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Yep, It's Thermite! So Much for the "Oxygen" Excuse

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posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by turbofan
I love it; it's like shooting yourself in the foot:

So we agree there is a non conventional grade of thermite in the dust.

We also agree that massive sections of steel just don't get flung out

No red flag huh?

In addition, anyone questioning the idea that nano-particles and big chunks
of "whatever" have the same energy release have never tried lighting a fire.

What is it that we do when igniting our warm toasty camp fire? We use small
pieces of wood shavings, or strips in a loose formation to allow oxygen flow.

Take a one pound block of wood vs. one pound of strips and light them off.
Observe which pile is consumed faster and releases more energy over time.

P.S. If thermite is not explosive, and we have sections of steel thrown
hundreds of feet laterally, what do you suppose the audio of explosions
might be? How about the jets of debris seen popping out all around the
tower during the collapse.

Do you think there may have been an additional form of destructive matter
in the towers besides military grade thermite? Just kinda maybe?

[edit on 6-6-2009 by turbofan]

Are you responding to my last post? We don't agree about thermite at all. I was pointing out the fallacious arguments of the red paint being thermite. The development of such material was just beginning around the time of WTC and there wasn't a whole lot of it available. Painting tons of it on a building so it wouldn't go off seems like a tough way to do things. Do you believe that a giant conspiracy would be entrusted to unproven technology? "Just kinda maybe?"
The big blocks of wood and the chips have the same total energy release when equal weights are combusted. The chips release their energy over a shorter time but the totals are the same. Read about thermodynamics sometime and you understand this point.
The sections of steel are the vertical columns collapsing as they separate from the core. They are being "flung" by mechanical forces of collapse.
No, I do not think there was destructive matter in the towers at all. There is no evidence for it other than misinterpreted videos and sound tracks by folks who need a good conspiracy to sell and their sheep who drink the snake oil. As to the fall rates and fall direction of the various buildings, no one has any experience with such events and no one can predict how the WTC buildings would behave. Extrapolation based on demolition of small structures does not suffice. We must look at the evidence we have and postulate based on it. Because there is no physical evidence of demolition, we must explain events without invoking secret quiet explosives, gravity rays, or piles of used hacksaw blades. When there is evidence of such material, we may reinterpret events based on such evidence. No, Jones doesn't provide any evidence with his latest paper.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 12:19 PM
No evidence huh?

Did we forget to account for the jet of debris shooting out of the towers
below the demo wave, 'squibs'?

Did we forget about the few inches of talcom powder fine dust spread
all over ground zero?

Did we forget about the first responder accounts of flowing/liquid steel?

Did we forget about the thermal image of the trade center showing
higher temperatures than jet/office fires can produce?

Did we forget about the nine scientists proving a military grade nano-thermite
found in the dust?

Did we forget about the audio, witness and first responder accounts of explosioins?

Did we forget about the many angle cut photos of core beams?

Did we forget about the rate of collapse?

Did we forget about the steel framed buildings coming down for the 1st
time ever due to fire alone (see WTC 7)?

Did we not watch the video evidence of debris shooting upward from
the demo wave?

What's this? No evidenece Pterdine?

YOu are a joke. A complete and utter waste of time. Go debate jones,
or get lost.

[edit on 6-6-2009 by turbofan]

[edit on 6-6-2009 by turbofan]

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by turbofan

That whole response is golden turbo, just golden!

Turbo, every single one of those things you have put forward as "evidence" has been already debunked a while ago. Years ago really. Squibs? rates of fall? Talcum powder? audio? Angled cut beams?

seriously turbo are you new to this topic, or are you just rehashing long dead topics that have been debunked time and again, just so you can hopefully pull the wool over someone who is new to the topic? Cause really if this is all you people have, beating a dead horse and claiming it to be new evidence, then I think this whole conspiracy theory is dead in the water.

And turbo, not a single one of those "9 scientists" discovered or confirmed thermite.
But hey, if you want to buy into faulty and flawed science, more power to you.

[edit on 6/6/2009 by GenRadek]

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 04:35 PM
I tihnk I speak for the entire truth movement when I say "we" are sick
of hearing opinions from anonymous kids like GenRadek.

We have real scientists with a peer reviewed study staring you in the
face...and you want to tell me that clean-up crew welders cut all those
beams on angles. YOu want to tell me that squibs are due to pressure
building up in air ducts blowing out windows.

Make me laugh!

I guess the "flowing steel" was firefighter piss?

Sorry, anyone here with an ounce of backbone who disgrees with
Jones shhould have accepted the challenge. YOu would have been
the first in the world to shut down the truth movement and prove
nine scientists wrong. Not even $500.00 will get your heart pumping
for the few minutes of work it would take to type up a rebuttal to Jones.

