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When Will We Fight?

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posted on May, 31 2009 @ 05:19 AM
I posted this on another thread i had started , but i thought it goes good with what SGT has brought up here, i was sitting around the other day thinking of what i would say if i could address the people of the United States. You can criticize it if you want, but here is what i came up with.

It is an unfortunate situation that "We the People" are in. It troubles me that the current state of affairs of our government has been allowed to become what it has, but what are we as a country to do?

We cannot sit by idly by while this government becomes an oppression on the people it was designed to serve and protect.

The greed and special interests of those charged to look after the well being of this country has reached a breaking point. Whether you are liberal or conservative, republican or democrat, it no longer matters, this encompasses all and dissolves all party lines.

Gone are the days when we could battle it out over left and right, liberal or conservative. We are fast becoming a nation when having these two sides was a luxury. Now we have to chose to stand together so that our children and grand children will have the opportunities we were afforded.

But in the aftermath there is always hope, should the time come we have to stand once again as our forefathers did against tyranny and oppression , we will, and we will prevail, because deep within us we know its the very future of our way of life we wish to pass on to the next generation. It is in our blood,it is our responsibility,it is what we were charged with by our founding fathers as Americans, to rise when we are called upon to do so.

"In matters of style, swim with the current;
In matters of principle, stand like a rock"

"God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty.... And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

both quotes by Thomas Jefferson

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 05:27 AM
reply to post by SGTChas

I'v read a few of your posts here on ATS now and they all seem to be the same thing, you dont want a peacefull revolution you just want an excuse to use all your gun's and ammunition you have been storing for the 'good fight'.

You can find these self proclaimed revolutionaries in threads that deal with survivalism or revolution much like this one, I dont even need to check to see what post's you have written thats just what i have SEEN you post.

Go ahead 'rise up' see how far you get

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by Reading
reply to post by SGTChas

I'v read a few of your posts here on ATS now and they all seem to be the same thing, you dont want a peacefull revolution you just want an excuse to use all your gun's and ammunition you have been storing for the 'good fight'.

You can find these self proclaimed revolutionaries in threads that deal with survivalism or revolution much like this one, I dont even need to check to see what post's you have written thats just what i have SEEN you post.

Go ahead 'rise up' see how far you get

you fail in your assumptions of who we are or what we are 'about'..

again you fail when you make the comment that we should 'rise up and see how far we get'.. it isn't about "getting anywhere".. it's about standing up for ourselves, win or lose. I will die free over living in slavery any day.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 08:35 AM
Upon taking even a cursory look at Humans throughout history, we find that we are a very reactionary species. The more macroscopic the situation, the less preemptive Humans tend to be. Sure, we'll prepare for no food next Winter, but we don't bother trying to ensure food for the Spring.

We will fight when there is no other option. When it is fight or die. As long as there is a third option, then fighting is relegated to the pile of "unnecessary" actions.

Fighting does not mean pick up your guns and lets have us a walloping good time. Fighting means standing and defending your principles. Fighting means espousing what you know is correct and true, no matter the obstacles that lie in your path. Fighting means correcting the injustices that are heaped upon you, day after day. Fighting means not surrendering your Truths for no man. Fighting means no compromising away your freedom as Humans for a little bit of peace of mind.

If i have to fight with my weapons, i will. If i have to fight with my words, i will. If i have to fight with my actions, i will. If i have to fight with my faith, i will.

For those of you whose principles and values have been replaced by illusions, may your chains rest lightly.

love and peace

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 10:42 AM
Too little too late IMHO, its about 50 years too late to try and fight TPTB any political movment or even armed revolt would be and are easily squashed... the stage is has already been set now its just a question of survival...

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 01:30 PM

When Will We Fight

Not until some people actually take the time to read and comprehend the OP. What I read was a reference to an incident, in which a city government is attempting to control what goes on, behind the closed doors of a private residence. I tried, very hard, to make a connection to Democrats or Obama, but just can't see it.

I hope that, someday, Americans see through smoke screen of the rhetoric of the elitists, which is intended to divide us. I don't even see it as partisanship. It is the creation of a 'me against you' and 'you against me' mindset, to prevent a 'us against them' movement. For as long as I can remember, no matter which party is in the Whitehouse or Congress, 'We the People' get screwed.

When Will We Fight

Not until lawyers and politicians stop convincing everyone, that they are part of some 'special interest group' that deserves or is entitled to special treatment and/or dispensation.

When Will We Fight

When Americans stop being a bunch of whining cry babies, who 'feel' too much and think they can actually reach the Nirvana-like state of never being offended.

When Will We Fight

I'm afraid we are moving away from that point, at an alarming rate, rather than toward it.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by blind.face

you fail in your assumptions of who we are or what we are 'about'..

