posted on May, 1 2004 @ 01:59 AM
The Da Vinci Code is a work of FICTION
Get a paper back copy of Michael Baigent's Holy Blood,
Holy Grail. This is a work of NON-FICTION.
The premise of Holy Blood, Holy Grail is based on the theory that Christ was human, subject to the normal
urges of any human. A man of his day and age would
have married, sired children, etc.
A theory is not fact. No matter how well researched theory does not become fact until it become a proven
No one really knows if Jesus Christ married and sired children. Non of the Gnostic texts that were excluded from the Bible proves that Christ did
marry. There is only
traditions, some from France that hold with the idea of Mary Magdelen arriving on the shores of France some time after the crucifixion. Tradition
also hold with the fact that there was a child, a daughter born to Mary Magdelen.
Baigent et al did their research well. So well that upon publication they got the Catholic Church in an uproar. Their work was considered heresy and
Catholics were told not to buy the book, read it or believe one whit of it. Consequently, I went out and bought my own hardcover copy, read and
studied it thoroughly.
It hasn't affected my faith, because I can tell the difference between a theory and a proven fact.
What Baigent does not do is recognize the divinity of Christ. He is God's son. Half man, half God. He died for our sins. He will come again to
judge the living and the dead.
If Christ had children here on earth, so be it. But I would defy anyone to prove that any person alive today carries Christ's DNA.
So as far as the rest of Brown's story goes, it's a cleverly written, suspenceful and dramatic story.
Angels and Demons is even more exciting than the Da Vinci Code.
But while you are at it, find a copy of Dan Browns other books. The one he wrote about the NSA will peal your scalp off your head. Digital Fortress.
Deception Point aint so bad either. Brown knows his craft. He writes compelling, though provoking Fiction.
But it is still......FICTION
And you asked why did Brown include that page about something that is real?
It's called a hook in writer's terms. Each of us writers know that we have only a few seconds to convince a reader that the book they hold in their
hands is worth taking home.
So we use hooks, to get the casual reader literally and figuratively hooked on what our books are about.
If Brown didn't think of putting the facts in his manuscript, I can personnally assure you, his publisher and editor are smart enough to know what it
takes to sell lots and lots of books.
That, my dear, is a tip straight from the heart. That's why its there. You bought the book didn't you? Or borrowed it from some one who did.
It's all about the bottom line, sales.
Writers are a craven lot and we take every liberty we can. Believe it.
[Edited on 1-5-2004 by radstar]