posted on May, 30 2009 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by Trayen11
May I ask what Province you are from?
I just checked around and it it seems some provinces have made changes to their welfare/unemployment systems.
Due to the depression, Ontario Works now allows to to keep half of what you make, along with still getting their check (your tax dollars).
This would be good if you are not sure of whether or not the job will work out, or if you will get it etc..
I'd go ahead and apply for welfare/unemployment [if you can] and then keep looking for a job. You'll probably find one and this way you'll feel
less stress as you'll have somewhat of a safety net.
Many of the provinces are doing this. Check it out.
*Heck, you'll probably find a job the same day you apply for unemployment/welfare - things work that way.
Good luck eh!