GL's are funny, especially the ones that talk crap and hide behind their

So unless I'm wrong, the entire truth community wants to read less
opinion and see more action from Pterdine, Genradek, Michael, Trebor,
Reheat, etc.

Am I wrong?

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by turbofan

Your lack of technical knowledge is astounding. You can't join any technical debate because you lack any skills for such and can only parrot what you read on 911 sites and see on youtube. Sit back and watch while swilling the truther snake oil and pretending that you and your pals have some inside knowledge.
When you get to college, you may be able to take a few courses that will help you with the technical side of things. If you were in my chem classes, you'd learn something useful, no matter how many times you had to repeat the course.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 06:44 PM
Can we seriously drop the 9/11 conspiracy theories already ?

You all realize this was 2001 ? and we are half way into 2009 ?
kind of late if you wanna put anyone in jail.

Think bout it this way, even if there is 100% solid proof 9/11 was orchestrated by the government. Who and What in the hell is going to put them in jail ?

Bush and Cheney might of had part of 9/11 but they will never be prosecuted.



R.I.P to nearly 3000 lost lives of 9/11.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by rami2012
Can we seriously drop the 9/11 conspiracy theories already ?

You all realize this was 2001 ? and we are half way into 2009 ?
kind of late if you wanna put anyone in jail.

Think bout it this way, even if there is 100% solid proof 9/11 was orchestrated by the government. Who and What in the hell is going to put them in jail ?

Bush and Cheney might of had part of 9/11 but they will never be prosecuted.



R.I.P to nearly 3000 lost lives of 9/11.

YOU are an agent and I'm calling you out now. Recently joined and you propagate the ignorance of such a criminal act.

Let me ask you this.. let's say your family was in a building consumed by fire and it was thought to havebeen an accident.. in the process of 6 years after your FAMILY was burned to death and you found out that it was arson.. what? you just going to let it go? No..

So please do not even TRY to get people to close their eyes to what the IMMENSE change in the entire world would be if it was made public that the towers were orchestrated. The world has changed and not for the better. The world wants us to fix it and we haven't.
When/if it is made public.. there will be sweeping change.

If you are NOT and agent then you are truly ..umm.. sloow is the best way I can put it.

b editing for the P.S..

P.s>.. 3000 lives? are you SERIOUS ? I'm gritting my teeth in anger from the lack of understanding on your part.. ( if you're an agent I do understand ) 3000 is just a drop in the bucket from the true number that has died since 9/11 as a direct result.

[edit on 6-6-2009 by Bspiracy]

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by pteridine

When you are ready to post your College documentation, and work
experience, I'll put up mine.

To suggest I have no techincal education, or field experience is a
bigger joke than any of the excuses you GL's have made in this

THanks for your 'opinion' PT; I'll take real science any day.

When you're ready to put your knowledge up against JOnes, let me know
UNtil're all just fakes.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 08:33 PM

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by mmiichael
Would you take a $50 incentive to stand in front of people on this thread that think you're a fool, and say the same things?

Get with the program, mate. Turbofan has increased his offer to $500.

Turbofan, what am I missing in this thread?

You've offered debunkers a $500 challenge, yet none are taking you up on the offer? They are all hiding behind their monitors and keyboards, attacking the results on ATS, but they baulk at the challenge to earn $500?

For most people I know, $500 is about a three day wage (after tax). Perhaps all of these other professional keyboard critics don't consider $500 worth their time and effort to debate Jones?

Anyway, I know nothing about therm*te, which is why I have never entered any debate about it, either for or against.

Seriously, if any of you doubt Jones, then take it up with him and rob Turbofan of $500 by winning your debate with Jones. Otherwise, you're pissing into the wind by typing in this thread with your 'professional' objections.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by tezzajw
Seriously, if any of you doubt Jones, then take it up with him and rob Turbofan of $500 by winning your debate with Jones. Otherwise, you're pissing into the wind by typing in this thread with your 'professional' objections.

You don't get it. No one here particularly cares to debate with Jones.

Let me guess, one of you is the judge of who wins.

Feed him the dissenting stuff already posted here and let's see his responses.

Maybe $500 in it for you.


[edit on 6-6-2009 by mmiichael]

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by rami2012

Can we seriously drop the 9/11 conspiracy theories already ?

No, that will never happen, not as long I am alive. We owe the truth to the victims of the 911 false flag Operation.

You all realize this was 2001 ? and we are half way into 2009 ?
kind of late if you wanna put anyone in jail.

It is thinking like this, that will allow another Republican President to get away with what Bush and Cheney did. Murdering innocent Americans just so Bush, Cheney contracting companies, and oil companies can make their vast fortunes and torturing of innocent people to confess to crimes that they had no part of.

