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The Ethics of Disclosure

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posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 11:11 PM
Disclosure. Often thrown around by our ilk with phrases akin to;

“We demand it!”
“The truth will set you free!”
“We have a RIGHT to know!”

But do we want to know? Yes, we certainly want our curiosity assuaged, we want to pound the table with our fists and tell the nay-sayers, “I told you so”. We want vindication, we want closure and we want delivery from ridicule. We often bring up statistics in favor of the majority of the population (at least of the industrialized nations) being more open to the idea of Contact. We site numbers of UFO sightings, Roper Polls showing who believes etc. To me the issue at hand is not the ability to “accept”. It is the cascade effect that happens afterward; The Ethics of Disclosure.

We’ve all heard comparisons of Modern Technology vs. Pre-industrialized technology when considering the alleged and to some apparent level of ET Tech. We’ve speculated that their tech was so advanced that early attempts to reverse engineer it were met with simian head scratching by some of our best minds. Let us agree on the assumption that since the 1940’s we can now at least theoretically conceive of their tech in actual material and hypothetical if not practical terms. Let us also consider that Disclosure would come with their blessing. Let us go even further to assume that their tech would be granted to us and or has already been reverse engineered and used in practice as well as theory via so-called “Black Projects”

Let’s focus on three major “gifts”

1. Free Energy (or very low cost at best)
2. Easy Desalinization
3. Ideal Medicine

Some of you may notice that I left FTL out. It was purposeful. Firstly because I am focusing on the Human Ethics of Disclosure, and secondly because I don’t believe if I (or you) were standing on the other side of the galactic fence that we would unleash humanity in its current Moral and Evolutionary stage of development on the rest of the universe.

We are currently experiencing an economic crisis unlike any other. This is due to our current level of prosperity (even our poor are rich in comparison with those is previous times) in the industrialized nations coupled with the level of intricacy in our economic machine today. The so-called butterfly effect has no better example then the death of our auto industry and its effect on the global financial cabal. Stick around and watch.

Power equals money / Money equals power. The money and power throughout the world resides more often than not in the hands of three very important areas. Power (oil etc), Food and Pharmaceuticals. Most of us here from the most die hard conspiracy theorist to the weekend wonderer will agree that the rich and powerful have one main desire; the rich to stay rich, the powerful to stay in power.

Now let us consider for a moment what economic impact a Miracle Clean Energy generator (henceforth MCE) would have on [the] Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, General Electric, etc. Their monetary stranglehold on us is due to supply and demand. They sell us power, we use power, we need more power, we buy more power etc. Add an MCE In Every Pot (apologies to Henry IV) and they fold, go bankrupt, kaput. Sure your MCE might be expensive at first, but eventually it will go the way of the DVD player and mobile phone until they are practically given away. Sure, they might add subscription fees, safety taxes etc but there is nothing that lines a pocket quite like a popular ne required consumable. Ergo, the energy cabal collapses and takes our economy with it. No money, no jobs, no ability to produce magic machines demanded by all.

(cont. next post)

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 11:11 PM
(cont. from above)

What of food? Let’s take the current horror in the Sudan. Let us imagine for a moment that we place our cheap desalinization plant at the coast powered by our MCE and Voilà! We shall irrigate the desert and feed the masses, right? Hmmm... lots of warlords and criminals are going to be upset. Kind of reminds me of the angry Sheiks and CEO’s resulting from the paragraph above. If you aren’t familiar with the thought of the coming “Water Wars” give Google a spin.

So, free energy, free food (or as free as it gets) and what do we have? A world still rife with disease. Sure, free/cheap clean water, food and power / cooling / heat have greatly improved things, but disease and infection still rolls across the globe. No problem, we have God Like Medicine (GLM) to fix us all.

