posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 08:41 PM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear readers,
Responding to the increasing interest in the H1N1 Flu epidemia I decide on this thread to release my personal forecast of what is going to happen
during 2009 and 2010 on it.
There are various major aspects to underline:
- From one side the negative one, of course will be the millions of people infected and the hundreds of deaths around the world, that could become
thousands in a year, so the fears about a pandemia are rational. The expansion of the plague will be worst in the winter of 2009 when the USA will
have a very similar situation than the one reported currently in Mexico.
- The appearant difference in the status of the epidemia in the United States and Mexico is due to the weather aspect, since while central Mexico has
a mountain weather that is really cool or fresh all the year, the southwest of USA has now a so warm one, with a so hot summer that kill the virus so
- This situation, however, is going to change drastically as soon as the winter of 2009-10 enters at the end of next December, for that epoch we are
going to see the real dimension of this problem in American soil.
- Unfortunately the vaccine will not arrive on time to prevent the worst scenario, the pharmaceutical industry will show lack of efficiency to
develop an effective way to prevent and cure this Flu during the rest of 2009.
- For the education sector this will be a terrible situation from September 2009 to April 2010 since many imporant centers as schools but also
Universities will be driven in to quarantine.
- A relative good news is that on 2010 the final development of new effective terapies against the flu will boost many economical and social sectors
related not necesarily related with health care sector, since curiously the remedy of this matter will come not from the most advanced science or
technology, as many are now expecting, but from the ancient knowledge of use of natural medicine conserved by aborigins of many countries around the
world ( Amazonia, Asiatic Southeast, central America) .
- In particular the rediscovering of effective ancient cures against this Flu is going to increase the respect for the minorities, for the ones that
are now liiving in the shadows, in the USA for the native Americans, for the most primitives among the so called indian nations, and moreover for the
- This will be a lesson of humility for the so pride western civilization, and specifically for the modern science many times linked with the great
economical interests, as well for the traditional heath sector and the physicians that are going to be exposed with this crisis not really as workers
for the society but as merchants of the human illnesses and death, unable to affront this terrible challange. Only a minority of the most dedicated
and humble among the health professionals & clinical researchers will turn their attention to the traditional medicine when all the other treatments
The H1N1 will pass away finally as one of the worst pandemias of the modern times, also as one of the so called anounced plagues of the Revelation
book, but the lessons of solidarity and respect for all the forms of culture and for the human diversity and for the Ecology will represent a good
consequence of it.
In particular for Mexico this health crisis will join its very fragmented society and will recover the respect for the traditional values long time
forgoten, as well it is going to remember to many that the nation is, besides its close relationship with the North, still part of the LatinAmerican
thanks for your attention,
The Angel of Lightness