posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 02:32 PM
This week's episode was actually objective, interesting, and less sensational. A couple of the hunters hiked up a mountain with a camera crew, and
got an overlook view of Area 51 from 8,000 feet. That was interesting, to see how it looks like a city at night. The show was much more serious,
giving even-handed accounts of Area 51 rumour and fact. The research into the flights from Las Vegas was interesting too. The tail numbers of the
planes are registered with the FAA to the United States. I already knew that, but to watch them investigate and confirm it with 100% surety was
refreshing. Usually they research something and come up with a weak non-conclusive conclusion. So this week has me thinking that the producers and
hosts take this seriously, and not as an inside joke on UFO believers, for the purpose of selling TV ads.