I came across this article
Both images where uploaded to the MUFON website anonymously. So be cautious about this. Although i understand the reasons for anonymity, it gives
little credence to the pictures. The pictures are said to be showing the inside of an UFO.
I myself found them very compelling and i will describe them for you.
This is picture one:
This is picture two:
Here follows my description, you might at first not understand the pictures, but read my analysis and you will see very clear what they are supposed
to be.
First One:
You are looking to the left shoulder and the back of a bare skinned "figure". You can see the neck in the right upper corner. Notice that it looks
like you can see where the armpit is and that makes is a very weird out of porportion figure.
The lighter blue in the picture is probably just light, blurry background. And it looks the black pointy thing is something the figure holds in his
right hand. It is not a part of the background.
Second photo:
Same skin like texture as in first photo in the lower part of the picture.
The texture with vertical lines is pretty clearly a trouser. You can see the folds and a second leg with clear stitching.
Of both pictures this is the most interesting one.
The skin texture seems to be reflective and we can see a reflection of the photographer in the middle on the reflective 'skin'.
The reflection seems to be a typical grey alien, face in light, large eyes and shape.
Now, of course i did some further analysis of the pictures. To see if there is more information. I just fiddled with brightness in the second picture.
Then you can clearly see that in photo two, it is definitely an arm. There are muscles and you can see them clearly.
Also you can see a 'hand' also showing as reflection with brightness full open. I don't know about your skin, but my skin is not that reflective.
I tried to get back to true colour but it looks like that's impossible. So i'm not sure if it was a filter later applied to the photo's or it was
the environment light when the pictures where taken. Also note: Blue light makes veins disappear or very hard to see. It's not wanted in an research
environment where your subject is a living human. So i find it very Odd, to say the least, that we find this inside an UFO, i can't think of an
explanation for this.
example of my true colour experiment:
(removed blue in selective colour in PScs3, then magenta, then red)
In Conclusion:
I think they look very real. First the randomness of the pictures, no subject, no orientation, just like a toddler with a camera. Second the strange
anatomic features, the long neck, the weird shoulder blade, muscles in the arm and the reflectiveness of the skin. Third The reflection in the arm in
the second picture tells a thousand words.
If this was faked, think of a setting that you need to fake this. Why would you go to the trouble of making such an elaborate setting, to create such
crappy photo's and turn them blue as an added bonus, then upload them anomalously. That's a bit over creative.
Feel free to correct me where you see fit.