With greedy criminals like Bush and Cheney who needs terrorist! When you can just go out and beat the living …. out of whom you choose and accuse them of being terrorists and then use our controlled media to sell the lies.

We need to stay on this subject until we have the real culprits lock away forever.
Then we can put this behind us.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by mmiichael
You don't get it. No one here particularly cares to debate with Jones.

You don't get it, do you?

You would all rather debate it with Turbofan, instead of debating the source? That's hypocritical.

Let me guess, one of you is the judge of who wins.

I don't know how the 'winner' would be determined. Your guess is baseless and useless. ATS offers some kind of debating service, so maybe they could help.

Feed him the dissenting stuff already posted here and let's see his responses.

That's a weak response. If you feel that Jones is incorrect, then you have his email address. Email him yourself and make your claims.

Maybe $500 in it for you.

Didn't you read the part where I stated that I know nothing about therm*te, so I'm not entering the argument either way? Is it that hard for you to read what I posted and actually understand it?

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 09:34 PM
I predict the truth will come out before any of the GL's decide to debate Jones.

Hopefully, the OS Vs the 911 reality, gets more attention in the media in the U.S, U.K and Australia. I know a lot of Aussies, like myself will be trying to get as much information, (the important information) to the media as possible.

We all have people we know, that can help in this process.


posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 09:39 PM
You really just don't get it. I think I speak for more than one person reading this. We don't care to have a discussion with Jones? Give him the $500.

One guesses he hasn't entered many arguments and conceded he's been wrong. And who will be the judge of who won and who lost?

More interesting for men, I can email the head of Divinity studies at Brighman Young University and make a knowledgeable argument that there were no ancient American settlement as described by Joseph Smith reading from a golden book shown to him by the Angel Moroni. This golden book was coincidentally discovered buried in New York State. Though millions accept it's existence and there are many papers don it, there is about an equal amount of scientific evidence as there is for the nano-thermite explosives.

When something makes no sense it makes no sense.

Fun to pick at on a conspiracy site thread, but that's about it.


posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 09:45 PM
I noticed none of our in house chemistry boffs has an answer for how massive clumps of steel were propelled outwards for 500ft + when the official word is the WTC's collapsed...


Impossible i say......

....and to say"we dont know cos this hasnt happened so we have no comparisons..." is just BS..

something caused it, and it wasnt what??

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by mmiichael
You really just don't get it. I think I speak for more than one person reading this. We don't care to have a discussion with Jones?

You have confirmed that you don't get it.

You don't want to debate the source, you would rather debate the messenger.

One guesses he hasn't entered many arguments and conceded he's been wrong.

Again, you show your ignorance by needing to guess. Why don't you email Jones and ask him how many arguments he has been involved in?

More interesting for men, I can email the head of Divinity studies at Brighman Young University and make a knowledgeable argument that there were no ancient American settlement as described by Joseph Smith reading from a golden book shown to him by the Angel Moroni. This golden book was coincidentally discovered buried in New York State. Though millions accept it's existence and there are many papers don it, there is about an equal amount of scientific evidence as there is for the nano-thermite explosives.

That off topic crap that you just posted above is proof that you would rather waste time and ATS bandwidth, rather than taking up your argument with Jones - the source.

When something makes no sense it makes no sense.

You're describing your own posts with that one-liner.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by turbofan

In addition to your technical shortcomings, your ability to read is also in question. I stated that when Jones published his new paper, I would critique the work. You said you were unaware of such a paper but it was mentioned several times in the radio interview transcript that you posted.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 10:44 PM
The winner will be decided through science; this isn't a damn popularity

Right now the 'big talkers' are trying to discredit LDRD and Jones, yet
have not brought any new theory, or science to this dicsussion.

You [the big talker] have not suggested an alternative to the chemical
signature of the chips.

You [the big talker] have not tried to acquire dust samples to study.

You [the big talker] would rather 'yap' with your fingers than knock on
doors and question witnesses, or look for methods to obtain the dust samples
to do your own testing.

You think I'm worried about $500.00? I know for a damn fact it's not
going to get paid out because you're all fakes. Are there any other of
my truth brothers willing to increase the pot? Maybe we can throw
$5000.00 toward the "big talker" who has the balls to step up with their
real name, and show these scientists how wrong they really are?

Something more promising than, "there's not much to debate right now"

[edit on 6-6-2009 by turbofan]

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by pteridine
reply to post by turbofan

In addition to your technical shortcomings, your ability to read is also in question. I stated that when Jones published his new paper, I would critique the work. You said you were unaware of such a paper but it was mentioned several times in the radio interview transcript that you posted.

I'm holding you to this.

Care to "u2u" and exchange personal info so we can set this up in the future?

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