Phizer? Johnson and Johnson? GlaxoSmithKline? Goodnight and thank you for playing. Again, economic collapse, jobs lost, no money to make or buy or manufacture our wonderful MCE’s, Desal. Plants and GLM. Let us not forget that the first people to get them will be the rich, and the last those who need them most (the third world, or rather The Majority of Humans). Murder? Riots? War? Likely. We will all want technological deliverance and want it NOW.

I’ve left out quite a few points and generalized more that I would like to but I ask you; Is it ethical to dump these expectations of prosperity and health on the world without being able to deliver it? Or should it be meted out and introduced to the populace gradually?

I would gather that many who will answer “Give it to us now and let us decide!” would also go for their guns at the mention of Socialism. I ask you, how could good old capitalism survive in a world of free power, food and water?

I’m sure some of you are upset, think I am a fool, and think that I don’t get it or have over simplified it but I say Disclosure can wait. We aren’t ready.

I’ll regroup now before the first barrage of criticism lands on me. I have my shield and my resolve. I’m ready. Though this be my first thread I crave your barbs.

And to think I haven’t even brought up the religious and moral implications or the reactions of the Priests, Popes, Rabbis, Imams and Lamas etc!

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 11:29 PM
I certainly hope they don't go ahead with full disclosure.

The last thing I want is the Communist Chinese having access to the new technologies - especially now that they can out-manufacture us.

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by whiskeypoet
I say Disclosure can wait. We aren’t ready.

I say, speak for yourself. You might not want disclosure but I do.

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by tim1989

I didn’t say I didn’t want it, I said I thought it could wait, that we were not ready based on the effects outlined above.

Have you given much thought to the economic effects of flooding the market with new/better technology and history’s lessons as to what happens to the “primitive” culture involved in such a trade? If you have a solution to the issue I'm all ears and in fact encourage you to share.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 12:06 AM
My opinion, which in fact is the truth, I don't give a damn if you say I'm wrong or ignorant (SORRY THAT'S NOT THE CASE. YOU ARE WRONG) is to abolish Capitalism. Why not live in harmony with nature and have a great world for children to come to? Instead of raping the earth of all her goods and putting a price tag on everything on this planet, why not live in our means as equals. OH WAIT WE CAN'T BECAUSE OF INDOCTRINATION SINCE BIRTH.

Maybe you like to be born, go to school for 15 years, then work till you can't enjoy life anymore only to be killed by some disease? Basically I'm saying why the hell would I want to work all my life and acquire "wealth" when it means nothing when i die? If I'm dead I don't give a damn about my legacy unlike most of you egotistical freaks out there. I'm not saying socialism is the answer, I'm saying we do not be controlled and regulated like most of you believe. I still can't believe people believe in UFO's and Aliens but they can't see a world without Capitalism. WOW YOU SURE HAVE BEEN INDOCTRINATED SINCE BIRTH. I guess you just aren't as "Awake" as you should be.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by aeroslag

Another way i can put it into perspective; The animal kingdom does not require laws, nor do they require an economic system such as capitalism. Sure animals compete amongst each other, but humans are conscious and have brains so we can work out our issues with wisdom and knowledge.

You're probably wondering how Aligator's have been around for over 200 million years without conforming to Capitalism? Easy, they did not conform to an indoctrinated form of control/slavery. That's all.

edit: grammar

[edit on 5-6-2009 by aeroslag]

edit: i also want to apologize for my anger. I'm not usually hostile but I'm just in one of those moods where I'm sick of all the BS in the world and all the dumb people. Please wake up sucks being alone.

[edit on 5-6-2009 by aeroslag]

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by aeroslag

Ironically enough, I am not at all opposed to a utopian society where all people have Food, Shelter, Heath, Safety and the ability to Pursue Happiness and worship the deity (or lack there of) of their choice. I’m not turned off by words like “socialism” or even god forbid “sharing”. If there is a switch for me to throw to make us all happy, healthy and safe, please point me to it.

Nor am I a huge fan of capitalism since its basis is a have and have-not hierarchy. I was however raised to clean up my own mess, lay in the bed I’ve made and to deal with the tools at hand.

