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9/11 News is Being Buried

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posted on May, 25 2009 @ 06:15 PM
An article that appeared Friday, May 22, 2009 in Keene, New Hamphsire's The Keene Sentinel newspaper website:

9/11 news is being buried

Published: Friday, May 22, 2009

Another group of scientists has found evidence of explosives in the dust at ground zero, 9/11.

Big news?

Actually it isn’t news at all. Hasn’t been covered. One might expect calls far and wide for a public investigation by qualified scientists to examine whether the findings are accurate. Yawn.

There is a lot of interest on the Internet, among people who don’t take a paycheck from corporate media. There is interest among ex-CIA, military, pilots, architects, engineers, physicists, demolition experts, metallurgists, academics and so on.

But not a peep from corporate media. We know corporate media are obtuse propagandists for corporate interests like the treasonous illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq. They love that shock and awe. It’s good TV.

They are enemies of democracy and friends of wealth. Does The Sentinel know that the work of these scientists is “cartoonish”? How do you know?

I say, prove it.

Prove the scientists are wrong, or that there is ambiguity.

Recognize the gravity of the implications. Respect the sincerity of the scientists. Report the news.


Tom Rogers was referring to this peer-reviewed paper published April 2009 in the Open Chemical Physics Journal:

Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe

[edit on 25-5-2009 by _BoneZ_]

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 06:21 PM
Disgusting, utterly disgusting.

If the evidence found isn't conspiracy enough, the suppression of it by the mass media is.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 06:30 PM
Y'know, maybe we should just give up on this one and keep our mouths shut, before someone comes along and shuts them for us. Those who don't know yet won't beleive this insane of a story anyway. the USA blew up its own financial center and its base of military operations, suuuuuree buddy. There were explosions heard in the WTC by fire fighters and maintenence, explosive thermate found by scientists studying the rubble. Naw, it's nut job truthers. Oh, the Govt milked it to the tune of three trillion dollars?, naw, we need to fight the terrorsts. The USA trains the terrorists, naw, the terrorists are bad for agreeing to do it. The CIA trained Usama Bin Ladin to fight the soviets in Afghanistan in the 80's, there's pictures of Rumsfeld with Usama. Naw, can't be.

[edit on 25-5-2009 by dashen]

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by dashen
Y'know, maybe we should just give up on this one and keep our mouths shut, before someone comes along and shuts them for us. Those who don't know yet won't beleive this insane of a story anyway. the USA blew up its own financial center and its base of military operations, suuuuuree buddy. There were explosions heard in the WTC by fire fighters and maintenence, explosive thermate found by scientists studying the rubble. Naw, it's nut job truthers. Oh, the Govt milked it to the tune of three trillion dollars?, naw, we need to fight the terrorsts. The USA trains the terrorists, naw, the terrorists are bad for agreeing to do it. The CIA trained Usama Bin Ladin to fight the soviets in Afghanistan in the 80's, there's pictures of Rumsfeld with Usama. Naw, can't be.

[edit on 25-5-2009 by dashen]

Yeah its a real shame but I think what you said above is spot on. My question is, can those who try to derail the evidence found by these scientists/archetects/engineers/etc. really deny what happened once they have seen said evidence for themselves?

To the OP, the guy who wrote this is a ballsy genius if you ask me. He is speaking the absolute truth, and his article SHOULD be shown on every MSM news station out there. It won't of course, but how many people do you suppose visit that web page, and read the article? Obviously you found it, but is it fairly popular?

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by P1DrummerBoy

I found the article posted at another forum and thought I'd post it here. The more that see it, the more that wake up. It may not be a popular paper, but articles like this get spread around fast.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 03:26 PM
No one talks then everyone walks away.
Rules to play by.
But I didn't see the 911 report even though it might have been
online at one time and perhaps thought it might bee too big
and not go into areas of questioning I might be concerned with.

I mean how can you refute the discovery of all the hijackers ids.
They found all their ids and case closed.

And one id flew out of the towers plane but nothing else.

One big media story fairy tale Disney would be proud of.

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