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Was Obama Not supposed to be opening UFO Files by End May?

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posted on May, 27 2009 @ 10:38 AM
Whoa, yeah. Thats a bit creepy. Maybe he wants to look into something we dont know

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 10:45 AM
READ THIS THREAD and watch the video


Obama is only a temporary employee.
Those that know the UFO secrets are NOT going to tell him.
He won't be releaseing or opening anything.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by SharkBait

In my eyes the Disclosure Project will lose all credibility if it doesn't release something BIG by June 1st (assuming USGov doesn't do so first).

Basset made big claims about what he's got. It's time to put up, or shut up.

I'll lose all respect for the organisation if we don't see very significant new evidence disclosed in the coming days.

Unf., I somehow doubt they've got anything big enough to justify the hype (just because I'm generally jaded and cynical)

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by SharkBait
I’m sure I heard somewhere that Obama was to look into releasing UFO files by the end of May. Another Hoax I guess.

If i remember correctly it was at one of the X-files conventions?

Has anyone heard more on this topic.

Calm down, we still have 4 days left.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 11:25 AM
Steve , steve steve..he always every X-conference do the same, he treathens the gov to realese the ufo files or he will get the big guns out..what biig guns its my question?..he just do this for promoting his X-conference and more people give him the $$$ to go there. So sad that the ufo community just lacks of geniune and solid action, there is too much money on ufo's that has become a great business for all UFO enthusiast and writters, conferences and so on.

Steve will do nothing, he doesnt have big guns..big info or anything that may treathen the gov for realsing any ufo files, he just pretends to have the info so poeple is gullible and think, maybe he is the man! I WILL GO TO THE NEXT X-CONFERENCE!. That happens always this year, the next..the next one and so on...steve always preaches disclosure is near!!. Like a lot of religion preachers that syas rapture is coming, this year...and they year pass and nothing and they chnage it for next year, same like PX its coming this year...nothing happens..its the next one sure.nothing happens LOL.

Steve have good coferences but saying he will bring the real deal thing, i dont think so, he is in ufo community for the $$$ they provide, people are to eager to know info to know something that nobody else knows and pay for this.

Disclosure will never come from Gov, the one that calls the shots are ET...not the gov..not us.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by SharkBait

Hi, I've posted an "idea" on the US Open Government website: The title of my post is called "Disclosure of Extra-Terristrial Presence & Technology." You can search by just entering in "UFO" in the Search tool. I would really appreciate it if those of you who agree to what I've written can please vote for it on the site. I think it's a good idea to vote for the other brave people who've attempted to bring the subject to light.

Oh and this is my very first post, so hi everyone! I'm a long time reader, first time poster I guess you can say.


posted on May, 27 2009 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

I think FlyersFan (and his link) is closer to the truth. There is a generation's old element working behind the scenes with regard to the ET subject, and whatever is released to Obama - if anything - will be sufficient to convince him he "has it all," and will be barely enough to satisfy those of us who understand the true larger picture.

The subject is much more broad and profound than any one government agency is going to be able to recognize or discuss. Truthfully, the subject matter may even be too complex and mostly undiscovered for even those intimately involved with ET races, etc.

I personally believe there is more than just contact with spacefaring socities. I think the fabric of our reality is actually changing / shifting...So how does the president discuss something as intimate and profound as that?

ETs and ufos is a good start, but the conversation has clearly gone far beyond this now. Something bigger is happening, and contact is only a small part...

Does anyone honestly believe they will be satisfied with ANYTHING this or any other government could or would say? Not me.

Besides, I'm getting my own personal form of disclosure through my own personal experiences, dreams, and evidence, and I know the best is yet to come - to me, direct; as it will everyone...

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by eniac
Basset made big claims about what he's got. It's time to put up, or shut up.

He doesn't have anything. Nothing that isn't already out there that everyone already knows about, that is.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by SharkBait

What I think this "proof" likely is is nothing more than an official US government report stating that "in their opinion UFOs are real and unknown", probably dating back to the end of Blue Book or something. I would pretty much bet it wil be something like that. I mean I hope a press conference is called and a Grey, Pleadian, and Reptoid are walked out on stage and a 10 hour documentary on them follows on the History Channel with ads for free rides to the Pleiades or Orion, but I don't..... think... so.......

