posted on May, 29 2009 @ 03:16 AM
What makes CERN interesting for me is exactly that, consciousness is at the root of all matter. That is my view of the God Particle.
Recently, I have been enjoying discussions with a brilliant physicist called Dr. Thomas Campbell who has worked for Nasa and the DoD. His model of
the Universe, expressed in his "My Big Toe" trilogy comes from the fundamental perspective that everything that exists, comes from a "Absolute
Unbounded Oneness" [AUO] which in turn is consciousness.
That each of us are, individual units of consciousness experiencing along side of the original AUO experiencing creation in a co-creative process.
Where his work gets very deep, is that he is certain that this reality system we are experiencing right now is a "virtual reality simulation" kind
of like a holodeck.
I don't think I can do the depth of what Tom covers justice in this post, so I can only recommend reading his trilogy.
That said, we are seeing the awareness of the holographic nature of Physical Reality emerge with experiments like the GEO600 gravitational wave
detector which hinted at in theory by Craig Hogan.
Tom furthers his research by stating that reality is derived from a process fractal, and fractal reality is again something that Physicists are taking
notice of.
In the case of particle physics, when they smash up a fractal, it produces more fractals, so as they name and identify each fractal, they basically
descend down a potentially infinite path of fractal information. At least, that is my assumption.
In the metaphysical arena, I have had lots of precognitive dreams, where you dream something and it comes true later. It is a most awkward and
unusual experience, but quite common. In certain cases, I was able to change a dream that had this precognitive potential and the changes happened
here. So for my personal verification, I can see the relationship to dreaming (An act of programming the simulated reality) and the physical
simulation as it takes place.
It is a most profound state to observe, but clearly shows me at least, the virtual nature of reality, and how consciousness plays a role in how it is
formed and created as an experience.
Just some of my thoughts.