posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 01:11 AM
No offense taken, I just see myself as one of "these people" you refered to. There are many things occuring around the world lately and it is up to
us to keep ourselves informed, we are together in this. If I see something unusual I will try to get the information out as soon as possible because
it's fairly clear that we can only rely on the media for so much before things either come out suppresed, twisted, or plainly do not come out at all.
It's "us" who are on top of these theories, conspiracies, prophecies, upcoming world events and such, therefore all we have is "us" to rely on to
get this information passed on. I for one would hate to have someone not inform me of something they see unusual which could lead to something worse
because they were not sure if it was correct or if they'd be rediculed. Just remember that it is up to us to keep us informed of these things, so do
not hessitate on ever posting something you find suspicious for in the end two things can come from it, we save ourselves thanks to it or we debunk it
and all is good. ^.^