the world? If someone did say that let me assure you they are an indigo fanboy not actually an indigo. There is a lot of people who love the idea of an idigo, and want to be one, Its not all roses and mental powers. We are here to help SAVE this world, not take it over. Some of my brethren say that we are of alien origin, that may be true and that may not be true. One thing is for certain we are here to help. Honestly, havent you haters noticed by now we are not trying to hurt, we are trying to help.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 08:41 AM
my post being deleted is exactly why my parents told me not to discuss this. i took that as a personal attack, along with heyo's response to my post, in addition to others who are saying "down with indigos" or "just say no to indigo". we don't go around saying "down with norms" or "just say no to normalcy" do we? what happened to deny ignorance? it is pointless to try and make norms understand that we are not trying to invade, we are just humans with a heightened sense of awareness. don't feed the trolls.

[edit on 6-6-2009 by k4rma]

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 08:45 AM
As the united master of the Indigo people I command all humans to bow before your evolutionary masters. Do not reply to this thread. Do not attempt to resist us. You will be assimilated.

We have come to bring harmony to the earth and our plans include you! We need nomals to tend our fields and build our eco friendly cities. Those that comply will be rewarded with cable television and pop music. Those that defy us will suffer the never ending wrath from the Galactic Federation of light and the army of umpaloompas!

[edit on 6-6-2009 by titorite]

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by k4rma
my post being deleted is exactly why my parents told me not to discuss this. i took that as a personal attack, along with heyo's response to my post, in addition to others who are saying "down with indigos" or "just say no to indigo". we don't go around saying "down with norms" or "just say no to normalcy" do we? what happened to deny ignorance? it is pointless to try and make norms understand that we are not trying to invade, we are just humans with a heightened sense of awareness. don't feed the trolls.

[edit on 6-6-2009 by k4rma]

For a so called enlightened person, you have done well in dividing yourself already. You are claiming that you are somehow above normal people.

Oh and define 'normal' and explain why you are not normal.

I need a laugh.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by born-indigo
Some of my brethren say that we are of alien origin, that may be true and that may not be true. One thing is for certain we are here to help. Honestly, havent you haters noticed by now we are not trying to hurt, we are trying to help.

Haven't you so called Indigo people not noticed that us 'haters' are actually just open minded cynics who don't swallow every piece of rubbish that comes spiralling out of the internet.

Ok prove to me, how you are saving the world in such a way that i should feel humbled, nay belittled.

How are you helping? What makes YOU different to ME.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 10:13 AM
show me where i said i am "above" or "better" than anyone else. i said i have a heightened sense of awareness, everyone who knows me has witnessed it. i have not divided myself, everyone has these abilities. we can help by teaching others to bring out this ability through simple mental exercizes and meditation. i don't understand why we are so feared and hated upon, if i had the power to make the fearmongering stop i would.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 10:36 AM

I neither fear nor hate you. As I don't believe you are any different to me or my neighbour or my auntie.

I think the only reason you are as you claim 'hated and feared' is because you divide yourself from so called normal people, who according to you have lesser awareness than yourself.

A bold claim and one that won't be taken without criticism. If this offends you then maybe you should use your 'heightended awarenss' to find out why, otherwise i will just assume you are talking out of our rear end.

If you struggle to understand what i am saying, or fail to see my perception of the whole matter, then i think the facts speak for themselves.

-- EDIT: To Add... I diagree with the with mod who states that i used a very large quote! ---Three sentences is not a large quote. I was using it completely in context.

[edit on 6-6-2009 by mr-lizard]

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 10:47 AM
so let me get this straight. i am no different than u, so that means u can hear peoples thoughts, know what they are gonna say, control animals, manipulate electronic devices, know when something is about to happen, hear the phone ring before it does, feel someone's energy as they are approaching and u have no way of seeing them or knowing they were coming over? your friends constantly tell u stuff like "how did u do that?" or "i have never seen my dog/cat act that way towards someone they have never met." is this what ur telling me?

what's really weird was that somehow i "knew" this would be a mistake admitting this and i would take a bunch of flak. must have been my ADD.

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