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 04:08 PM
That was until he found out what was actually in the files.

Now, at best, he'll release a few things and call it quits.

I'm sure that he'll have a statement that there just isn't much to release.

People are so gullible.

I'll vote for change until I find out that it's just more of the same.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by The Killah29

Originally posted by SharkBait
I’m sure I heard somewhere that Obama was to look into releasing UFO files by the end of May. Another Hoax I guess.

If i remember correctly it was at one of the X-files conventions?

Has anyone heard more on this topic.

Calm down, we still have 4 days left.

Ok, so seeming as in no thread will anyone answer me what all this hype about disclosure is about, im guessing fromw hat you just wrote Disclosure has been announced/rumoured on June 1st?

Originally posted by jkrog08
reply to post by SharkBait

What I think this "proof" likely is is nothing more than an official US government report stating that "in their opinion UFOs are real and unknown", probably dating back to the end of Blue Book or something. I would pretty much bet it wil be something like that. I mean I hope a press conference is called and a Grey, Pleadian, and Reptoid are walked out on stage and a 10 hour documentary on them follows on the History Channel with ads for free rides to the Pleiades or Orion, but I don't..... think... so.......

Oh it would be so good not only be told from the world leaders that Aliens exist, but to also see them, and to let civilians interact with and socialise with them! So not only acknowledging their existence but allowing us to experience them, learn from them, and trade with them. Not only this but the amount we could learn.
Its just a shame as that is likely not to happen by June 1st, or any time in the next 20 or 30 years.
You never know, we could get lucky!

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by DataWraith
Slightly off topic, but if your waiting for a film about UFO's then you'll be waiting a long time same as the REAL Disclosure. It'll be like the Dungeons and Dragon film we were waiting for after the cartoon series, we waited nearly 20 years then it was pants when it did come out.

Either you don't know who James Fox is, or you've never watched Out Of The Blue. Or all together, you have no absolutely no knowledge of the UFO subject.

If this new film is distributed properly (and I've said this before) - then it will promote a lot more media exposure to the subject, and this is the main thing which ufology desperately needs.

Anyone who knows anything about ufology will tell you that James is a breath of fresh air, a rare commodity. Someone you apparently have no knowledge of. Comparing dungeons and dragons - case in point.


posted on May, 27 2009 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by eniac
In my eyes the Disclosure Project will lose all credibility if it doesn't release something BIG by June 1st (assuming USGov doesn't do so first).

It seems very disingenuous of Basset to make a claim like that, telling the government to release the information or he will. That means is he is holding to to information, keeping it secret. Isn't the point of the Disclosure Project "disclosure?" Why keep information a secret then?

Of course, as other posters have pointed out, he either has nothing or has nothing and is just trying to build hype for his X-Conference. Either way, he is exposing himself as a hypocrite.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by atswheat
I think FlyersFan (and his link) is closer to the truth.

Pssssssssst ... I'm a girl.

But thank you for taking the time to read that and look at the link.
It looked like everyone was ignoring it.

The video of Bill Clinton and what he said has a lot to do with what is being said here.

The fact is that the POTUS is just a temporary employee.

There are people who make this stuff their WHOLE LIFE.

Obama is just a 4 year (or 8 year) temp employee.

He doesn't know anything to 'release'. 'They' aren't telling him.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 06:12 PM
I'm with the many others. Obama will never be made privy to any of these secrets. imho

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by freddieb
I'm with the many others. Obama will never be made privy to any of these secrets. imho

Obama knows no less than us, and no more than us, about this issue.

We all certainly believe that there are aliens on our planet, well - most of us do. Perhaps Obama does as well. But none of us know that. None of us can prove that. And President Obama cannot do anything since he does not (nor do any of us) possess rock-solid hard conclusive evidence that aliens exist.

So if Stephen Bassett says that he's got that rock-solid proof, then he should either come up with the goods already, or quit blowing the horn.


posted on May, 27 2009 @ 07:14 PM
I'm not sure whether others are getting as much of a chuckle out of this as I am, but this thread is a fantastic example of chinese telephone! Consider this folks, 90% of the posters in this thread have misinterpreted what Bassett said and that's despite clarification specifically pointing out what was said and how. Yet people are still somehow fudging it up.

