posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 03:39 AM
Hey everyone,
So I'm gonna just go straight into this.
Last night, I was sat in bed, trying to get to sleep. I was having a great deal of trouble. It was a terribly hot night, and I am covered in mosquito
bites, which are extremely irritating.
Every so often I would drift into a sort of semi awake, but not quite asleep state.
This is when the strange thing happened. I drifted into the state described above, but all of a sudden, a visualisation of something really fast
travelling through something just appeared in my head. I don't know what it was travelling through, maybe leaves, branches, i think it could of been
a curtain, but whatever it was, it was coming really fast, straight at me. And it really was straight at me. When it "hit" me, it felt like i had
been punched in the face, but it didn't hurt. It startled me, I didn't quite know what to do. I just sat there, upright, extremely confused. There
wasn't any extra feelings attached to it, it was just as if it had whacked me. No negativity, no nothing.
I was dazed and confused, trying to think what it was. When it collided, I sprang back, like it had forced me, and i lunged for the light.
I put the light on and peered around my room. I couldn't sense anyones presence, or see anything. So I just flicked the light off, and tried to sleep
again, telling myself i imagined it.
So there i was layed down, pondering what it could've been, when it happened again. Another punch right in my face. This time i was a little more
shocked. The fact it happened again made me think "Someone" was doing this. Panicing, i started to use a shielding meditation a friend had showed
me. I tried to block it all out, but i could feel them, all feeling like little punches, or maybe balls of energy, directed at me. The second lot of
them, had no visualisation attached to them, just the force.
The shielding helped, it was calming it down. Eventually, after about 5 minutes of visualisation and shielding, it stopped.
I had no idea what it was. It was about 3 in the morning, I dont remember the exact time. I thought to myself, im not gonna be able to sleep after
this. I wasn't scared, just startled, extremely shocked. I was paranoid that if i went to sleep, it could happen again. Whilst thinking about this, i
was suddenly taken by a feeling of joy and happiness, which helped guide me to sleep.
I awoke in the morning, fine. Nothing unexpected happened again.
I think it might have something to do with Alpha State visions, i dont have a clue.
Anyone have any ideas?
It went on for a while, like it was a battle, like Someone was actually attacking me, but then rewarded me with sleep, for fighting it off.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Ask questions as you will.
[edit on 4/6/2009 by JacobNH]