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Unusual heat expected for much of USA.

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posted on May, 27 2009 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by ChemBreather

Glad someone else knows the real reason behind "global warming"

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 07:16 PM
All we've had is rain, rain and more rain. For almost two straight weeks. I've lost count. We were in a serious drought for so long and now suddenly, we're out of it.

Heat is okay, but humidity...UGH

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by opal13

Yes, and here is more...

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by ChemBreather

Originally posted by ChemBreather
Oh yes, but the Norm of things are changing, and I personally think this summer will be the year we all see the true effect of the climate change.

It isnt 40 years away, it is now, tsunamies, tornados, earthquakes, all of it is on it's way. Some say this will be the summer of h3ll, I hope they are wrong though, yet I see it with my own eyes in the sky.

The weather is changing from one hour till the next, un-natural no matter how much you deny it, change has started.

I'm a little confused as to what you are implying here. Are you saing tsunamis and earthquakes are occuring because of climate change? As in C02 is causing tectonic movements? Or have you got some other theory which links weather events to tectonic movement? What events are you reffering to as "un-natural"?
(sorry for all the questions, just curious

Just thought I'd mention, that predictions of "wamer than average" seasons are popular at the moment, but they don't always come to fruition.

The UK Met office is the official UK meteorological agency and is one of the leading promoters of the idea of climate change. Their web site is in fact titled “Met Office: Weather and climate change.”
In 2007, they made several notable predictions, starting with this one on Jan 4.“2007 is likely to be the warmest year on record globally, beating the current record set in 1998, say climate-change experts at the Met Office.”

On April 11, 2007 they issued this press release stating “there is a high probability that summer temperature will exceed the 1971-2000 long-term average of 14.1 °C ….. there are no indications of an increased risk of a particularly dry or particularly wet summer.” This was interpreted by The Guardian as “Britain set to enjoy another sizzling summer.“

On August 31 The Met announced that summer 2007 was the wettest on record with ”normal temperatures,” though his description did not adequately describe the miserable summer – because high temperatures and sunshine were well below normal.


Maybe we will see a turn around in the slight cooling trend of the last couple years. But I must say, I'm kind of looking forward to this winter (in New Zealand), if last season was anything to go by. We had the highest snow levels ever record (over 5m) in NZ at my local ski-field. And theres already a promising start to this season

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