Now lets extrapolate. Many older UFO cases are related through the filter of 2nd or 3rd hand testimony. Then people on the Internet relate that story to friends. Those friends tell their friends. See where I'm going?

Everyone that has an interest in UFOs (or any subject really) should be very careful to make sure their information is coming from a primary source! The internet makes checking this sort of thing pretty damn easy, no excuses people!

[edit on 27-5-2009 by Xtraeme]

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by Xtraeme

Good post......Nothing major will likely come of this. Honestly I am starting not to care anymore, I mean this stuff is so locked up that when it comes out it does, we aren't going to do a damn thing to change it. I just might be in a bad mood right now though so don't take me to serious.

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 03:46 AM
A french UFO website says an operation will start 2nd June.

(english version not working yet)

A partir du 2 juin, le site présentera une opération collective de 1ère importance qui se poursuivra jusqu'au 14 juillet 2009 et à laquelle la participation de tous, est indispensable.
Parce que nous construisons ensemble le monde d'aujourd'hui...

Translation (sorry about my english) :

Starting the 2nd June, the website will show a collective operation of first importance until 14th July 2009. Participation of everyone is indispensable.
Because we are building together the world for today...

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by jkrog08
reply to post by Xtraeme

Good post......Nothing major will likely come of this. Honestly I am starting not to care anymore, I mean this stuff is so locked up that when it comes out it does, we aren't going to do a damn thing to change it. I just might be in a bad mood right now though so don't take me to serious.

Think of it like a dam. The more water that pours in the more likely the dam breaks.

I view the UFO movement from a historical perspective. Consider gay rights, women's rights, civil rights, AC vs DC, the negativity around manned flight, the Enlightenment era science vs. religion debates, all of these issues were eventually overcome through the steadfast pressure applied by individuals who believed strongly enough in what they were fighting for that they didn't give up.

The problem is the UFO movement isn't cohesive. Of all the people in ufology Bassett realizes this better than anyone else. Listen to the March 1, 2009 episode of the Paracast with Bassett, he is extremely clear in his statement @ 1:17:45,

This isn't going to get us anywhere. Until you finally understand that the problem here is not about our opinions of who is a laughing stock and who's not ... Soon as you realize that the problem here is the United States government, has been, still is, you're just going to continue to chase your tail round and round and round. Focus all of your concerns about legitimacy, focus all your concerns about image on your own government, and it's willingness to lie to you, manipulate you, ... [and] turn reality on its head.


Changing government policy is what counts. ... It's just keeping the pressure on the government. I will not chase my tail; and I will not play the governments game in this intellectual ghetto that they've created for us, where we're all tossed in here behind the ridicule walls and deprived of money and a lot of other things, and so we slowly decay and feast on ourselves like a pack of jackals. I'm not interested in that. You want to feast go ahead.

Towards the end he sums it up, "We all cross the finish line together."

The divide, what needs to be solved, is where we should focus our collective efforts.

Stephen believes, firmly, that the government has a crashed alien craft. So in his mind 'disclosure' is a tangible thing. Others like myself believe the government may have additional evidence, but probably not a craft.

That's a huge divide.

The solution is to reduce the rhetoric so it's accepted by the lowest common denominator 'UFO advocate.' So those of us who agree the UFO subject deserves recognition and study get on board Stephen's political movement. That means rather than demanding "disclosure" (which assumes the 'conspiracy cover-up hypothesis') we should be demanding scientific and governmental investigation (which only assumes the 'grand foul-up hypothesis').

The debate over which is more likely has been raging for some 40 years!

This is an extremely important topic because it serves as a basis determining which of the two camps a person falls into. I highly recommend people voice their thoughts on this in the 'grand foul-up vs. conspiracy cover-up' thread, because it fundamentally determines where we should be focusing our efforts and has a very real affect on the credibility of UFO investigations.

The trick that Stephen needs to learn is to escalate as the movement / evidence warrants it rather than at the rate that the man with the megaphone wants it to.

All that said, you're serving a hell of a role jk. I'm doing my part by helping work on the MUFON Case Management System and developing an iPhone app to improve the data collection of UFO reports. This isn't something that's going to be solved overnight. We each need to do our part to the best of our ability and we'll eventually overcome.

[edit on 28-5-2009 by Xtraeme]

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