posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 09:48 PM
Hi, I'm new to this Indigo thing as well, but strongly believe it may be true, as I have every aspect I can find about the Indigo's. Some of the
traits have slightly faded over the last couple years, however I have read about this happening due too diets and conditioning, exercise, etc, and my
health levels had dropped at the time these traits started to fade. Glad to see some other people are talking about this, anyone who wants to chat
with me on the subject is more than welcome to.
P.S. I have also been feeling agitated lately, restless. My friend and I, whom may also be an "Indigo" has felt the same way. We've both been more
motivated, signing up for school, getting fit, changing to healthier diets, and other smaller things in life. this began a couple months ago. Strange
that others seem to have some kind of similar feeling. Intriguing even.
[edit on 5-6-2009 by LordKnox]