The fact is we live in a capitalist society. The transition to a society which is open, transparent and equitable will not occur over night. Just as I do not do not support armed rebellion by every Tom, Dick and Harry (or every Fidel, Che and Mao) who disagrees with their leaders, I also don’t believe that the socio-economic process will be revolutionized over night. I do believe though that it could be destroyed very quickly and many, many people would suffer from such a wildfire approach.

I think I may have led you to believe that I am in support of the status quo. I am not. I desire environmental conservation, transparency of government and equal rights for all with the least invasive form of government possible (if you think we don’t need government, that in it’s self is an entirely different debate) maintaining infrastructure and public safety.

We didn’t get here over night. Change takes time.

Is it too much to ask for a reply that actually addresses the overall thread? You could start with the title…

Oh, and no worries about the anger. As Mr. De La Rocha said "Anger is a Gift."

Just channel it to positive change that people benefit from :-)

[edit on 5/6/2009 by whiskeypoet]

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 01:27 PM
I wonder if I'm not asking the right questions.

Perhaps rather than saying "We aren’t ready" I should ask...

"How do we minimize the negative impact of flooding the market with new tech gleaned from supposed gifts or reverse engineering?"

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by aeroslag
reply to post by aeroslag

Another way i can put it into perspective; The animal kingdom does not require laws, nor do they require an economic system such as capitalism. Sure animals compete amongst each other, but humans are conscious and have brains so we can work out our issues with wisdom and knowledge.

You're probably wondering how Aligator's have been around for over 200 million years without conforming to Capitalism? Easy, they did not conform to an indoctrinated form of control/slavery. That's all.

edit: grammar

[edit on 5-6-2009 by aeroslag]

edit: i also want to apologize for my anger. I'm not usually hostile but I'm just in one of those moods where I'm sick of all the BS in the world and all the dumb people. Please wake up sucks being alone.

[edit on 5-6-2009 by aeroslag]


I can understand your frustration. I think a lot of people are utterly sick of the lies, deceit and open corruption we see on a daily basis.

However, I'll point one thing out - we do NOT live in a capitalist society, which is a very common misconception, and I think part of the reason why we have our current discontent.

Animals run on true anarchy - the law of the jungle, survival of the fittest. They constantly have to struggle for survival.

If you really want to take free market capitalism at face value, what it represents is:

- private ownership of the means of production
- no government influence beyond protecting rights
- individuals contracting with each other for goods and services
- individuals determining price

Please note as well - the means of production are not tools. A hammer will sit on a table forever until it is picked up and put to use. It is YOU, the individual. Your intellect, your mind, your intuition, your dreams, your ambition.

This of course puts a different spin on socialism, communism and fascism...all these systems place the ownership of means of production in the hands of a collective or a state.

Free market capitalism is the only economic system that means individuals "own" themselves.

When you hire a plumber, or a carpenter, or a handyman, you are essentially working within the free market, yet there still remains an element that is not free - income taxation. Regulations, subsidies, taxes, all those are marks of government influence; all have different effects on goods and services; for example, subsidize something, and you get more of it.

And inevitably, government intervention is tainted by corporate influence on government officials.

Think of what we've seen with the bailouts - did the government bail us out?
All the claims of socialism or communism or "capitalism is to blame" are in correct. Someone believing in a capitalistic ideology would let every single bank tainted with toxic assets fail, to let the economic system clean itself out. It's like a body cleansing itself by fever. Instead, the government is prolonging the fever, and harming the body.

No communist would hand over billions to banks or automakers, at least not without creating a state monopoly as a result - since we have banks and automakers that are not owned and administrated by the government, we can come to the conclusion that the US government is not communist.

Likewise, they are not socialist; socialism is egalitarian, representing group ownership of the means of production. I dont see share certificates dropping onto my doorstep. Not socialist then.

However, the government IS bailing out corporations, which in turn scratch their back; most of Congress is invested in various stocks and shares of Big Business, through legal insider trading.

