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Robotic Police in New World Order

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posted on May, 9 2004 @ 01:43 AM
Much of the book of Revelations is about the fall of Jerusalem and the consequentail fall of that which brought them down--the Romans. If I remember correctly, only the last two capters might be about the end of the world...sigh

posted on May, 9 2004 @ 06:38 AM
Correct, but you fail to notice one little thing. Rome is the Babylon of Revelation, there's no doubt about that. But haven't you read how Babylon has to drink a double? She will be punnished twise. Nero666 torched the city back then, in the end it will be utterly destroyed by God, and it may even be suggested that there is yet one more destruction or even many destructions of Rome, in between, we're talking about the ten horns here, which brings my mind to the HRE and the Ten Imperial Circles in and around the area known as Germany today, and then further to the two world wars, where the whole world was torched. First Rome was torched by Nero, then the Roman Empire fell, then the Catholic Church revived it, calling it the Holy Roman Empire, not changing much to the old C�sarian system, thus bringing the Babylonian rule to the whole freaking world. Which has since been torched again and again, but for real, only two times. It was prophecied about the rock that would destroy the ever changing World Empire in the end, that it would grow to contain the whole world and never again fall. Well, the Holy Roman Empire did fall. But there is one certain rock mentioned in the Book of Revelation which is the only rock I know about which could infact physically grasp the whole world, and that would be the New Jerusalem which some day will come down from Heaven, and put an end to day and night, not to mention making the Earth flat as a pancake, devided into layers on top of eachother, a whole New Heaven and a whole New Earth wrapped up inside a box measuring 2220 km in each direction. Wow!

We must also keep in mind that John probably wrote the Book of Revelation as late as sometime between 96 AD and his death. Long after the destruction of Jerusalem and Rome. There are critics however, who claim that John was sentanced to Patmos during Nero666's reign, but then again, it should be mentioned that the ones who held this belief, who needed it to be like that, was the Roman Catholic Church, and not to mention the ever infamous Jesuit Order. The very cheme of interpretation for the Nero view, was the Jesuits. I wouldn't need to go into details about the Jesuits knowing where I am right now. Below I have added a link to a great site I found about the Book of Revelation, which discuss the historical aspects of this Book which has twisted the minds of fools and geniouses alike for nearly 2000 years.

posted on May, 10 2004 @ 03:16 AM

1 Peter 2:4-8 And coming to Him as to a living stone which has been rejected R88 by men, but is choice F29 and precious in the sight of God, you R89 also, as living stones, are F30 being built up as a spiritual R90 house for a holy priesthood, R91 to offer R92 up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For this is contained in Scripture: F31 "BEHOLD, I LAY IN ZION A CHOICE STONE, A PRECIOUS CORNER stone, AND HE WHO BELIEVES IN HIM WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED." This R95 precious value, then, is for you who believe; but for those who disbelieve, "THE STONE WHICH THE BUILDERS REJECTED, THIS BECAME THE VERY CORNER stone," and, "A R98 STONE OF STUMBLING AND A ROCK OF OFFENSE"; for R99 they stumble because they are disobedient to the word, and R100 to this doom they were also appointed.

Here we can see that the ROCK of OFFENSE is CHRIST, or maybe even CHRISTIANS.
That second fall happened after Constantine died, when the Holy Roman Empire split, I thought. Yes, a feet partially of clay and iron�Daniel, states only f Empires, on having a more corrupt form�
Uh�there is mention of a new heaven and new earth�
And as to the post, I�m going to have to re-read it�I�m blurring up�

posted on May, 10 2004 @ 12:14 PM
I know it's abit off topic, but I post it anyhow:

Originally posted by jlc163

1 Peter 2:4-8 And coming to Him as to a living stone which has been rejected by men, but is choice and precious in the sight of God, you also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For this is contained in Scripture: "BEHOLD, I LAY IN ZION A CHOICE STONE, A PRECIOUS CORNER stone, AND HE WHO BELIEVES IN HIM WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED." This precious value, then, is for you who believe; but for those who disbelieve, "THE STONE WHICH THE BUILDERS REJECTED, THIS BECAME THE VERY CORNER stone," and, "A STONE OF STUMBLING AND A ROCK OF OFFENSE"; for they stumble because they are disobedient to the word, and to this doom they were also appointed.

Yes, this cornerstone on Zion, is the Book of Revelation. The prophecy about New Jerusalem, like prophecied in Zakarjah. When the Messiah carries forth the cornerstone, the Great Mountain (the Great Pyramid in Egypt) will fade away, or become a plain. Even Mount Everest will fade away beside the New Jerusalem. It's measures are astronomical. In the Jerusalem Temple, every cornerstone was named, every pillar carried a Godman's name, like the two pillars on each side of the main entrance were named Boaz and Jakin etc. The New Jerusalem has 12 living cornerstones

Here we can see that the ROCK of OFFENSE is CHRIST, or maybe even CHRISTIANS.

