posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 05:21 PM
Well, many nations have valid reasons to have something against the US, as we have been involved in the destruction, degradation, rape murder and
pillage of many countries around the globe. However, just because we give them reasons does not mean that any of them have designs out to "get us".
Vietnam has many reasons to have it in for the US, we went over there and fought to keep them from becoming independent, we systematically raped,
murdered, and pillaged many entire villages from both sides (north and south), and we completely destroyed their country. Funny thing is....most
vietnamese i meet are extremely forgiving and accepting. I find that despite historical tragedy, most countries do indeed live in a forgive and
forget mindset, once the hostilities have ended and some time has passed....accepting the jews perhaps for their holocaust.
There has been no indication that iran has anything plotted against us, and indeed they have been trying to work with us for a long time. They
entered into a treaty several years ago whereby they would suspend all nuclear production, and we would furnish all their nuclear energy needs. They
stopped production for 4 years, and yet the US didnt send one shipment of the promised energy materiel, and so the iranians began their nuclear
project again. They acted in good faith, and we, as we often do, ignored our committments. To date, as i stated before, Iran has never, NOT ONCE
stated a single intention of theirs to launch an attack on another country, nor have they threatened an attack, not even after we instigated a coup
and put our own despotic puppet in power, not even after we have kept them under grueling embargos and sanctions for decades. They have taken it all,
and continued trying to do their best to provide for their people and their society with stoic dignity.
Many people look to the comments of their mahmoud ahmadinejad, and point out how volatile his statements are.....So what? he is not their supreme
commander, and has no ability to order attacks. Further, if you pay attention to his speeches (the whole things, not the soundbytes) you will see he
often has a reasoned, important, and valid point, coming off much more educated and intelligent than our last few presidents.