How can there be so many people who claim to be haunted, and end up with physical, emotional, and psychological trauma from encounters with paranormal
entities, and have it all be fake? Sorry, but we can't all be either lying or psychotic. What you have to find is something where more than one
person has experienced something, and none of them having anything to do with eachother except sharing the same instance, in the same place, though
not necessarily at the same time. You also HAVE to keep an open mind about these things, or you'll NEVER experience anything!
I'll tell you, I HAVE experienced paranormal phenomena. I'm not lying, and I'm not psychotic. My family has seen some of the same things I have,
too. All but one of my friends have experienced the spirits in my house. I don't have evidence to back it up, as I don't have the tools to record
such evidence. The spirits in my house don't show up in photos. I should have taken a photo of the bruise I once recieved from a spirit in my house,
but I didn't own a digital camera back then, and film was expensive to me, as I was a teen. The bruise was in the shape of a hand, and it was around
my upper arm, done in a way that I could NOT have done myself. Besides, the handprint was much larger than my own. Then again, a skeptic could say
that I was just abused or grabbed roughly by someone corporeal, like my dad, but the truth is that no one did. I was up late watching SNL, everyone
else was asleep, and I felt someone or something grab my arm with a crushing grip, and twist it so that I bent forward. I pleaded for whoever it was
to let go. Fortunately whatever it was let go once I started praying. I have many other stories of things happening with no explanation, but have no
evidence to back it up. Does that make me a liar? No. Does that make me crazy? No. Does it make me irrational? Not even. Does it make me
unintelligent? Not in the slightest.
Skeptics come up with the most outrageous ways to explain something away. Sometimes there is no natural explanation, but a skeptic will ALWAYS explain
it away, even when there IS evidence to the contrary, and the person who the experience happened to is genuine. People are terrified out of their
homes, and skeptics will laugh as they watch it happen on TV, thinking it's a bunch of parlour tricks.
What I'm trying to say is: keep an open mind, and don't be too judgemental, or you won't experience anything. People who aren't open, completely
shut themselves off from being able to experience anything.
A few sites about Science and the paranormal:
I recommend this site, the articles on it, and the forum:
I really like this article, which explains why skeptics should keep an open mind:
There's a new forum that's been recommended to me here:
And, of course, some great people who investigate the scientific AND spiritual side of things here:
Oh, and keep in mind that their TV show is only 23 minutes of a 3-4 day investigation. They don't have time to show all of the evidence and
debunking, but they have helped A LOT of people.