This leads us to the uncomfortable conclusion that the economic system at the heart of America is CORPORATIST; and likewise, that means the US is run on FASCISM. That is the true system we find ourselves living in.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by aeroslag

Wow, another person that feels as I do.

I'm not alone.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by veritasvoice2009

(Without any sarcasm what so ever)

I really enjoyed reading your post. I felt like I learned something. Care to tell me why you believe the last few lines in regards to corporatism/fascism?

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by whiskeypoet

Yes, we want disclosure. There are many who are happy to live in their own world oblivious to the things that happen around them, and that's their right, but they can do it just as easily after disclosure, and WILL do it just as easily after disclosure. Admitting aliens are real will not destroy the world, that's paranoid thinking drilled into you by PTB.

I have a right to know what is happening in my world, I have a right to use the medicines I choose, I have a right to take shelter anywhere, no one owns land, no one owns me. Our rights are being stripped from us, and our minds re-programmed. Snap out of your delusional belief that everything is and always will be fine, that disclosure is bad and the government is protecting us. See where it gets you, see how much the government does to help and protect you. We are not alone, but we are all islands among a massive archipelago, and anyone that matters is living on a tiny continent with "Private Property" signs.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by SkepticPerhaps

Thanks for taking the time to read the thread. I have a couple of comments.

There are many who are happy to live in their own world oblivious to the things that happen around them…

I agree with you completely.

Admitting aliens are real will not destroy the world, that's paranoid thinking drilled into you by PTB.

Scratch what I wrote earlier, I thought you read the thread. I stated "How do we minimize the negative impact of flooding the market with new tech gleaned from supposed gifts or reverse engineering?" Not that admitting aliens were "real" would destroy the world. By the way, the only thing the Powers That Be ever drilled into me with any effect was attention to detail and how to fold my uniforms so they would fit in my rack, then I fooled them and held on to my objectivity (don’t tell on me!).

Snap out of your delusional belief that everything is and always will be fine…

Quite the contrary; had you read the thread in it's entirety you would have noticed that I think things will NOT be fine. But that is just my delusional re-programmed mind talking that silly "logic" mess.

Thanks again for posting, and please call ahead of time before sheltering on my unowned land so I can tie the dogs up and safe the guns.

Edit- I had to come back and add that while I respectfully disagree with the majority of your post, I do not respect your right to rudeness. Sarcasm is wonderful and when espoused with a wink can really make for some fun, but rudeness and name calling is juvenile, shame on you sir!

[edit on 12/6/2009 by whiskeypoet]


posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 05:38 PM
Dislosure has nothing to do with empowering "communist" Chinese? First off, what communism? They're trying to buy Hummer so pretentious Chinese can boast what pigs THEY are, too. The Chinese already know about aliens, probably because our government had to tell them. Truman's government had to tell the Soviets so that both nations would know that formations of incoming radar signals would sometimes be non-humans. Corso and Wm. Cooper both said the Soviets knew. So to pretend that disclosure will empower some foreign nation is invalid. The real obstacle to disclosure is the crimes against the people and the Constitution under the pirate sub-regime that has festered since 1953, when Nelson Rockefeller (Eisenhower's advisor on the CIA) removed Ike, hence all subsequent presidents, from direct control of alien-related programs.

And when a family known for heavy business with the Nazis and other crimes against humanity makes a power grab of that sort, they don't want you to know about it. They try to tell everyone that disclosure means that terrorists will have scalar weapons to shoot down any plane, but that's not true. The US and allies already have a system that can instantly triangulate anyone who uses scalar systems of the sort. And disclosure doesn't have to be a free for all technologically. Simply sort out the issues: aliens are one subject, scalar tech and science are another. It's very easy to do correctly.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by gl2

Since it's so easy, perhaps you would like to outline a good deployment plan for alleged hypothetical tech as stated in the OP? I would love to get your take.

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