The New Jerusalem is the Bride of the Lamb, the fulfillment of the Marriage between the Lamb and the 144,000 on Zion. When someone marries they become one. The Messiah is the Word become living, that's the fulfillment of a long process: Prophecy, Law, Temple, Messiah, the living Temple and Law and Prophecy. The Law is the cornerstone of Zion, the Law is the Word, Jesjuah, in power of being the Messiah, was all these things in person. It's not either literal corner stone, or a metaphorical one. It's both.

That second fall happened after Constantine died, when the Holy Roman Empire split, I thought. Yes, a feet partially of clay and iron�Daniel, states only f Empires, on having a more corrupt form�

Yes, and that was exactly what the Jesuits planned to make people believe. But if their scheme was correct, the Peace Millennium ended hundreds of years ago, the New Jerusalem would be here, and Jesjuah would have returned. Their scheme is corrupt and created inorder to support the Papacy and the successor of the Roman Empire, Babylon.

Uh�there is mention of a new heaven and new earth�
And as to the post, I�m going to have to re-read it�I�m blurring up�

Oh, hope it's not me
These are profound things to discuss. A prophecy fulfilled, is like 1000 things fulfilled. Jesjuah was the Cornerstone on Zion, the Temple and the Word. These things both exists literally and metaforically, and it has to do with how God creates. First he created the Heavens with all it's souls, then he created the Earth where he brought life to these souls. The souls are the constellations on the Heaven, the inner circle on the Heavens is the Temple of Heaven, there you can see the Ark of Covenant, the measures of the Temple, the Father, the Son and the Lamb (and even the constellation I have used the name of in my avatar, the Spotted Camel or the Giraffe). God first placed them on the Heavens, the Roman way is the exact oposite. In Beast religion (Babylon, Greek and Roman religions) the god of Heaven (Satan/Baal/Zeus) use the Heavens as places of punnishment. When a god misbehaved his soul was placed on the Heavens, Jesjuah is translated as saying "Whatever you bind on Earth shal be bound in Heaven" This sentance should really be translated: "Whatever you gather (or join) on Earth, shall be gathered (or joined) in Heaven". This has to do with why Jesjuah always sent his servants out in pairs. You see the constellatuions on Heavens make new constellations when they are gathered this way. Just like if you marry the two constellations of Aquarius and Capricorn, you get the Great Eagle. These things are apparent throughout the Bible. While YHWH Elohim creates, Satan inverts it, his strategy is simple, just invert whatever God does. That's how Jesjuah beats Satan: Love your enemies, becomes Hate the ones you love. See? Diversion in Satan, infact created by Satan himself, because of how he has shaped his own temple and law, as the diametrical oposite from the perfect creation of the Creator. Just look at the Zeus temple in Pergamon. It's exactly the same as the Temple in Jerusalem. Below is a link to show you how Satan's Temple looks identical in proportions to the Temple in Jerusalem:

[Edited on 11-5-2004 by Camelop�rdalis]

posted on May, 10 2004 @ 12:23 PM
I'll avoid the religious debate.

About a robot police force...

Well, you have positive points here and negative points. Anyone read what's been going on lately with the assault weapons ban expiring? Sept. 13th a law will expire that banned personal ownership of certain assault weapons like Uzi's and AK-47's. The Republican controlled House of Representatives through the voice of Tom DeLay has proclaimed that they will not allow the renewal to come to a vote. What this means is that the Police in many of our cities will have to contend with gangs carrying assault rifles and automatic machine guns strong enough to blow a hole in a brick wall.

Now, knowing this, and knowing that with terrorist threats abound, and the threat of bombs on trains, and on planes etc... one can see the reason for wanting to keep humans out of the line of fire. Many bombs have been defused in the middle east and in the usa using robots. Why? Because frankly, who gives a # if the robot gets blown to hell. It costs some money, but it's better than a person dying to defuse a bomb.

I do not believe that the police force should be entirely converted into robots because a degree if human compassion, and interpersonal relations is important. No one wants cold calculating machines showing up to a domestic violence case, or a Robocop blasting shots at a person in mental despair. But I think we can all agree that in certain high risk situations e.g. bomb threats, hostage situations etc. this could be a helpful initiative.

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 02:30 AM
I think we may think too conventional here. If in a future world they had a robotic force, then they would also have highly effective nonleathal weaponry too. With such robots able to paralyse terrorists etc and have them transported to be put before a court, there could actually become complete order in the world I think. As long as the people don't have to live in fear of mad kings unrightious laws, class discrimination etc. As long as this force is used wisely and with love and a good law, a new economy based on real values, like food, knowledge, support, a helping hand in the house, a vacation maybe, a better job etc. there wouldn't be any more wars I believe.

