posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 01:33 PM
Jones is given too much credit. A physics prof at a Mormon University - but with ambitions. Attaches himself to Cold Fusion research. If there
could be nuclear energy released at normal conditions it would be monumental. But it turned out to be attention grabbing not breakthrough
Later research on trying to substantiate Mormon articles of faith, a Christian community in America thousands of years ago. For which zero evidence
has ever emerged.
As late as 2002 Jones was personally giving public demonstrations for a smoke free barbecues system.
His elevation to scientific stardom came with his tests he claims show evidence of thermitic material in World Trade Center debris.
Objective scientists worldwide have looked at it. No proper protocols, no controls, no double blind, no way of reproducing claimed results. Bonafide
peer review journals won't touch it. Jones paid $700 to place it in a vanity journal of a United Arab Emirates company.
As thermite is neither an effective explosive that could be used to do much damage to steel beams, it's existence in the rubble is a moot point. It
can also have been created as a fallout of materials in the building recombining. His test material is most likely the red oxide paint used to coat
steel beams.
Harrit, and a handful of non-specialists in chemistry or engineering, some just Truther website personnel, join the party.
Jones gets his Wikipedia entry, hundred of online references, and is a Truther Prophet.
His 15 minutes of fame.