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The biggest mistake a person can make is...

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posted on May, 31 2009 @ 10:19 AM
... is to sell his/her soul in exchange for extra terrestrial commodity.

Read this thread:

Just because aliens are so rare in our earth realm, all ordinary people accept ET goods and sell their hearts without questioning anything. It makes them feel special, they have lived to know ETs! That inflates such peoples egos...

I feel sorry for such individuals, and there seems to be a large number of such people on earth who sold their souls in favour of NWO and few glimpses of power and life glitter

[edit on 31-5-2009 by Freeman]

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 10:59 AM
Could you please explain what you define as 'selling you're soul'?
I think we may understand this term differently!

My understanding is something like the crossroad deal, or a blood pact, or something on the terms of "I herewith sell my soul in all eternity, for... "

I didn't see any such thing in your link.

Blessed be,

p.s. The only thing I could understand is, if it were a closeminded person writing that: e.g. "You don't believe what I believe, then you must be selling your soul to the devil!!!"
But that can't be what you are trying to say, because you're not from the 1500s and we all know that a forum for 'denying ignorance' wouldn't be the place to missionarize using outdated 'you will burn in hell' arguments.
No, that can't be what you mean. Maybe the link is wrong or I'm missing the point....

EDIT: gramma (and speeling!)

[edit on 31-5-2009 by Aldolas]

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 11:29 AM
Are you saying you have sold your 'soul' because you get channeled to/with (grammar?).

I personally feel you are right about the gold pixies that the aliens are using to mind control those who drink cola whilst facing the south.


posted on May, 31 2009 @ 11:39 AM

channeling and selling your soul has got nothing incomon

By selling your soul i ment going against god / your heart / true self

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by Freeman

Save the religious sentiments for the religion forums. I have never gone against my heart or my true self. Your statements are arrogant and self righteous.... assuming that people who research ufos and alien life are inferior and are not true to themselves.

Personal opinions of a religious nature that put judgements on all those who are not of the same mindset have no business in this forum!

[edit on 31-5-2009 by NephraTari]

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 12:14 PM
Why did you not simply save the bandwidth and post in the existing thread in your OP?

I clearly assume that you have not ever personally been graced with the opportunity to be in the position to make this choice right?

One never knows what they may choose in the moment. You most likely would end up being used by the energies of those that you suggest you could sell your soul to.

It is very tricky and life is not simple and compact. and it is VERY rare to be offered any kind of exchange, in fact almost impossible to find someone who has ever been contacted to become the ruler of the Universes. Almost.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 01:24 PM

Spooky religious talk will get you nowhere, so refrain from talking about evil or good and come back with PROOF that what you are talking about exists. Thanks.

Your post draws a response out of me that is the opposite of fear or warning. The response is best described by a light giggle and a face palm.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 01:29 PM
I don't think the OP has as yet actually made clear what they were trying to say: Where in the quoted thread does anyone go against

[...By selling your soul i ment going against] god / your heart / true self[...]

And going against god or God or the Almighty One or oneself is not 'selling your soul'. I'll go with it being a sin, it's definitely wrong but it's not 'selling your soul'!

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by Aldolas
I don't think the OP has as yet actually made clear what they were trying to say: Where in the quoted thread does anyone go against

[...By selling your soul i ment going against] god / your heart / true self[...]

And going against god or God or the Almighty One or oneself is not 'selling your soul'. I'll go with it being a sin, it's definitely wrong but it's not 'selling your soul'!

I'm sure god is keeping a list of who is and who isn't being true to oneself. I mean if I order a Coca-cola and I really want a 7-up... God marks that one down. He's got a powerbook that he takes with him, and he just opens up stickies. Or maybe he just notches it on his bed post every night before he hits the hay. Either way, he's on top of it.