Your right, i can only assume through yours and others like minded posts that i read, Just like in the other thread which was about (yup you guessed it) rising up and fighting the 'oppressive' FED these assumptions come from somewhere,Your posts!

it isn't about "getting anywhere".. it's about standing up for ourselves, win or lose. I will die free over living in slavery any day

Your right on that one you wont be getting anywhere at all with that attitude, well maybe 15 mins of fame in a waco type situation with the media portraying you as crazy right wing gun hoarders

You and i have different opinions on slavery too, You armchair/internet revolutionaries really have it tough these days, what with the price of ammunition going up and all! I take it you live in america right? Then i would go as far as to say it is one of the least oppressive goverments in the world.

Go exchange places with somebody in china or north korea i bet they would jump at the chance, they wouldnt come to america and say man this is like one big slave nation! They would love the new found sense of freedom they just gained!

If you spoke like you speak on here in one of those countries you would be carted away and jailed,That alone to me says your not living in an oppressive society!.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by Reading

If the gov keeps heading where its heading......step by step, it WILL be like some of the more oppressive countries. What part about that dont you understand? It is not hard to look back through the last couple of years and even farther, and connect the dots to what is going on now.

Obama is another pawn, setting up what looks to be the future endgame for what was the American dream.

You call these men Armchair revolutionaries.......while you sit there and try to deny that anything is going on? Or do you SEE what is going on? Can you connect the dots? Do you understand the repercussions of the bills hes SHOVING down the throats of Americans with his "Dont read it just do it" attitude? Or the criminals hes electing to office? And i dont want to hear anything about the previous administration, we are aware of what bush did and have all discussed and heard it ad nauseum.

Between the constant raping of the American dollar, the huge Acorn scandals, the money changing hands to the elite, the bills being passed and bailouts no one wanted, the ability now to filibuster anything they want, eliminating states rights, infringing on AMERICANS rights, taking over industry and banks, trying to nationalize everything to make americans more dependent on government. SERIOUSLY ITS NOT THAT HARD TO UNDERSTAND WHATS GOING ON HERE!

Im sure you read my post above......I would rather hope that all of this comes to some sort of peaceful resolution, that the PTB wise up and start listening , but who knows if it will?

For all of those that think these "armchair revolutionaries" are a minority, you apparently havent been paying attention, thats the same attitude that would explain the current state of affairs in the United States as well, you dont pay attention.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 02:41 PM
While reading answers to my attempts at preserving unified argument by the ilk of Southern Guardian, I am struck at the selective blindness of the indoctrinated and enslaved to the current opiate of the political party system in America; refusing to SEE the ‘Night of the Long Knives’ and ‘Rise of the Evil Empire’ where I castigate the traitorous Republicans, he chooses to center on my continued blast at the fools choice and game of party politics in America by taking on the ‘Anointed One’. Were he indicative of the majority of the American people with the subsequent apparent political lobotomy such foolishness would require, I would be worried. Thankfully, he is for certain not.

While we of the internet reality of cyber space plow the key boards with primal screams at the god’s we’ve named the ‘TPTB’, some of us have maintained real world contacts that actually have something to do with the subjects we write on; taking the pulse of the rising frustration and resignation to inevitable consequences of the path our government is currently charging down at breath taking speed. Attempting to bring calm, but with each stab at the heart of our Federal Republic seeing the ‘1000 yard stare’ of men who have been there and done that, and are no longer talking.

Proponents of the wishful thinking foolishness that Southern Guardian propagates with eloquent brain dead palavering will soon awake to a reality that will render them ‘shell shocked’ victims of the reality they were not prepared to deal with. That was the point of this thread – to awake the possibility in the minds of the soon to be spectators of our Republic’s final and greatest struggle that they might begin to consider IF and WHICH side they will take sides with; when and WILL they fight, or will they go quietly into the darkness of slavery.

[edit on 5/31/2009 by SGTChas]

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 03:07 PM
We will just have to wait for the ET's to come down and save us at 2012.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by The Killah29

that made me laugh, its good to interject some humor into a thread begins to have that heavy cloud on it..thank you for bringing some light on an otherwise dark subject~

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 03:20 PM
Can we not see the dark clouds of the approaching struggle? Have our ears grown so dim to the clarion call of Liberties charge to arms that we would ignore the last gasp of freedom in order to maintain momentary peace and the status quo?

From the ground the blood of countless patriots call for us to stand, to unite, to arm ourselves with resolve that we no longer stand idle while traitorous political harlots in Washington sell their souls and our nation’s sovereignty for 30 pieces of silver to a globalist hell. That blood demands that the time for talking is over, that we march and make the clear declaration that the end of our patience has been reached. If then they want revolution, then so be it, let it begin.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
reply to post by The Killah29

that made me laugh, its good to interject some humor into a thread begins to have that heavy cloud on it..thank you for bringing some light on an otherwise dark subject~

Umm...I was a little bit serious and trying to be a bit humorous too.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 03:55 PM
When will we fight?

Many have already begun. But one who knows a fight may come does not go about it unprepared. Some ridicule those who are "laying by in store," and would be so foolish as to suggest they are looking for a fight - as though they will start it.

