posted on May, 31 2009 @ 02:47 PM
I think this is a brilliant idea and I am so there at 4pm (I'm in EST zone). I'm too pressed for time to read through everyone's posts so I
apologize if my advice has already been covered. Some tips I would suggest:
1. Don't wait to see an object. At your proper time, start taking pics/videotaping the sky. Objects may be there but not register to the human eye.
Certain cameras may pick them up. Take lots of pics.
2. Visualize seeing a UFO, and try to visualize to the point where your visualization evokes an emotion in you--positive emotion like being thrilled,
excited, elated, humor. (based on my readings this seems to be key for manifestation of anything, not just UFOs)
3. I am going to visualize seeing a standard disc-shaped craft outside my window. Then I will visualize seeing a disc being televised over
Manhattan--maybe the Hudson River where that plane miraculously landed--a nice, non-political, benign association with a landscape that people world
over can visualize. I figure if 50 people are visualizing and asking for UFOs to appear, we might accumulate more power focusing all our intent on a
specific geography and visual, as opposed to 50 different points of focus.
4. Declare your intention (to yourself or out loud.)
Good luck! Hope someone gets one on film :-)
- Rion