[edit on 31-5-2009 by bloodline]

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by bloodline

Ok, what I meant with not being true to oneself, was going against your conscience. And as I said, I can understand when someone calls it a sin (I wrote 'I'll go with it being (called) a sin') but it is nothing near selling your soul.
As for buying 7up instead of coke, how dare you do such a thing! That's not being true to yourself, that'll give you at least 24 hours longer in hell!!! Unless of course we're all missing something and it's selling your soul, that's eternity!

Is the OP actually getting points for this nonsense?
I can't take this thread seriously => the OP hasn't answered my question in the first post.
And I'll repeat the question for the third time: where in the linked text, does someone sell there soul?
But a fun thread sure ain't ATS worthy. Rantforum perhaps? Or are we all missing something important?

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 06:49 AM

Originally posted by antar
I clearly assume that you have not ever personally been graced with the opportunity to be in the position to make this choice right?

You are full of #. For the past 4 years i have been getting request for corruption/turning to negative aliens/nwo side non stop. Yet i still have dilliegence to stay true to myself, so shut up

"It is very tricky and life is not simple and compact. "
What the hell do you know about life?


I am not tallking about joining benevolent aliens, i am talking about the very dark end spectrum.

If you dont belive in god thats fine with me. Would it digest with your narrow intellect better if i said these people go against nature instead of god/true self?? (against free world, against life, against people and planet?)

"assuming that people who research ufos and alien life are inferior and are not true to themselves.

WHere exactly did you see me say it is evil to "reserach" them? I havent said that. i Said it was evil to SERVE them and abuse other life who are deemd not worthy.

[edit on 1-6-2009 by Freeman]

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 06:57 AM
The biggest mistake we can make is assuming stuff like this has nothing to do with why no one takes this subject seriously, lol.

This is why the government doesn't have to run counter intelligence programs concerning ufos....the people gladly do it for them for free
So I guess the taxpayers should thank you at least.

Keep smiling!

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 07:02 AM
Like I said in his other thread, the op should see a doctor.
This site is becoming a meeting place for the delusional.

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 07:02 AM
Now call me an eagle-eyed debate dissector if you must. But surely:

Originally posted by Freeman
i Said it was evil to SERVE them and abuse other life who are deemd not worthy.


Originally posted by Freeman
You are full of #. For the past 4 years i have been getting request for corruption/turning to negative aliens/nwo side non stop. Yet i still have dilliegence to stay true to myself, so shut up

"It is very tricky and life is not simple and compact. "
What the hell do you know about life?

Contradict each other.

I'd maybe ask the 'good guys who channel through/to you' if they have a councilor on board next time - it can't be easy having the strain of the world on your shoulders.

Thanks for spreading the happy joy and keep being happy.


posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by Freeman

First I want to address your comments to Antar.. who is a respected member and friend. Acting Childish and telling them to shut up, is not a great way to argue what a great christian you are. You really ought to be ashamed as well as the what the hell do you know about life comment. You sit back and try to sit on a high horse above everyone else and then resort to hostility when that is about the LEAST CHRISTIAN thing you can do. I am always amazed at how hypocritical some people can be.

Second.. I am really at a loss for what you are talking about.. what people do you know that serve some dark aliens and how do you know it for a fact?
You have physical evidence of their existance and that these people help them?

If so.. please share, because we had no idea you had the smoking gun.

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 08:35 AM
I should have known you 2 were friends lol

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 09:18 AM
So if someone gets an ultra top secret job with the government and ends up working with extraterrestrials then you are saying they have 'sold their soul' just to gain this knowledge?

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 02:42 AM
i will bite :

i wish to ` sell my soul ` for ET commodioties

i reserve the right to decline cetrain trades - and TBH would prefer :

He3 [ helium 3 ]

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 06:21 AM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape

i reserve the right to decline cetrain trades - and TBH would prefer :

He3 [ helium 3 ]

Would you like some Element 115 with that? Op, exactly how do you recieve these messages? I find it moderately difficult to swallow your channeling story..

You make it sound like anyone can casually walk into Wallmart & buy a super duper alien space ship for the one low price of "YOUR SOUL".


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