posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:05 AM
Its true Bush recieved warning prior to 9/11, but what few people understand is that if Bush took the threat seriosly what could he have done?
Would he address the nation about the possibility of attacks by Muslim Extremists and command the American people to stay vigilant? Bush would've
looked paranoid and foolish.
There has never been an attack of this magnitude before and the evidence of the impending 9/11 attacks were meager. There was no reason to take
The only precedent close enough to 9/11 would be the OKC Bombing, which were of a homegrown origin. Buh did what any other President would have done:
Hypotheticly Bush could have done the following:
Rather than go public, he could have approched congress and prosed a bill to tighten security or increase servaillance of people that are of
questionable origin and motivation. Although a sacrifice to a few innocent people's rights, it could have prevented calamity. But the only evidence
of impending danger was a threat by some a**hat in a cave.
Therefore, Bush had his hands tied.
I believe the farse known as congress unknowingly caused 9/11. I think we have all woken up and realized Congress does not pass anything based on
whats wrong with the country and needs to be fixed, its about lobbying interest groups; The truth is that when something doesnt directly benefit
someones pocket at the time it doesnt matter.
You can point fingers and spin it whichever way you want, but the truth is that this country has checks and balences that were made to prevent
oversight. The system has morphed into a Hydra of corruption.
What the f*** are you gonna do about it?