posted on May, 3 2004 @ 03:32 PM
Yes. The vibrations are what herald the spiritual seperation from the body. It's been a long time since I read about APs, so I can't remember if
they say what exactly causes the vibrations. From what I understand all that is known is that when they come, this is the point where you may now lift
out of your body.
Re: the roll technique -
I never had much success with that. I always found it easier to simply say to myself "Ok now..up..go up" and to will yourself upwards, it usually
works, but sometimes your body just WONT go up, or will only go part way out and stop.
APing is very strange. And so much of it is still a mystery. All we really have to go on are a few assorted books (of all the 'supernatural'
phenomena, AP is probably one of the least written about), and only a couple of them any good (Robert Monroes comes to mind), and the individual
stories told here and there from those who have experienced it.
I'm of the opinion that most people who dream they are flying are really experiencing an AP, only they don't realize it or simply wouldn't believe
it for their own reasons, whether religious or because science can't 'prove' APs.