The six Planetoids that were shown in the beginning of the video are what I believe logically Taymour is saying these beings live at. Admittedly not
much is known about Kuiper objects and beyond. The following is what I could find on the objects. Really only four of them stood out as anything
remotely odd. Pluto, Haumea, Quaoar, and Makemake (2005 FY9). Sedna (Xena) somewhat stood out because of its’ similarities with Pluto. All though
all of these objects are
extremely far away and thus VERY cold with highest temperatures (from what NASA says) on average around -200 degrees
F. So either
A.) NASA is lying about the temperatures, which is unlikely because I see no plausible way a body that far from the Sun could have
any type of habitable warmth, the only slight natural possibility would be geothermal but even that IMO would not be enough.
2.) These creatures have artificial bases on one of these bodies, which would be logical if one is to live on one of these distant and
inhospitable objects.
3.) These creatures do not require the same conditions that we do for life and thus any logic that uses our “criteria for life” is mute.
The following is a brief list of the six Planetoids listed in the video:
Pluto is believed to have rocky surface that is covered in frozen methane, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide. The same makes up its’ atmosphere which
likely falls to the ground during Pluto’s
Aphelion . Its’ average temperature is around 44 Kelvin
(-308F). Pluto has three known moons. At times Pluto is closer to Earth than Neptune, this is during Pluto’s
Perihelion or Apsis. We will know quite a bit more about Pluto and the other Kuiper objects after
The New Horizons probe arrives at Pluto on July, 2015.
This Planetoid stood out for many reasons, it is the closest to Earth so it makes sense that a ETs outpost would be positioned somewhat close to
Earth. Also it is thought to contain water ice on its’ surface. It also relatively ‘warm’ compared to the other Planetoids.
Best resolution available of Pluto taken by Hubble in true color
Diagram showing the theoretical three layers of structure that make up Pluto’s mass with “1” being frozen nitrogen, “2” being water ice,
and “3” rock.
For further info see Pluto
Eris (Xena)
This object is actually more massive than Pluto by about 27%. Its’ surface temperature is believed to be between 23-27 Kelvin (about –414 F),
noticeably colder than Pluto due to it being further from the Sun. Its’ average distance from Sun is around 64 AUs. This Planetoid was originally
called “Planet X” by NASA, but after the IAU reclassified planets in 2006 this was bumped down to a “Dwarf Planet”, a type of Planetoid. The
same reasons I gave for Pluto can apply here in support of life living on one of these bodies.
Picture of Eris and moon Dysnomia taken from Hubble
Comparison of Near- Infrared spectrum showing close similarities of Eris and Pluto, notice arrows pointing to methane absorption.
For further info see Eris
Artist depiction of Sedna and moon
So far from Sun that the temperature never rises above 33 Kelvin (-400F) and is thought by some to be the first object that belongs to the
Oort Cloud . Surface is though to be comprised of a hydrocarbon sludge, giving Sedna
its’ red color. Its’ surface has been suggested to be made of the following: 24% Triton tholin, 7% amorphous carbon, and 26% methanol ice with 33%
methane. Sedna does have an unusual orbit that has lead some to believe it is possibly being
perturbated by a Saturn or Jupiter sized object in the Oort Cloud.
For further info see Sedna
Makemake (2005FY9)
Hubble photo of Makemake
Makemake is possibly the most compelling of the six dwarf planets. Makemake has an
Extremely high methane content. It contains broad
methane absorption bands, and if the levels were much lower like Pluto or Eris than I wouldn’t be speculating anything, but they are MUCH higher,
and methane is a by product of organic life. I am NOT saying this is definitive proof of ANYTHING but that it is simply interesting to note. There is
also a significant lack of nitrogen as opposed to Pluto or Eris. Although it has been
postulated that the high levels of methane and the low
levels of nitrogen are a result of
atmospheric escape the fact is we simply do not know
enough about that process or these outer solar objects to make a secure decision. Here is some more information on Makemake:
Average surface temperature of around 30 Kelvin (-405F) with an average distance from Sun at around 45 AUs. Rocky surface could contain nitrogen ice
or methane ice, it is unknown currently. The atmosphere could be frozen to the surface during Makemake’s Aphelion.
For further info see Makemake
Hubble picture of Quaoar
Another interesting dwarf planet because of its’ active geology on it.
Cryovolcanism is thought
to be responsible for the evidence showing a sudden rise in temperature in the last 10 million years. The temperature rose to its’ current range of
110 Kelvin (-261F) possibly due to eruptions of water, ammonia, or methane rather than molten rock. Quaoar is about 3.7 billion miles from the Sun and
has an average temperature of 55K (-360F). Its surface is likely similar to that of Saturn’s moon
For further info see Quaoar
Haumea(2003 EL61)
Keck Image of Haumea and its’ two moons
The elliptical shape of Haumea makes it standout for its’ uniqueness in the Kuiper Belt. Another strange and unknown feature of this Planetoid is
the surface and its’ feature. While Haumea may have a molted surface similar to Pluto it seems to exhibit something strange in the fact that spectra
readings showed
strong crystalline water ice features, which is very peculiar because crystalline ice forms at above 110 Kelvin and the observed
temperature on the surface is on the order of below 50 Kelvin, the temperature where amorphous ice is formed. The ice structure is unstable
due to the constant bombardment of cosmic rays and other energetic particles that strike all the objects in the Kuiper region. The timescale for the
ice to revert to its’ amorphous structure from crystalline is on the order of ten million years, however these objects have been in their present
location for
1,000s of MILLIONs of years! In addition radiation damage should darken and redden the surface of the dwarf planet where common
organic compounds are present, but this is NOT the case. It appears that by
an unknown mechanism the surface of this body is being
“resurfaced”! There have also been traces of hydrogen cyanide and other related salts found.
Artist rendering of Haumea
For further info see Haumea
All images courtesy of
[edit on 6/2/2009 by jkrog08]