posted on May, 29 2009 @ 08:48 AM
Even with the additional information by uncommon-sense, there is still something missing here.
Police, EMT, fire departments all operate on the same radio frequency and channel. The "tones" from the dispatcher all come over the same channel
and anyone on that channel hears them. After the initial call, there may be a request to go to another channel. This request would also be heard by
anyone tuned into the original channel the call went out on. (Or at least, this is how it was when I was a volunteer firefighter.)
So, IF there was another call that the trooper was responding to, the EMT driver would have also heard it and been aware that a police cruiser might
be approaching his location. Why didn't the trooper get on the radio when approaching them and let them know he was coming up on them rather than
riding his bumper? Then another trooper jumps on the scene, allegedly responding to a call. Well, exactly what was this other call the troopers were
speeding to? It seems it was completely forgotten while the troopers harassed the EMTs.
Also, it is customary (at least where I live) for at least one law enforcement officer to respond to an incident call to EMTs or firefighters in case
there is a need for them and to assist, EMTs especially if there is a problem patient.
So, something here just doesn't add up.
Personally, having dealt with smart assed cops on more than one occasion when I was with the VFD, worked for attorneys and a judge, plus being related
to one by marriage, I'd believe the EMTs long before I'd believe anything a cop said.
When they answer the question of other OTHER call they were allegedly responding to, and seem to have forgotten all about, then I MIGHT believe the
trooper's story. Til then, as far as I'm concerned, they are just a couple of thugs with guns and badges.