posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 06:30 AM
Ok, I admit it, I am curious of what other people here think of me. Not that it is going to make or break me you understand, but just curious. Aren't
we all?
So let's have at it. Post what you think of the member above you. Am I a troll? Am I an idiot? Are my ideas too radical or extremist? Do I post
horrible threads? Or do you like me?
Ahh, but remember, you must do this with civility and adhere to the T&C. And further, if a negative comment, you must provide a reason for your views,
and the clearer you can be with this the better. Like cite examples, with links.
The mods may not like this idea at all, fearing this will turn into a personal attack fest. But wait! Here is our opportunity to prove that hypothesis
wrong! We can tell people politely why we don't care for their views or threads, or posts, or whatever!
THINK CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU POST. Obviously, positive comments will be much more welcome than negative ones. But the negative ones may help us to
understand some things about ourselves that we may wish to change! How can we know if we are never given the opportunity!
Only comment on the last poster please!