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Bush/Cheney - possibly the greatest Presidential team in the history of the USA!

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posted on May, 28 2009 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by Syrus Magistus

No one gets drug before the Nuremborg court unless they loose. Cmon, dont you think if we lost WW2 they wouldnt have tried and convicted Truman for nuking Japan TWICE! Everyone knows War Crimes only get applied to the loosers. Its not about justice. Its about punishing you for being a LOOSER!

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 02:49 AM
I propose we add another point system here "TATS" (Trolling ATS), the OP get's 10,000 points for this post. It's got to be a troll, nothing like this could be serious LOL

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 02:57 AM
Wow...I wonder how anyone can support such men who have caused so much catastrophe that only Kissinger could dream of?

Possibly the greatest thread in the history of ATS.

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

I give out the FIRST ever Lord Angus Comedy Award to you!
Congratulations and may you have continued success!

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 07:49 PM
Dick Cheney is Satan period!
Bush is just a moron.

It amazes me how people are like sheep to slaughter.
People in America have mad cow disease. They cant remember anything.

I suggest you do the math before kneeling to your god Cheney!

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

Any president, or member of the federal government who says that the US Constitution is "just a goddamned piece of paper", or who states that being a dictator would make his job easier, does not deserve to be recognized as "possibly the greatest Presidential" representative in history.

And let's not forget that they (Bush/Cheney), and those in their government, had no problems with torture, spying on citizens, losing literally trillions of dollars, invading countries with false evidence, and a healthy assortment of other examples of terrible representation of the people.

These guys were awful. They took a country that was seemingly doing okay and made it a hell of a lot worse. Did they protect us from attacks? Perhaps. But what difference does it make when they basically took a crap on civil liberties and a great deal of the respect that other countries had for the USA.

Can you honestly say that on the day Bush finished up his second term that you felt as good or better about the state of the country than you did on the day before he began? I sure don't, and here's why. Because I no longer feel that I can trust the government to respect my privacy, my right to think of myself, or my right to speak my mind. Now I have to wonder if something as simple as spending time on ATS is going to wind up putting me on some watch list and attach a permanent "terrorist suspect" label to my name. I am more concerned about being harmed by my own government than I am by an actual terrorist who is motivated by religion or hate for Americans. And that worrying on my part began while Bush and his buddies were in office.

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 09:35 AM
Originally posted by John_Q_Llama
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

Any president, or member of the federal government who says that the US Constitution is "just a goddamned piece of paper", or who states that being a dictator would make his job easier, does not deserve to be recognized as "possibly the greatest Presidential" representative in history.

He was joking. Dont you know a joke when you see one? Obviously Not!

These guys were awful. They took a country that was seemingly doing okay and made it a hell of a lot worse. Did they protect us from attacks? Perhaps. But what difference does it make when they basically took a crap on civil liberties and a great deal of the respect that other countries had for the USA.

Can you honestly say that on the day Bush finished up his second term that you felt as good or better about the state of the country than you did on the day before he began? I sure don't, and here's why. Because I no longer feel that I can trust the government to respect my privacy, my right to think of myself, or my right to speak my mind. Now I have to wonder if something as simple as spending time on ATS is going to wind up putting me on some watch list and attach a permanent "terrorist suspect" label to my name. I am more concerned about being harmed by my own government than I am by an actual terrorist who is motivated by religion or hate for Americans. And that worrying on my part began while Bush and his buddies were in office.

Well I started feeling the way you describe here not long after Obama and his Gestapo took office.

Bush did what he did to open up prosecution on terrorists and I dont really see where anyone who was just a regular American citizen went to jail because of the Patriot Act. Can you?

[edit on 5/29/2009 by justsomeboreddude]

[edit on 5/29/2009 by justsomeboreddude]

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by justsomeboreddude
reply to post by dariousg

Ok then so what happened. Are you going to tell me that truckload after truckload of explosives were carried into those buildings, put in place, wired together, etc and no one noticed? Do you know you dont just plant explosives to bring down a building in a controlled manner. You have to cut the supports in strategic places and weaken the structure as needed. So there were people in there blow torching and crushing concrete and nobody noticed?