If anyone was brought in for questioning before the court, there should be a wise and rightious judge, with a good heart. He would listen to witnesses, have them questioned, and afterwards make wise judgement based entirely on circumstances, understanding, love, empathy, spirit.

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 03:56 AM
i dont know....i kinda think an army of human clones raised in secret and trained their entire life will be the movie star wars attack of the clones...

[Edited on 11-5-2004 by Creepy]

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 09:55 AM
Well, the clone army is the army which you don't actually meet until episode four, isn't it. The Stormtroopers. That's right those white plastic dudes. They're all clones. But I doubt biological lifeforms can ever even think about beating an army of robots, created using technology let's say 100 years more advanced than today. Pain, affection, stupidity etc. things connected to biological life forms. They are too weak. If you take away their pain sensors, they destroy themselves.

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 03:13 PM
but that's not how life works. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, out of all humanity has been consistantly good. Communism looks good on paper(read it, shows great similarity to the early church, except with the early church, you give as needed...), and when good men are in charge, it is not bad, but all we have really seen was bad from Communism. It is because the few are left in control were men, and were, ultimately corrupt. With few in control, the majority will never have their needs met, nor will other minorities... I don't like anything that gives those few more control.

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 06:18 PM
You have a point. But it will atleast never be some kind of peace in the world before people actually starts concidering some alternatives to fightiong the way we do. It shouldt be nessasary to send cruiser missiles into schools and kindergartens, force prisoners to blow some dirty soldier. This stuff is just so obsolete. We are practically educating humans to being beasts. Thats really sad. Would be much better to leave that stuff to machines I think.

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 07:13 PM
Our English class did a report on Utopias. Each group had to design the perfect society. As it turned out, such a thing is impossible, but one group suggested that police be robotic so that there will be no racial profiling or remorse... needless to say, it gave me the creeps!

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 07:25 PM
Trying's great, but you do it with smaller things first.

If you look at how many of the American countries had actually copied the US of A's constitution, not soon after they proved themselves, and consequently toppled after 10-30 years of Republic Democracy rule, you'd probably be alarmed. America is pretty unique in it's power structure--overall. I think more that it was becuase we were guided through it--and I'm not just talking about God, here. (Though I would never say that it was possible without him.) Brittain held our hand for a long time, bringing us from an outright dictatorship to actually allowing us to have local legislatures. All other countries that went from "slave" to "boss" went the same way. (Remember, slaves that were gradually released, trained, and helped by the old massuh, or for that matter, any philathropist, became a true credit to their race.) I don't want to jump into anything so fast that it fails from a lack of real experience. The only thing I see a pattern in is that the more gradual (within reason) the change is, the better off everyone is.

It just saddens me that tecnology is going so fast, that gradual, permanant changes are not being set up, and I fear a REAL backlash is due us, at any moment. I don't want a tin-man police "man" until that country they're in is educated, and well on it's way to being on it's feet. Otherwise, something like NATO or the US will have to be in control of it, for safety's sake. We already get enough flack for not sticking to our own business--it'll be worse with the tin cops.

posted on May, 12 2004 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by IMMORTAL
By robotic police, I mean that they will be sufficiently brainwashed and mind-controlled to carry out orders from the Government without any feeling of remorse. So, they may just be robotic, with all the microchip implants and the mind-control programs that could be used.

Uhh...Dude, it seems to me we are already THERE. With the single exception of the microchips. I hope.

posted on May, 12 2004 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by jlc163
Trying's great, but you do it with smaller things first.

Well, the vibrator seems to have been a success. Some of us might even say too great a success

posted on May, 12 2004 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by jlc163
It just saddens me that tecnology is going so fast, that gradual, permanant changes are not being set up, and I fear a REAL backlash is due us, at any moment. I don't want a tin-man police "man" until that country they're in is educated, and well on it's way to being on it's feet.

Well, when I refer to these Tincops (great word, think I might create a band with that name if you allow me...), I am talking about the complete fulfillment of the Kingdom of Heaven. The Millennium reign of the Son of Jesjuvah. I guess that would qualify to quench your worries

[Edited on 12-5-2004 by Camelop�rdalis]

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 12:50 AM
you have the rights to TINCOP, but you really need help!

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 01:17 AM
It is a film festival, so I guess this topic went a bit overboard because of the new movie "I, robot" starring Will Smith. I do not think there will be a robotic force, first of all, we have a lot of problems, if WWIII doesn't happen it seems that rapid climate change will throw us back in time for a while.

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