posted on Feb, 9 2003 @ 10:13 AM
Actually, I discussed this subject with a friend, recently retired from active duty who specialized in chem warfare (who indicated just how poorly
trained and prepared we are for such).
My personal inclination for a massive VX attack, if launched from out of the country, would be in MIRVs, set to detonate in the gulf stream somewhere
near the west coast. After discussing this scenario with my friend, it is likely that the VX would ride the gulf stream west to east, probably to
around Denver or so (the VX would freeze in the cold air and drop out as a solid).
Depending on the weather conditions at ground level and elevation of the ground where it came down, the VX would likely come down as either a solid or
liquid (more likely a liquid). Once on the ground, it would contaminate whatever it landed on, permeating it. Once the sun came out, it would start to
slowly volatilize, becoming a serious inhalation hazard (god help anyone who were to touch a contaminated surface.)
Our best guess, if the entire amount was distributed in such a way, if set to go off and begin landfall on the California coast, it would likely
spread from California at least to Denver, and from the Baja peninsula possibly to the Oregon state line (approximate).