Two different concepts.

Before sunup, in combat I would carefully lace my boots just so, rotate loaded magazines with unloaded magazines, and count the rounds in each. I put on my web gear, placing one knife on my shooting side, enabling it to be grabbed with my left hand.

The other knife was carefully fitted inside my left leg, snug against my calf to prevent it from getting hung up on brush or vines. Either knife could be grabbed from any position I may find myself in.

Grenades were checked and carefully placed, to ensure safety and maximum speed.

As I prepared my morning coffee, I used the charcoal from the sticks I blackened the afternoon before, to streak and darken my face and neck.

I made sure my sling was just so, enabling me to break brush left-handed, and still keep my weapon pointed in front, easy to shift and easy to fire.

Canteen water was consolidated to eliminate sloshing, dog tags checked for any noise, and I dirtied the face of my watch. I checked my morphine, carefully re-wrapped it and placed it in my shirt pocket, for easy access.

Every minute, every step, every breath, I was sharply anticipating running into an ambush or a meeting engagement. My eyes concentrated hard to see the finest of trip wires, any subtle change in the ground, and any subtle telltale hints in the surrounding terrain, such as close-cut stumps.

I was never surprised. Never.

Those who prepare for the worst are rarely disappointed.

Many in America are quietly fighting already.

They are preparing carefully for what may come. That we as a nation cannot sustain our current folly is a foregone conclusion.

This thing will go tits up. Whether a nut starts a snowball rolling, whether a natural catastrophe pushes the thing over the edge, or whether outside parties do the unexpected.


If you can't hear the thunder in the distance, you're deaf.

I'm already fighting.

By preparing.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by jd140
Nobody will fight. There will be alot of belly aching and complaining. At the end of the day everyone will jump on there favorite site and ask each other when will we fight with nobody actually doing anything.

Kind of how you just did.

Amazing isn't it?

People claim they are willing to fight.

They stock up on supplies and buy guns and ammo and claim to be ready for a war.

They claim they are willing to kill and be killed but they aren't willing to keep their money in their pockets and stop feeding the very businesses that are killing and controlling this country.

Will die if they don't get that mocha latte morning fix.

Can't live without that big screen TV.

Can't live without that BMW and that pay per view is to die for.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 04:05 PM
Your never going to win by physical violence, being passive is far better.

Why are there so many threads like this on boards asking people to do animal things, when we are supposed to be people, being able to think.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by NightSkyeB4Dawn

umm i dunno what you mean but most of those people drinkin those mochas and buying those big screens and BMWs are the people coming on here making fun of the people getting prepared to take on whatever comes, be it a war of civility or a war of bloodshed....

The only ones i see out there spending like that are the liberal left who are trying to pretend that everything is sugar plums and lollipops, i mean, really , you want to talk about spending.....look at the current administrations spending.

You my friend, have no idea what you are talking about, everyone i know that is concerned with whats going on right now is SAVING their money.

[edit on 31-5-2009 by ManBehindTheMask]

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
reply to post by NightSkyeB4Dawn

umm i dunno what you mean but most of those people drinkin those mochas and buying those big screens and BMWs are the people coming on here making fun of the people getting prepared to take on whatever comes, be it a war of civility or a war of bloodshed....

The only ones i see out there spending like that are the liberal left who are trying to pretend that everything is sugar plums and lollipops, i mean, really , you want to talk about spending.....look at the current administrations spending.

You my friend, have no idea what you are talking about, everyone i know that is concerned with whats going on right now is SAVING their money.

[edit on 31-5-2009 by ManBehindTheMask]

Then those are obviously not the ones that I am talking about.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by NightSkyeB4Dawn

Now is the time to spend money on survival items. Hyperinflation will set in a lot sooner then any think.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 05:14 PM
Hmmmmm, the word "we" implies collective action. Collective action needs a leader. If Americans have been brain washed into seeing themselves as "independent" of each other, the "rugged individual", than I see no hope to act collectively. Who is being trained to lead?

The idea of the "rugged individual", for ex the mountain man, is someone who had to rely on collective action in limited circumstances, to his benefit, ex the rendezvous. The 21st century is so much more complex than the century of the mountain man.
In these times, it actually is easier to control individuals and harder to control a collective of individuals. Individuals can be pacified easier in a group, but harder to incite to act collectively. It is the difference between reigning a single horse and driving a hitched team. Find a selfless driver willing to take on a team and one can go far.

Some collective actions fail, simply because their ideas do not take root among a majority of their fellow citizens.

As a relative of someone who "home churches", I can understand how the neighbors of such a Bible study might react, not out of hatred for the teachings of the Bible, but out of wanting clear parking spaces in front of their home for their own guests and a noise level suitable for a residential neighborhood. I am willing to tolerate a once in a while bunco group or a teen's birthday party, but a neighborhood is no place for such weekly events by a growing number of participants.

Again, the 21st century finds many of us living in residential neighborhoods, wishing for a quiet night after a hard day's work.

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