posted on May, 31 2009 @ 10:00 PM
Anyone else tried Total body modification? I did it with my chiropractor last week, for my cat allergies. It's really hokey stuff, but, amazingly
enough, it worked like a charm. I have 2 kittens. She desensitized me to one of them last week and I'm taking the other one's hair in tomorrow with
me, as well as my dog's hair. I've had terrible cat allergies since I was a small child - nose runs, sneeze, itchy red eyes. In the last few years,
I've also developed contact issues, so if I touch a cat or just about any other animal, the contact point gets really itchy. After 10 minutes of
total body modification last Wednesday, I kid you not, I was able to take my kitten and put him right up against my face, smell him, touch my eyes,
etc. Absolutely NO reaction. It's amazing. She said it will hold as long as I don't get stressed out. stress can bring the allergy back according to
my chiro.
So I'm just going to go through life chillin.
Anyone else tried this for allergies? Chiropractor told me she has 99.9% success with it