posted on May, 31 2009 @ 05:22 PM
Interesting one,
It also could indicate the complete rising, merging and integration of Kundalini through the chakra system.
The central tentacle and 7 chakra's above it, with the rising up through the 7th or piercing, then joining and falling back down around the
practioner is quite similar.
There is also one more aspect from Tibetan Tantra supporting this, that I wont go into here, but a few things seem to indicate this....
It could indeed be a energy field on a much shorter scale than the earths..
Infact if it links in with 7th July it could indicate for the first time for a couple of thousand years a Human will completely become enlightened,
not partially like has happened many times since, within all of our lifetimes, but reach full and unbounded Christ consciousness or Buddha hood whilst
To relaise the 10 complete paths of Bodhissatva.
Interesting. I can think of one person in particular who may be quite close to this... very interesting,
Kind Regards,