posted on May, 27 2009 @ 12:54 PM
For quite some time I have had extraordinary experiences. I suspect many millions of people have, because I have never been far above or below and
average person.
When I was a child I had frequent Lucid Dreams, but I thought this was the norm for everyone. The big difference in my Lucid Dreams and normal dreams
was the memory aspect and not much else - to begin with. I could remember my Lucid state as if it were a memory of an event that occurred earlier in
the day, though at that age I didn't really control my dreams.
This could be very frightening, because I would sometimes become Lucid in a nightmare. This all changed in 1988, I was nine years old, when A
Nightmare On Elm Street 4: The Dream Master was released. The first time I saw the movie I was quite entertained, but it also seemed like the idea of
dream control was possible.
I never had anyone tell me about dreams, so I was really on my own in this experiment. Withing just a few days of watching the movie and having the
idea that I could control the dreams I began to just that.
I could control my dreams, my nightmares became nothing at all, as I could stop them and do what ever I pleased in the dream state. Again, I thought
this was typical - and I am still not sure that it isn't typical.
This went on for a few years. When I was around 14 years old my mother and I had an experience with a close encounter of the UFO kind. We saw a
massive UFO hovering only about 150ft off the ground and about 200ft. off the side of the roadway.
I started a thread about this a while back, but there was a few people who must have thought I am crazy and started trying to call me out, which is
understandable - if it hadn't of happened to me I would think it was crazy too. Really, even if it had happened to me and I was alone I would have
thought I was nuts, but thankfully I had someone with me who experienced the event.
Anyway, I continued to have these dreams and thinking nothing was out of the ordinary. When I was about 18-19 years old I got a job at a
super-market. I worked the night shift and got off at about 1:00a.
One night after finishing up my work I headed home ( I live in a small town that has a four lane highway passing through it) on the highway. On my
route I would go up a large hill and down it on the other side.
As I came down this hill I noticed a modest light in the sky off to the right of the highway about 50ft. As I came down the hill the light positioned
its-self over the road. An incredible yellow light projected out of the object - the light was very thin, but covered the roadway from side-to-side
much like an upside down V - just in front of my path of travel.
As my car passed through the light I could feel the light with great intensity (an almost unexplainable feeling - it felt really good to be honest,
but it was mixed with a shocking-shaking type of feeling)as it hit my legs and moved up my body, all the way until it reached the tip-top of my head.
When the light had reached the top of my head I could feel, instantly, my consciousness being taken up the path of the light and into the object
projecting it.
It took only a split second to travel up the light, into the object, and out the bottom of the object back into my car. My car was still traveling
down the hill, but it had moved probably 80ft-100ft down the road while I was out of it. I was scared an didn't know what to think, I posted about
this as well in another thread.
O.K., so on to more Lucid dreams or so I thought. I didn't know that there were people who studied how to have Lucid Dreams, I always thought that
Dr.s just researched them. Over the years I developed a way to fall asleep while still being in control of my thoughts, this allowed me to have
complete control of my dreams and I had many awesome dreams, but nothing was to prepare me for what happened next.
Just a few months ago my dreams began to evolve into something I had never experienced before. Scary, incredible, exhilarating are all words I could
use to describe my first couple experiences I am about to share with you.
One night I laid down to sleep and fell into a deep sleep. I slept through the night until the early morning hours when I was woke up by the urge to
go to the bathroom. I sat up on my bed and stood up. Something was funny feeling but I couldn't tell what. I glanced over at my bed and saw a body
lying there. I was startled and couldn't believe it, it was me! What the hell was going on?
I thought this must just be some form of dream like when your phone rings while your sleeping and you answer it only to hear it ring again and realize
you are still asleep. I decided to move around and see what was up with this.
I went over to my wall and tried to put my face through the wall and got most of the way through, but stopped just before passing all the way out. I
moved a couple feet to the left and tried the window and passed directly through it.
I was outside my home and everything was identical to the way it is in reality, everything. In fact, if I hadn't seen my body on the bed and passed
through the window I wouldn't know I was asleep. I floated above the ground and decided to try and fly. At first I couldn't get that high, but
after a few tries I was able to go to extreme heights. I tried to fly to a different state, but got lost in the dark of the night and not knowing any
landmarks to recognize.
I flew back home and around my yard. I sat at the edge of my swimming pool and dipped my legs into the water up to my knees and could feel it just
like it was real. I decided to go to my parents home and show my mom what I was doing.
When I got there I went into their bedroom and saw her lying asleep on their bed. I reached out and tried to move her arm and couldn't, but there
was a great sensation when I touched her arm.
I flew back to my house and into my room, where I saw my body still laying on the bed. I sat back down where I had originally woke up and laid back
down into my body. I wiggled a bit and when I was almost all the way back in my body I felt a huge jolt like being in a fender bender. I woke up and
was excited about what just happened.
Over the past few months I have had a couple more experiences similar, but not as extreme as the first one, until just two nights ago.
Continued in next post: