posted on May, 28 2009 @ 07:33 AM
I was chatting to a friend last night who was talking about this depopulation thing and he reckoned the best way to survive this would be to join the
forces i.e the army, the navy, the air force!
in theory i could see where he was coming from but i put it across to him that the army would probably be doing most of the depopulation and if it
ever happened that most troops would be considered expendable! He then added that after the initial depopulation that he would try and go awol from
the services but i pointed out that they wouldnt be long in finding him and adding him to the huge list of dead!!
what do you guys think?? peace and love to all
edit becaue i am such a bad speller
[edit on 28-5-2009 by Free4Ever2]