without going into to much detail, I will just copy and paste mine from that
I sat here for ever wondering whether to post this or not, but anyway, hear is my little story:
I believe I have witnessed two UFO's as a child, nothing like what i have ever seen on the internet! One was bright green, like many shapes (complex)
joined together, the other was red, with similar appearance. The incredible fear i felt in seeing these, was greater than I can explain, it was a
terrible evil dread that took my breath away. It is still so clear in my mind.
At this time of my life I also was terrified to sleep, (about 7 years old), as I used to feel this evil scary presence, and it was like i became
frozen in fear, because I knew. Two of these times while in bed, i would see in the darkness, big eyes looking at me, then nothing.
I live in Australia, and my family moved to another state about 1 year later, and i used to wake up down the paddock through the night, (we moved to a
small farm), this so terrified me. My mother and father took me to the doctors, and put me on sleeping tablets or something, but still it happened.
The only other time I have seen a UFO was about 10 years ago at night, floating as just a very bright white light above my wifes and my head, at about
2000ft. Then it shot off, away from us, no sound, just leaving a streak like a sparkler when you move it quickly.
One other thing that I have always wondered about is that i have a piece of metal (had x ray done), in my right ring finger, with no scar anywhere on
my finger.