posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 12:06 AM
"June 11th, 2009 Posted in June 2009 | Comments Off
D éclassification in Uruguay - An article by Daniel Iglesias for El Pais, a major daily newspaper in Spanish from Montevideo, "the Air Force
declassified its UFO files, and the hypothesis is not rejected."
"The phenomenon of Flying Objects has often demonstrated in Uruguay. Thirty years after the research, 40 cases remain unexplained.
Most of the files were declassified, and journalists from EL PAIS have access.
The Air Force of Uruguay will not publish its findings in a "Blue Book", but access to requests for consultations.
The Committee of the Air Force is investigating these cases has been in place for decades, but the UFO phenomenon began in Uruguay in 1947, along with
the global passion for this topic was started. "
[edit on 11-6-2009 by hornyana_jones]