posted on May, 27 2009 @ 03:42 PM
This was a new experience for me on so many levels. It sent me reeling so hard that I just meandered around ATS finding 20 threads to comment on so I
could post my own thread and hopefully gain some insight from folks I assume are more well-versed in this kind of thing than I am. It wasn't the
subject matter of the dream that has me so discombobulated, but more so the way it was presented.
I was at home, which was a sort of hybrid of "home" as I know it in real life and "home" that is familiar only in one's dream. And
sometimes I felt like we lived there alone as a family, and at other times it was like communal living. I started getting a feeling that something was
"off" and I realize now that it was because there were "two" of everyone (everyone being my husband, son, and daughter) though I never saw more
than one at a time. It was like I was seeing them as they are now, and the next time as they would be some time in the not-too-distant future. But
these differences were bleeding into each other and overlapping. I was so confused as to why I would put my daughter down for a nap, turn around, and
she was running around the house when she should be in her crib. Still her- but different (seemingly older) and her clothes that I had just put her in
were now ill-fitted. At one point my son was laying on the bed, got up, and started walking across the mattress. I commented to an Indian woman that
was in the room (she was dressed in traditional garb) that he wasn't old enough to walk.
I was pretty freaked out and tried to talk to my husband about the things that were happening around me and he was apparently very aware of it
all and thought it was quite normal. He was in most aspects the same, but had a very large, colorful bird-like tattoo on his his forehead, the wings
stretching from temple to temple. I got the impression that it was a fake tattoo as it seemed a bit faded in the middle, but at that point I didn't
have a grasp on what was happening around me and didn't realize I was talking to the "future" him. He told me that all of this had started
happening "when they remodeled the downstairs" and somewhere around that point, I realized that I was dreaming.
I tried like hell to find some kind of reality to grab a hold of but everything was shifting from time line to time line so frequently, I
couldn't get a handle on what was reality and what was its alternate. I was then pulled back and up and became an observer.
I was watching as a man came to my husband and told him that he was looking for him. He had read his book (my husband has not written a book)
and heard of all the things he had done. I got the impression that my husband was prominent in some kind of resistance and was seen as a leader,
mentor, or inspirational figure. This was NOT a surprise AT ALL to me. It was as if I knew it already. They also spoke of me, clearly unaware that I
was "watching". The visitor mentioned that he also admired me because I wore these bands or cuffs around my wrists, which was apparently a very
defiant act in this "future" or "alternate time line" or whatever the heck it was. This DID surprise me and I thought to myself, "wow... I will
be a person that people look up to." That WAS a surprise to me.
Finally, I was awoken. And I was so extraordinarily disoriented and confused, I was AFRAID and highly disturbed. I recounted this dream to my
husband and he suggested I post it here (he's a very active ATS member) as aspects of it sounded like something worth exploring.
Thanks for taking the time to read! Please throw anything and everything out there you think of!
[edit on 27-5-2009 by azuriteskies]