posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:47 PM
I will check in here. I too have seen alternate versions of myself, and have met people, and had things happen that convinced me beyond doubt. I had a
lady friend once that I was really hot for, and she for me. The night before we were to consummate, I had a dream that I was being tortured by guards
of some kind, then thrown into darkness. When I say her later the next day, she began to tell me she had a dream, that we were lovers and had gotten
caught, and that I had been killed! A shiver went through me when she said this. We remained friends until she died, and "it" never happened.
I first met my present wife when she was 15 years old, and worked with my daughter. She told my daughter that she knew me from another lifetime, and
that we had been in love, but it had been cut short because we were killed in a car wreck. I didn't think much of this at the time, but years later
when she abruptly left her husband and came to move in with me like it was the most natural thing in the world convinced me. We have been together for
over 5 years now, and love each other to death, even though there are many years between our ages.
I can remember some events from past lives too, put all of this together, and this is why I think like I do about reincarnation.