posted on May, 1 2004 @ 09:31 PM
By the year 2100 we will see many technological achievements, the greatest of which will come from the war in Iraq, and whatever major conflict that
comes thereafter.
Such things will include :
- Anti-gravity components/generators. First in the use of Naval ships, then public ships, cars, planes, space vehicles, etc.
- Technologies to help repair the environment-- air clensing, water clensing, chemical breakdown techniques for nuclear waste
- A global network, either through the implementation of electrical components or through the altering of the human body via technology, to allow
inter-personal communication without the need of exerted energy to use the technology(ies)
- Revival of Cryogenic patients, and the cloning/reproduction of important historical figures (those that have leftover DNA still retained)
- Genetic altering, custom-created children (this technology exists, but is not fully implemented as of yet)
- Personal transports to outside our atmosphere, into space.