So give me your theory on how it transpired. You know the right theory.

[edit on 5/27/2009 by justsomeboreddude]

You obviously have NOT done your research. Or if you have you have NOT looked at it with an open mind. There are MANY instances of the buildings being worked on and shut down for 'maintenance'. There are links between demo companies that held the contract for this 'maintenance'. It's out there. There are MANY MANY threads on this site that show these links.

What you are suggesting is that one day, in a 24 hour period, 25 dump trucks pulled up to the WTC and off loaded explosives. Why didn't someone see this?

Well, because it wasn't DONE ALL AT ONCE. Seriously dude, you are making arguments that have been destroyed over and over with decent evidence.

Just because 25 trucks didn't show up all at once with explosive symbols on the front of them does NOT mean it didn't happen. It just didn't happen the way YOU are trying to portray. Just like with the '3D hologram' theory. You are selecting the most ludicrous parts of an agrument to try and make your view stronger. Not working. There were MANY opportunities to have access to these buildings.

Oh yeah, I bet you are one who also believes that a new phenomenon of physics brought WTC 7 down too? Yup, you say we'll believe that the government is responsible for everything (yet another attempt to take things to the extreme to make others look the fool) but then you are taking the opposite stance in stating that everything they are telling us is the truth.

You need to wake up. Or, as some have stated on here, maybe you are awake and fully aware of what you are doing. That you know the governments story of what happened is a complete farce filled with hundreds of holes but you are simply doing your job.

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by justsomeboreddude
reply to post by Syrus Magistus

No one gets drug before the Nuremborg court unless they loose. Cmon, dont you think if we lost WW2 they wouldnt have tried and convicted Truman for nuking Japan TWICE! Everyone knows War Crimes only get applied to the loosers. Its not about justice. Its about punishing you for being a LOOSER!

Holy crap! A bit of logic from you. I'm actually flabbergasted. I don't really know what to say. I actually never thought I would say this but you actually have stated something that makes sense.

Yes, history is also written by the winners thus meaning that the history of why we invaded Iraq will be written in a light that will ignore all of the evidence. The history of how we, the U.S. funded the very terrorists we are saying attacked us on September 11th. We have re-written that too.

So, I agree with you. You only lose if you lose. But have we really won these wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? In the world's eyes have we?

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 10:58 AM

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by johnlock

I'm out of order, your out of order, the whole ATS is out of order. What do you think if you say it enough times and make it stand out it makes it true?


I fought my way off of hold! Just because you are so blind with hate and fear of the NWO, you throw accusations at me. I only stated that Bush/Cheney are one of the greatest presidential teams in the history of the USA! Its my opinion. I didnt say you had to agree with me. I am not like you. I let other people have a different opinion than mine without hating them for it. So which one of us is a child?

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 11:49 AM
****** STOP ********

The Childish name calling and bickering.

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 12:01 PM

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by justsomeboreddude
Originally posted by John_Q_Llama
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

He was joking. Dont you know a joke when you see one?

I certainly know a joke when I see one. The problem with Bush was that I never knew if he was joking or being himself. I know that sounds insulting, but let's face it, the guy said a lot of things that didn't exactly reflect intelligence. And furthermore, to say that claiming the Constitution is a just a piece of paper is a pretty idiotic joke in my opinion. Especially when you consider just how many people take that document very seriously. It is, after all, part of what this country was founded upon.

Originally posted by justsomeboreddude
Originally posted by John_Q_Llama
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

Well I started feeling the way you describe here not long after Obama and his Gestapo took office.

Bush did what he did to open up prosecution on terrorists and I dont really see where anyone who was just a regular American citizen went to jail because of the Patriot Act. Can you?

I'm not sure what you mean by "regular American citizen", but yes, there have been Americans who were imprisoned as being suspects for aiding terrorists. I'll see if I can find some names and links, but at the moment the names aren't coming to mind.

Regardless of that, however, I feel no differently under Obama than I did while Bush was president. Bush implemented many things such as the Patriot Act and did away with Habeus Corpus. Many civil rights were handicapped in the name of national security while under the guise of protecting Americans. But those same changes can be used against Americans as well. Don't be fooled by the lip service given by the administration when they state that this is about the war on terror. It might be, but the power granted has a scope far bigger than merely snooping on these so-called terror suspects. The average Joe Blow can now be spied upon and detained without being charged or given due process.

I'm not doing to disagree with what you're saying about Obama. He has certainly not made me feel any better about my personal security when it comes to potential attacks. But he hasn't made me feel any worse than I did before he stepped into the White House. Bush laid a lot of the foundation for what Obama is doing now, and I'm sure we'll see much more from Obama as he continues to take advantage of Bush's efforts. All in the name of national security. Regardless of the cost paid by the American citizen in the form of freedoms, privacy, and peace of mind.

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by justsomeboreddude
I hear many people bash the Bush admin for its handling of terrorism. Did you ever stop to think that maybe he saved the country by taking the fight to the enemy?

Excuse me? The enemy got away. And no, Iraq wasn't involved with 9/11 either.

This thread screams FAIL.

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 01:17 PM
This thread should be locked.

You can't seriously sit here and tell me bush was a good president.

Once he got in office HELL BROKE LOOSE

9/11 Attack
War in Afghanistan
War in Iraq
The biggest recession in over 20 years
Goverment torture that has never been seen in a long time.
Constant Lies to the American people.
Bankruptcy of major companies in the USA.
Giving USA the worst reputation ever.
Thousands of innocent lives died for oil , power and money.

Just be lucky he is not in jail for all the # he put us threw in the past 9 years.

Half the world despises us thanks to that moron.

want me to keep going ? ...

I'm not saying obama is any better. We still have to find out, he hasn't been in office for 1 year yet.

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 03:26 PM
The Bush/Cheney connection led a biblical crusade against a country that did not attack the United States and a country that did not have weapons of mass destruction. They alienated their allies, most notably the Europeans and failed to mention Saudi Arabia's connection in all of this, as the hijackers were all Saudis, apparently. I don't even watch American news any more as all you hear about is "Terrorist" or "Terrorism" - its the word of the day, every day.

Face the facts, like George Carlin said, it's all bulls**t!

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 04:35 PM
Having read the OP and finding that i disagree with the opinion, i must ask how you feel about my opinion below in relation to your POV with regards to Bush/Chaney and their administration, being a new memeber i am unable to post a new thread, as i would have done so with the following as the OP, however i feel it is relevant to your OP:

Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban - Possibly the best Terrorists in the world?

So, i was thinking that Osama Bin Laden and his boys in the Taliban surely must be the best terrorists around if we are to belive the official 9/11 story?

Where by which 19 so called extremist muslims managed to hijack 4 US passenger airlines including passengers, with plastic knives and box cutters (stanley knives to us in the UK), bypassed the US air defense systems with these hijacked planes, managing to not be blown out of the sky and then initiating physics defying manouvers with at least three of these planes which supposedly penatrated and brough down two of the largest buildings in Manhattan, as well as infiltrating the most heavily protected air space in the world and then colliding with the global spire of military power, being the pentagon.

Not to mention that some of these supposed hijackers also managed to abscond from these planes prior to impact, accidently dropping their passport (at least in one FACTUAL case) or bandana before departing to their home countries, as some have been proved to be alive.

Also lets no discount Osama Bin Ladens amazing ability at not being deemed to be responsible for the attacks as far as the FBI are officialy concerned where by which they do not have him on their 10 most wanted people list, not forgetting his ability to evade the empirical strong arm of the american military by hiding in some supposed cave, skills and abilities Sadam could only have wished he possesed.

I must appluad this marvelous mastery of terror and bow before their excellence.

Thoughts please in relation to the OP:

[edit on 29-5-2009 by wotjaban meefo]

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 10:48 PM
Dear Just someboreddude,

Since you are compiling a list of worthy patriots from the previous administration, I feel you'd be remiss to not include Condi and Scooter.

Two more deserving of lofty accolades. (Or as I prefer to call them.....the gallows.)

Keep up the great work of single handedly giving credit where credit is due.


[edit on 29-5-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 10:54 PM
I think Justsomeboreddude is actually George W. Bush in disguise. OMG George Bush posts on ATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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